Worthless piece of shit

Worthless piece of shit...

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Lol A+ FUD. Are you even trying user?

Get out

The token itself has no use. The network doesn't even require the tokens to be used... What's the point?


well the signs were obvious
the amount of shilling yesterday reached january ven levels



i dont get it.. are you mad you didn't buy at 8 like a good boy?


have you actually done no research into the coin at all or are you fudding because you didn't buy at $10 like anyone who isn't a retard? either way, kys faggot.

He has a point, there is no usecase atm.
Its all speculation at this time.

With that said I'm speculating on price appreciating when they will release parts of their product.
This is why I hold 1500+ omg.

OP OMG is an exclusive club and we don't want you stinking up the place, please collect your belongings and get the fuck out. Go check out fun fair or something

>fun fair
Veeky Forums shilled funfair
They shilled ven
Then ChainLink
and now they are shilling OMG
You guess what happens next.

>as if Veeky Forums can move a multi billion coin like OMG
please off yourself

The point is, when Veeky Forums is telling you to get in, bail.

>author masturbates over XRP
lmao fucking dropped


WTF, what's gonna happen? This sounds kinda scammy. We got Poon'd.....

The point is when Veeky Forums wants you to bail you go in

VEN and Chainlink are doing pretty well right now sooo...

>VEN and Chainlink are doing pretty well
Right, so are a million other shitcoins, but they'll never be worth anywhere near what Veeky Forums tells you.

They're outperforming most other shitcoins.
What coins are better? Tell me.

They're still way below their ATH.

> shit
Someone forgot to buy the dip.