IOTA can do transactions cheaper and faster than LTC. How is Litecoin not dead already?
good bait, should have done it with chainlink instead for maximum butthurting
But what does Litecoin bring to the table, that IOTA can't do better? IOTA is supposedly even going to add some smart contract capabilities at some point down the road.
nice bait Ill respond. Does IOTA have a working product? No. Fuck off. Litecoin is one of the best coins out there.
ADA seems promising, but is far from ready still, no? Are there any important deadlines that I should know about? Also, when are tokens going to be released on it?
IOTA has code that will end up deleting all of IOTA though. IOTA is literally the worst coin in teh top 20.
Litecoin is just Bitcoin's test server
Well put. It really does seem like it. Litecoin is 95% Bitcoin and with another name, which makes it far less valuable.
When mainnet for Waltonchain comes out they can do all that IOTA dreams about doing. A fully decentralized scalable blockchain that connect to all real life things trough patented RFID. People will wake up, and iota will die.
what are you two talking about? Litecoin is only legitimate fork of Bitcoin. No shit that its 95% Bitcoin, everybody knows that. Let me remind you that Bitcoin is still King and if BTC remains king it is inevitable that LTC will be 1/4 of Bitcoins price. Litecoin works smooth today and is not years away (if lucky) from working product like IOTA and ADA is. You literally cant fud Litecoin.
IOTA team is retarded, but FUCK that chink bastard.
>Copy BTC
>Add 2.5min block time
>Copy every new feature BTC comes up with
>Tell people LTC is silver to BTC gold
>Push dying coin to coinbase by doing inside trading
>Do LITERALLY same thing as BTC
>Stillact like its anything other then pure shitcoin
>Sell at ath
>Dump it
Why would I fcking use LTC if its literal copy of BTC?
IOTA dev being a dick as always.
Invest in NANO instead.
How does wallet work, u keep keys...ahhh nah, dis not how it works, nah mmm sayin...
for transfers and small payments
IOTA is fucking dogshit, I don't know who the fuck even buys that shit. Doesn't even fucking work.
I see there being a point for both to exist today. People speculating on which will survive. But when actual adoption comes, there will be no need for 2 almost identical protocols to be widely adopted.
That is, if Litecoin were to push off in a whole new direction from BTC, which hasn't happened and there are no news of it being the case.
And why cant BTC do that? After LN, whats the point of LTC? Ignoring the fact that there are faster coins out there one way or the other...but why?
Litecoin doesnt need to push in different direction. In case of actual adoption BTC wont be used much, only for huge transactions, in 10 years only true patricians will have BTC on their hands and there are not many bitcoins. Litecoin is doing its job today and will do the same in 10 years, only the price will be much higher, assuming BTC remains King.
Because it is expensive and slow thing to do with BTC. LN comes to LTC as well. Litecoin is much much closer to mainstream addoption than any other ''faster'' coin. As I said before. if bitcoin remains King, Litecoin will follow.
No one even defending LTC with any arguments here is weird/telling. Seeing that it is the #5 crypto at the moment, there must be someone who should be able to tell, how BTC and LTC are not directly competing.
What is the use for Bitcoin then??? If Litecoin will be possible to use for small and big value payments easily, why should BTC be a thing. Or are you saying that LTC can't be a "store of value" the same way as BTC can be? What part of the LTC tech prevents that?
And why should BTC remain the king if its literal copy is faster and cheaper? This is how I know most of crypto is full of shit.
>Fork shitcoin
>Make copy shitcoin slightly faster then original shitcoin
>Adopt every feature BTC introduces
>Claim it will be used for transaction because people wont want to spend BTCs
Jesus fcking christ...
first you compare LTC with IOTA and now you're asking what's the use for BTC, you should understand that if you are here. About store of value thing, BTC is best at this because it is truly decentralised, it has no CEO, it belongs to only those who hold it. While LTC has an autist CEO who fucks with price after every word he says. You get me?
BTC and LTC go hand in hand. Most trading pairs are with BTC, so if u wanna invest in the space u need BTC. If you want to transfer between exchanges, it's better to do with litecoin because it's cheaper and faster. Basically all exchanges support LTC, so it's better than some less established coin. As BTC grows, LTC will grow, but also LTC relative to BTC should grow to almost 0.25 BTC per LTC, because of the supply. Now it's at about 0.02 so there's plenty of room for LTC to grow.
it is not literal copy. There are differences that change alot, DYOR.
> btc/ltc working product ready for end customer
> experimental, non working shit not syncing ppl using money
drop me a note when you've got your shit together