Who IS he?


A tool of God, just as the Bogs are tools of Satan.

>money is worthless to sminem
>every dollar he touches instantly vanishes, even the bogs can't recreate it
>sminem only values life
>flowers represent life to sminem
>sminem started tulip mania in 1636

WHO is he?


I all growed up naow!


OK Seriously, I think I got Mandala-effect'd into this new universe where Sminem is a popular meme here. I've been here since August and have only been seeing him the last few weeks, but knowyourmeme says he's been a Veeky Forums meme forever.

The guy who did this

the architect of your destruction.

can you guys stop making this guy a meme its sad

go back to your soyjak containment thread



Why is it sad?
Its not even a rude meme.

He's the largest whale manipulating bitcoin prices. He's worth 1.2b

you’re sad u faggot kys sminem is a GOD

He's the Belarusian kid who pushes carts at your local Walmart. When on break, he crouches in his tracksuit next to the garden center and smokes Natural American Spirits. He probably has a GF, they probably attend a local Slavic Babtist Church, she probably dresses like a prostitute. One of his front teeth is brown. He's uncircumcised. He's living the American dream.

I'm here since June (spend here many hours daily), literally the first time I started seeing Sminem here was in the recent weeks.

>In early 2018, Sminem grew into an unofficial mascot for Veeky Forums’s Veeky Forums board
You cocksucker, it's literally written on the knowyourmeme faggy site.

sminem has been around for a while

obviously a shitty life

Nice try Menims, didn't know they have internet in prison, hahahaha, Sminem put you in jail and now youre salty that you can't crash the market anymore

Sminem has been around for a while, but only recently people started posting him. I have proof of me sminem posting on Jan 3.

pink wojak on the guy in the boat and it's 10/10, although Sminem is a savior not a destroyer

is sminem a bubble?

You're insulting sminem. What are your sources ?

The Angel of Crypto.

HINT: Those 4million "lost" bitcoins aren't really lost

He's the bull that saves Veeky Forums

Here's a quick rundown:
>Father was a bull, mother was a wood elf, hence his likeness
>Literally descended from Asgard
>Prophecies foretold of his coming as the end of the Age of the Bogs
>One of the first to invest in Bitcoin, has acquired immense wealth but won't cash out, because he knows 1 BTC will be worth 100k when fiat becomes worthless
>Discovered wizardry at a young age, hasn't had sex since to retain his great power
>Can manipulate markets by posting cryptic photographs, but unlike the Bogs who have become corrupted by their crypto wealth, he does so with benevolence to the common man
>Simply wearing his pants high casts a spell that makes crypto rise beyond your wildest imagination
>His earthly name "Sminem" is an anagram for a word in a long forgotten ancient tongue that means "bearer of the green flame"
>Green stemmed tulips sprout in his presence, bears try to run from him but are captured by his telekinetic spells, over 500 Bogbears caught so far
>Literally walked into the Fort Knox gold reserve and collected all the gold while the entire security staff was under a spell of paralysis, now has the gold hidden somewhere in Siberia (hence the tensions between the USA and Russia)
>Will lead Earth through a financial revolution and a new age of prosperity the likes of which we could not imagine (think: driving anti-gravity lambos on Mars and beyond)
>At this juncture the entire fate of the world's financial assets depend on his confrontation and eventually battle with the Bogs, but they know they stand no chance against the immense power contained in his left ear alone, so they hide in their fortress in France
>Has cat


the absolute state


Бoи. Кyл.

His hands, fingers, and BTC positions aren't the only thing that's long.

Check out his massive member

I live for this.



A demon.

Our savior.

He is the florida school shooter

wow I thought that spic looked familiar, it's sminem evil twin


Just like King Piccolo he had to discard his evil side to become the Savior of humanity. His dark self is known as Menims and harbors only hatred for mankind

