Why some of you betas are not getting women

"I have millions but women don't flock to me."

I'm so tired of these threads. Let me give you the red pill so that these threads fucking go away. This will be interference to attracting women (reserved for chads), not buying escorts or sugar daddies (for betas which are unfortunately too many in this thread)

1. If you are short (below 5 8), lower the fuck out of your standards. Whether you have 1 M, 10M, or 100M, you are not getting a 10/10 girl unless you're some famous movie star.

2. The better looking person will ALWAYS have an advantage for you. We are programmed for good faces. So stop complaining if your 9/10 neighbor with a 2k bank account is pulling hotter bitches than you despite you having millions.

3. LIFT FUCKING WEIGHTS. You can never become less attractive lifting weights

4. Start growing some balls and talk to women by simply not putting them on a high pedestal. You're a fucking man and men don't cower under fear of being rejected.

Other urls found in this thread:


t.larping virgin

Chad is only 2.29 ETH on YouCollect.


Also, kill yourself, OP.

I have better info: if you want hot girls (over 25 years old) go to a poor country...you will get (much better looking girls than yourself).

In the rich-west your money matters very little (in comparison to face) and only matters for high-mileage and OLD (30-35) women that either want kinds or a daddy for existing kids.

Looks like the butthurt NEETs being sprinkled with a dose of reality are out in full force already. Hopefully the chads here will understand what I'm talking about.

>for betas which are unfortunately too many in this thread
At the time of you writing that you were the only user ITT.


Damn, I'm 5'7 and I have allways fucked hot bitches (some of them taller than me), I really don't understand those threads. I mean, even after balding I don't really see the difference. The thing is that you need to find women with IQ standads, there are a lot of hot smart bitches (obviously more stupid than you since they are women) who love cultured and deep conversation. You need to be charming and intelligent to get those bitches, I'm not joking.

if you truly a chad, then buy your country at world.youcollect.co

You were probably an anomaly. OP for the most part is right. I have never seen a man shorter than 5'9 with a hot bitch (by hot I mean above 8/10)


Rika is my wife and you have now officially been proven wrong you moran

But if you are ugly AND stupid enough to not seduce a pretty smart woman, kill yourself

You are naive op if you have millions and want easy grills buy a lambo hire a personal trainer hire an social media faggot to tell you how to shill yourself on instagram and tinder rent an appart in a exclusive area and start dating whores on instragram honestly is not worth doing it but then again thats my opinion

If you're ugly, none of that works. You will never see 18-23 year old hot bitches flocking to an ugly guy on instagram with a lot of followers and a public persona. They'll just find someone else who has that but is hotter, or just anyone hotter in general. I used to think like you too.

Case in point: Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor Mcgregor. Mayweather is the ultimate chad and has been more successful. How many hot bitches do you know fawning over him? How many hot bitches do you see fawning over Conor even though he got his ass knocked?
In the millions. Why? Because he's more attractive physically. It's as simple as that.

Not at all, I have allways fucked way more than my attractive and taller friends, but I know a couple guys way uglier than me that also get hot chicks.
The trick is to go to those places where smart woman go like art galleries, jazz concerts etc.
For real, trust me if you are charming enough and you will make it!

You may be fucking way more, but are they more attractive than the girls your taller friends are fucking? I don't mean this in a negative way, but a lot of people just talk about these anecdotes and when you see the 'hot' girls they're referring to, they're a 6 at most.

also the vast majority of guy's can't tell if a guy is attractive or not..simply because they find neoteny to be attractive. A guy can very very aesthetically pleasing but unattractive or average.

Absolutely, hotter girls than my friends, not kidding. Of course I can't go to a disco and fuck a hottie, but that is because I don't have the weapons to seduce her, it's not my thing and I don't really know what to say to a normal chick to impress her. But, my man, smart girls are easy if you know what to do, those girls hate chads.

Where to find smarter girls? Where in the physical world and where online?

Just an example, get a hot chick in a arty cinema place, talk to her about cinema, give her great facts she didn't knew about, make her laugh, redirect the conversation and talk to her about crypto in a non autistic way, BINGO

I have a friend that is literally 5'"7, fat, stupid as fuck, poorly kept, a wigger, and he's 32 and wokring at Winn Dixie and he can fuck basically any girl that he wants.

The kid just give no fucks. Not self conscious at all.

I'm 6'1", college educated, was a professional model for 5 yeas (walked in NYFW and Milan), and I hallways struggled with women. If I wasn't exceptionally goood looking I would be absolutely fucked.

ANyway the point is OP is wrong but you guys still won't be getting laid.

I told you, art galleries, jazz concerts, arty film theaters, poetry bars, these kind of places

I'd bet youre wrong but i dont have millions so we'll never know

I was going to disagree with OP and then I realised I am just above 5ft8 with a banging hot aryan woman and not even 100k to my name

You can do it, faggot!

> thinks he can stop brainlet threads with such sage advice...
good luck chad

Pssh, I've seen how Mayweather gets down first-hand. Mayweather has hot bitches fawning over him AFTER he's gone to jail for knocking bitches out. As long as you're not a complete slob, you'll pull hot chicks all day if you've got money, regardless of how you look.

The sheer delusion.
I see countless "tall" dudes with absolutely dud women beside them every day everywhere I go

In every one of these threads, there’s ALWAYS one example of “my fat friend got a hot girl once, this is all bullshit

There’s always going to be exceptions to the rule

Floyd gets hot bitches too. I could see how Connor may get more, but both at their status and fame are in the only bang 10/10s pool. So it’s all good

You can give a red pill but these threads will never go away

Oh my god you just ended OPs fucking life

Nah, they are both attractive dudes no homo. They both probably have similar levels of groupies.

Nice larp. Let's see that trailer trash try his game on an upper class 9/10. he won't even get past "Hey"

>upper class 9/10

there's your problem, putting bitches on a pedestal.

Some pretty good advice OP

also 5. Get a dick extension

>upper class 9/10
poorfag virgin detected

these faggots will make every excuse to tell themselves its not their own fault.

>The better looking person will ALWAYS have an advantage for you. We are programmed for good faces. So stop complaining if your 9/10 neighbor with a 2k bank account is pulling hotter bitches than you despite you having millions.
if my neighbor is only 10% more physically attractive than me but has a cowardly beta personality, no money, and no fashion sense i bet i'd pull more girls than him.
>too bad he's 20% more attractive than me, rich asf, and oozes undiluted charisma out of every pour of his perfect Aryan skin.
