Party in 514 Sergeys room
Who else is here?
big announcements coming next week
don't miss the Mobi train, do not stay poor user
Shutup bot
pls don't annoy Sergey, it's hard for him as it is, autists stalking his every move and whatnot
Is the schedule that's been floating around here real or fake?
"The Bitcoin Ethereum".
I'm laughing out loud here.
yo ill meet u there op
heres the details, sirgay sauceday
so i saw the burger trying to checkin but they didnt have his resversation, they setup him up next to the ice machine though
this thread is so autistic it hurts
you chainlink fags are weird. fapping on magazines of your whale crush
is that you Nazarov?
no, Nazarov is at McDonalds
putin the burger on ice, eh?
>implying I want to be in Sir Gay's room
OP is a fag
>OP is a fag
circle jerk is happening but i brought up that i owned some mobius and he kicked me out ;/
make sure to live stream his talk to us.
Will this be Sbos all over again?
ill be sure to keep you guys up to date with the shitshow. Def will post video of his 5 min whitepaper read.
>Will this be Sbos all over again?
my concern with link is that the team involved are running algos that PnD to finance overheads. That alone will fuck links value
thanks user.
You should get Sergey to sign your Big Mac.
Hwut? algorithms for pnd?
Dude has like two shirts. That's the kind of single-minded autism I like to invest in.
SirGay here I can confirm that is not my room it is 337 come by for some free link
That's some impressive dedication
Is link this Friday or on Sunday? Answer me nigger