Let's see if you'll redeem yourself
DIAF scammer
its barely at 9k you guys act like i was btfo and shit hit ath
Kek. God bless you glorious retard. Finally called the top
I unironically buy more every time Omega posts new thread
I Feel like there's literally no better way to determine upswings
Did you finally admit to baiting?
yea i baited you idiots to throw the left jab before i knock your asses out with this btc crash
Lmao you'll still be wrong and btc will jump up to 10k again
wanna bet on it idiot
Green id vs red id
>check em
do the math
Not enough Tethers
This is just getting so sad now. I'm hoping OmegaMaker is just a really dedicated troll.
Just leave omega. It's just embarrassing now
It could but it's going to dip eventually, I have no idea how low though. Maybe it only goes down to 9k and bounces back or maybe we retest 6k support.
Stop acting like you're 100% certain, you're scaring the kids!
people are just afraid of the truth.
What truth is that? That there's a 0% chance we're breaking 8k?
this is getting ridiculous. if this isn't a larp then you're an incredibly sad and pathetic individual. i don't browse Veeky Forums much but every time i do i see a thread by you with some retard prediction that doesn't end up happening. i really hope you find something better to do with your life than trying to get approval on some anonymous fucking imageboard...
don't listen to these faggots omega i believe in you
why? when has he ever been right? he's been saying we're going to 6k for like a week now.
>Bought it at 13k
i dont believe you, show me some meemlines
just look at the price man. even my own pharmacist fomod in the same way she fomod in at 20k. this shit is going to crash hard
no dubs no confirmation sorry
>Hi my name is omega I enjoy getting predictions wrong, sucking cocks, and shoving red dildos in my ass.
Why u keep doing this
You still haven't learned Omega - show us some proof of your short this time I want to see you lose it.
>this anecdotal evidence proves that btc will crash
He's a nocoiner.
Time to buy then
Lmaobyou are btfo you faggot loser
ima even go as far as to say this shit isnt going above 10k again. just shorted with 100x leverage
You are yhe biggest pathetic cunt on this board. Only good to laugh at a few times in a thread but even thats getting a little old. Almost time to start saging
Well that confirms it. Heading past 11k this weekend lol.
prove it fuckboi
I believe bitcoin will crash hard, but I also think crypto will be around unlike other crazy fads like. People keep mocking crypto saying it's just like the dotcom crash, but what they keep forgetting is that some of those sites went on to make millions afterwards and many more new ones became successful too.
I'm not sure when or how exactly to approach this whole deal properly.
If I was smarter, I would have been buying and selling things online while excepting crypto back in 2014 and if I held onto any, I could have made a good deal of money. So I am worried my decision making might be clouded with regret or greed.
Blockchain technology can be free mate that's what you don't understand. It's ground breaking but it can be developed to be very efficient. Sub 1 dollar marketcap
I actually enjoy these threads, hating omegamaker is what keeps the community close
Also it will crash..... all the way to 18K after reaching 30K