No matter how much money to accumulate, you will never make it.
You will never be White
But I'm already are.
Literally doesn't matter and nobody cares.
I'd rather have her than anyone white bitch
Not with that grammar, pajeet
I love being a pajeet
i'm the whitest person i've ever met, i sunburn in less than 10 minutes
mwf so white everyone always think I'm sick
>you will never be Japanese nobility
>tfw Italian
So fucking close to being White
I'd cum in her anus
but that pic is a hapa. honorary white, i agree, but still
Blue eyed blond here. Skin doesn't matter. Only money and dicksize.
there are a lot of wealthy dudes who could prove you wrong on the dick size requirement
if i saw a girl like this irl i'd ask her to marry me on the spot
and they're getting cucked
and risks getting shot on the streets, i will stay asian so no thanks.
she kinda looks like Nekolukka
Neither will you, goblino.
jokes on you, my maternal grandfather’s name was literally Adolph
She's cute.
I'll take the BBC gene instead.
Whiter than you, nigger.
I actually think Asians have it easier. They're smart and a good work ethic is ingrained into their traditions. And they can generally stay low-key. I mean with all this shit going on over the past few years with nazis and black lives matter and spics getting deported, you never fucking hear about Asians. They're just quietly being successful.
>oy vey roundeye, we's good bois
lol not rly
Half White, half Ashkenazi here
I've already made it. Beautiful human being with superior IQ.
I agree user, instaproposal with a girl like that
The Ashkenaz are white.
what a pathetic post
What a pathetic board. Be your own man.
Bitch my results says I'm 83% white. Get on my level.
And then your children will look nothing like you and your possible boys will be low testo beta weaklings
>be the darkest nigger south of the sahara
>check white every time im asked what my race is
theres literally nothing you can do to stop me
Well, chances are that if they want Asian chicks in the first place, they're 100% sure to be low testo beta weaklings. Both parents will pass that trait down
>tfw 100% Scandinavian
That feel when not 100% pure Finn
on the contrary
>tfw user falls for DNA ancestry meme
italians are basically white man u'll b right
false, I'm high test beta weakling
got my test measured, above average
>straight white male from an English speaking 1st world country
Anglo(~76%) and Northern European(18%) make up 93% of my DNA with ~>6% Spanish ancestry
Feels good man
Italians and Irish were allowed into the US back when we were an ethnostate.
Feels real good.
I'm a RL zombie don't show empathy lead those lying shits into war it's what they deserve
Asians don't meddle in low-IQ nonsense.
pure blooded aryan here
grandfather was in hitler youth
great grandfather decorated veteran that fought in both world wars (two iron crosses)
she looks so beautiful i hope one day i could find a girl as beautiful as she is
I salute you sir
I'm white (Canadian) and I actually have no problem with non-whites I just don't want them living near me. Chinks, pajeets, mudslimes, nigs etc....simply do not belong in western society but i totally don't mind wtf they are up to in their own shithole countries
>Completely Irish, with a patriarchal blood line going back to the first King of Munster.
Italians are the first to burn rapefugee camps
keep the fire going, lad
you're a fag for being proud of something you had no control over. get some real accomplishments
>not realizing that genes don't matter at all.
It's all about what time the woman gets pregnant.
>the astrological sign
>simply do not belong in western society
says the mong living in a different continent
True. God gypped by bringing me into this world as a brown Mexican. I want a reroll.
>y-you are n-not white
geee i wonder who could be behind this post
>hurr durr you should have no pride in your heritage
fuck off kike
no pics m8 sorry
likewise friend
if you cant see the blue veins under your wrist you're not white
Only Anglos are white.
tfw jew. can be white if i want, but jew when i have something to gain by it
feels so good ruining the goyums country's
lol a basement nazi
people like you get ridiculed on a daily basis in my first world country, which happens to be Austria
every righttard gets obliterated by proper newspapers
A fucking leaf
>jew media shits on patriots
well colour me surprised user
>descending from people who have been cucked by Brits for centuries
there's actually a little truth to this, being born early in the year is a huge advantage in school and in sports
imagine having almost a year over kids born in december when you're 6 yrs old, your brain and body are more developed, you'll do better and be more likely to be fastlaned into special classes, confidence will be high, relatively good at sports, in short they're more likely to become a chad
is she japanese? who is she
of course the opposite is true, being born later in the year is a vicious cycle to becoming the virgin
Did you really pay $74 for this?!
>everything is ruled by secret jewish groups
put down the tinfoil hat
>No matter how much money to accumulate, you will never make it.
Thank God I'm White.
Waiting on my 23andme
Fuck they take so long
>muh tinfoil
>media and banking is not run by jews
sure m8
go back to sleep
>whites are totally superior to jews
>jews still run and own everything because reasons
That's Jidf, no one is that blue pilled
wierd that i havent met a single jewish person despite working for the largest financial institute in my country
they are pretty good at hiding themselves arent they?
You are aware the western world includes Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand as well as Europe eh?
>He doesn't know about their shape shift tactics
You know they take goy names to be crypto Jews , right? Changing names is but one thing they do and do so frequently.
so you do acknowledge that jews run everything yes?
funny how predictable you fags are in your arguments
no i'm just making fun of your beliefs. too bad those pure aryan genes made you a paranoid schizo
>what is a crypto jew
This. When I go on a drive and have my arm resting on the open window, I get burnt. Shit's retarded.
These redd*tors need 101 on the JQ
you can easily verify yourself that the biggest media corps and banking institutions in the world are run by jews. its not even up to debate.
but frankly I dont care what you believe so keep projecting your ignorance on others.
But I am a white cis heterosexual male of upper-middle class with university studies and having doubled my money in crypto in just a month... should I just quit?
it doesnt include papua new guinea brainlet.
it does include japan and south korea though
why would you quit now?
were in for a wild ride user
What is latin america if not western?
It's Latin America. It's not white and not African. Its the intermediary category.
Are you really saying Japan and South Korea are western you fucking mongoloid?
Sure, but I always thought of a western-eastern split, and it made sense to call it western. All countries were colonized and now have western lifestyles anyway.
Good point about Africa though, if we can even call that civilization :^)
Japanese and Koreans are honorary I don't care what you say, fuck you I have the yellow fever!
No one cares racecuck.
Stop trying to cling to the accomplishments of dead men that we're better than you in all ways
You have nothing to do with them other than idol worship. Pathetic.
Mestizos are not white AKA not western
I am a married oldfag. I am super white, my wife is Ukrainian Askenaz. Reform. I celebrate every yid holiday with my inlaws. I live in a mixed goy mixed yid neighborhood. I know a fucking metric ton of Jews. The orthodox, haredi types, do in fact hate your guts. The conservatives don't so much hate you as think you are all basically idiots. Useful idiots. The reform barely know what Judaism is, Judaism is like a gang affiliation for them, they do still think they are ultimately superior to everyone else. But what I have ultimately gleened from all of my yid adventures is that if there is some Zog shit going down, I haven't so much as caught a whif of it.
Thank you creatura
t. de-racinated soyim
why don't you sit on a hot iron?