One advice per post
People here are not your friends.
One advice per post
People here are not your friends.
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy MobeĆ¼s, sirs.
I make basic videos on financial indicators and how to compute them with Python sometimes, maybe it's of interest
they used to be
then /b/ /pol/ reddit and normies happen
Always assume that everyone here is a paid shill or at least a heavy bagholder
You don't get to bring friends
You're far better off trading with the trends than trying to time a reversal.
LINK will make you rich
For you.
And probably a cunt that you'd knife if you saw them after dark in your own village
buy chinks coins for fast gains (1-2month)
Learn risk management, please.
buy dem birtcorns
you and your friend are qt
I don't have much but about to put 500 into COSS.
or nah?
If your grill dressed like a twitch whore you would be getting cash money of jewtube because of all the add revenue
all your problems go away when you kill yourself
Niggers will nig
there is a collective will for crypto to succeed ignore at your peril
Hype has no effect anymore. Stop investing in crypto just because the devs are going to make an announcement.
the state-appointed psychiatrist is not your friend
One million or ten billion... the steak and wine tastes the same
Im still your friend user. we are going to make it