I’m 19, supporting myself and saved 2k wage cucking and deciding to get into crypto, can you guys shill a good crypto I can go into. Something than can go 10x or more. Please and thank you.
I’m 19, supporting myself and saved 2k wage cucking and deciding to get into crypto...
NULS, XBY, NEO, NAS and you will be fine
NEO is a pretty safe bet
Digibyte, no troll, youll see at end of march
top lel at these recommendations.
find a good ICO, do your research on a project with good leaders and a use case you think is realistic.
LINK/REQ high risk, or a low mcap coin like UFR or something.
you will be shilled endless shitcoins and somewhat less shitty coins who will nonetheless amount to little
some of them might even pump to x10, but your odds are roughly the same as online gambling
if you want to build capital, put your money in ETH and wait
don't try to time the highs and lows, don't panic if it dips by 50%. never realise a loss, just wait for a profit
do yourself a favor and screencap this post so even if you end up falling for some shitcoin instead, a few years down the line you can look at this, see where you went wrong and change your next decisions accordingly
Whats your job user
DCR. will take a long time. don't fall for shit
i agree with NEO, but also look up GRS
Buy and hold NEO. Don't try to day trade unless you know wtf you're doing.
NEO is an excellent swinger bra
Universa is like a cardano that actually delivers, main net is scheduled to be live in q1. They also have the best shills in crypto on their team and a X10 will still mean they're at 20% of Cardano's cap.
Fabric Token is a super unshilled coin in ICO at the moment with a low cap and much better Devs/roadmap than their expensive competitors from blockcat. Reminds me of QRL that went unnoticed and x10-ed immediately after ICO.
You're gonna make it, non-NEET independent user, I know you will...
heard DYOR is about to moon
>never realize a loss
t. no understanding of opportunity cost
I sold fucking potcoin at a loss to buy xlm, and it mooned right after
Meanwhile just look at the digimarines
I work at a gym and I serve tables, whatever pays the bills at the moment. Both parents are deceased and I lived with my grandparents since I was 17 and got my own place since then. Scraped up 2k and hoping crypto can be my savior.
I was thinking about eth but it’s alrready at 1k... think I missed the boat on this one.
I’m heavily invested in VeChain but OMG is a good bet too.
Almost everyone on this board will lie to you, so please take it all with a grain of salt and do your own research. I sincerely and genuinely hope you make it, but a lot of people (maybe myself included) don’t know what they’re talking about. Use this as just one of many resources to research what to put your money into.
But he doesnt waaaaant to do woooooork
Thanks user, im aware crypto is a gamble but I will do my research on all these recommendations.
How do I DMOR
TRON! All on Tron. Trust, you won't be left disappointed.
A lot people say it’s a shit coin
I started in Jan of this year, OP.
We're late to party. Late as fuck. But one advantage to that is there are lots of existing resources to learn successful trading habits. Learn as much as you can, from as my sources as you can.
Will do user, thank you
>implying anyone on this "Buy high, post wojack low" board understands basic economics.
When the fucking day trade threads have the most realistic advice that should tell you something.
jnt no joke like 80M marketcap in baby pants still
VEN and/or OMG are pretty quality bets. But don't buy them until the price goes DOWN. It sounds counter-intuitive but when the price is rising is when people to tend to panic and buy in only to have the price drop like a stone. Buy low, sell high, and best of luck to you.
How's your relationship with your grandparents user? If you're super tight with them how feasible is moving back in with them? Saving an assload on rent and going hard in crypto (this year is probably the last shot to make it big) can pay off huge and you can pay them back with your profits.
I'm personally won't invest in it, because I sold my soul already to the the evil tyrannical ETH cult. Buterin is the Adolf Hitler of crypto. But the chink VeChain will make your rich, basically it's a covert chink Commie found state project destined to succeed.
all these brainlets recommending NEO when OP specifically asked for a 10x or more.
Granted he didn't give a timeframe but that's like hoping for a 100k Bitcoin. It might eventually happen but we are in a despair to get BTC hit even that 20k.
They say that about every coin. Tron will be the crypto of China in 5 years.
Buy BTC, now is a decent time, but don't buy alts yet. Read "Cryptoassets - The innovative Investor's guide to Bitcoin and beyond", you can find it out there if you don't want to buy it. Then read whitepapers, lurk and learn. Mostly it's about patience.
> Just tell me a coin!
LINK, if it fails at least you'll have company. You may have to wait for a long time though.
I like your story, OP.
NEO is still the safest hold. ELF is up there too right now for stability.
DERO is Baby Monero. It's risky but unlisted and good volume. Could be a homerun one day if you stock up cheap now.
VEN has the best partnerships out of any project right now. Anyone who disagrees is trying to fuck you over. Once they convert to VET, it'll become its own NEO-esque platform.
Don't buy shitcoin fads like TRX or FUN. Buy stuff that could survive a crash. ELF is a good example.
Be safe and good luck.
I’m in good terms with them but they live in a different state, would be a hassle for me to leave my life here to live with them.
>Telling him to buy neo with 2k
I see those NEO bags are getting heave kek
Try TheKey I will give it a shoot too. You should check websites like cryptobriefing.com to do your research on coins. Also be careful with the exchanges and wallets. You should buy trezor to store your keys safetly. Everybody here is hyping Vechain at first I fell for it but now it's starting to be suspicious... Be careful.
Put 75% in VEN and 25% in MAN. Thank me later.
Bitbay, new GUI soon.
Plus I've read that people aren't happy with Vechain peoole are saying that Vechain first started as a coin to buy luxury goods but with the new revamp with the Thorpower shit people are confused as it seems it's a coin for warcraft or some weird videogame not a luxury coin. That's why it's not mooning. They fucked up with the rebranding.
wishing you the best my dude
KEY SelfKey
ADB Adbank (A touch below ICO price)
FOTA Fortuna (a touch above ICO right now)
IDH Indahash (just started bouncing back)
All risky moves but you are young you can afford the risk