
>retarded neets who never invested in anything before think this is any different than any financial asset bubble

Other urls found in this thread:

Funny because it's true.


im tethered up and watching from the sidelines waiting for this to turn into wojak city

>these threads no longer necessary

This is the disbelief/return to normal stage
Denial is at 6 on the left


We stopped overlaying them now?


Looks like it's more at the anger phase

Just leaving this here for you boys - you'll need it later...

Why do 90% of you fucking idiots on Veeky Forums think btc is the only crypto?

The new price is almost $10,500 you should update

This is the correct version.

Take me down to pink wojak city where the graphs are red and the coins are shitty

without btc crypto is dead. whenever btc crashes alts crash harder.

Jesus Christ bro if you just bought some crypto instead of being a contrarian dickhead you'd be getting rich instead of salty.

go on margin and put your money where your mouth is.

Because every fucking coin is tied to this dinosaur.

I'm long from 10.1k, bud.

This guy fucks

load up you will be rich.

No coners are the same idiots that will be crying when myspace gets 1 billion users.

It's not too late to sign up yet nospacies.

Alternative social media sites will never take over, they're just slightly better versions of the original.

>the spacie stacy
>the booky becky


Anyone who fails to see the truth behind this is a complete fucking moron. Seriously.

They don't even look anything alike.

You're literally in Denial Stage, its fucking textbook and you're no different than any other bubble investor deluding themselves.

No castie detected.
It's going to 100k this year. So what if no one uses it. I can't imagine another video site taking off. This may be the like the great depression all over again but you just have to find the Fords and Coca Colas of the internet.

>mfw someone sells stock for 50% off

Absolutely it's going to 100k. Right now though, BTC is due for a proper correction before we get there.

you shorted btc, didn't you?

They would rather delude themselves than invest in something that has actual utility, because the reality that they will have to go to work and actually earn a living rather than getting rich off internet monopoly money is too hard to accept.

the real fucking question is why you guys care so much about trying to convince us otherwise


Not much time left to exit guys

Denial and lack of acceptance


I’ve spent way too much time writing code to give this trading bot away for free. You will make minimum 10% daily, or you can have your money back. Only 10 downloads available on here before my website goes live next week and prices increase 10x. Email for your review is in the box


>brainlet logic
bot will make you 10% a day but you need to solicit sales of bot to make $$

Well at least this info graphic got one thing right if you pay any attention to it.

The more bear threads there are the more I feel like we are out of the woods for now. These are literally people who are rabidly waiting to buy at a lower price so why should the price go down for them? The market's just going to go up just long enough for these people to tire out and buy back in and then crash, losing as much money as possible for everyone involved.

AOL is the normies gateway to the internet. Who care's if better services are coming out? This AOL whale said they have first mover's advantage and I'm assuming that means they will always be in 1st place.

Better returns than bitconnect's trading bot. You're an idiot of you don't invest in this. The government said this group of investments as they exist exist today will be 20 trillion by 2020.

"This time it will be different though" - NEET delusions

The fact that you're so insecure in your investments that you need to encorage others on online to buy more in the face of a textbook bubble price action curve speaks volume.

But it will be different this time, right?

I'm hoping they never buy in or at least not until we're over $12k.

I feel as if somehow the bear threads are a useful way of showing this stage of FOMO still has a ways to go.

What crash? I'm still up by [increasing smaller %] from [increasing shorter time] ago with my [increasing less $] investment into this dip.

Speaking as someone who's followed the S&P 500 in recent years and the situation with central banks I assure you this situation is not different as it has no precedent - not yet - not if fully see the situation we're in, however you keep screeching with your meme graphs - it's going to be torture for you over these next 2 weeks you'll start screeching like you've never have in your life..

Aren't you doing literally that, but on the other side of the fence? I'm impressed at your lack of self awareness and stupidity.

>he's still in usd

Made x2 in one year in stocks. Made x2 in 1 year in real estate.
Gtfo larp.

So you're saying that bitcoin at 5.6 was "Anxiety"? Are you a fucking retard? It dropped 70% since ATH and people were pulling out in droves right before then. You're so dumb.

Anxiety implies most people were holding when they certainly were not.