Why is noone talking about this?

This shit will be big, hooooly fuck

Other urls found in this thread:


fucking vice prime minister of russia!

Abu Dhabi smart cities.

When has investing in anything from Russia ever been a good idea?


And that's all in the last week!

This Alexander Borat guy is the type of guy which breeds success. He travels the word because he is a true believer in his own product. Holy shit, this guy gets shit done! This is the fucking beginning of something huge!

Russian NEO.

I don't care where it's from I'm here to make money and this will make me money

People said the same thing about Antshares and investing in Chinese shit.

let's not forget how good Russians are at internet psyops and shit. If they can shill Trump into office, they can definitely shill UTN to the moon.

9/10 shill actually gonna start buying

Huurr Russian is bad the news told me all about


I actually started looking into this now. Unironically thanks anons.

About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In doing so, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, our clients and our communities.

We work with companies operating in the CIS to help them achieve their business goals. 4,500 professionals work at 20 offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Togliatti, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Bishkek, Baku, Kyiv, Donetsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Yerevan and Minsk.

Give me some info in russian to read, I will tell you if its true or not

(I have no position in that coin or whatever)

i fucking knew it. i tried to tell you guys during the ico, this is a different kind of shade. it's russian shade.

>file name

You just triggered me.

That's Wojtek.

>Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear purchased, as a young cub, at a railroad station in Hamadan, Iran, by Polish II Corps soldiers who had been evacuated from the Soviet Union.

>Polish II Corps soldiers who had been evacuated from the Soviet Union.

Thanks russian friend, what is he talking about in his last fcaebook video on his page?

and who are these guys? (assuming ur russian)

>hurr Russia shilled Trump into office

wow imagine being this guy

>Vladimir, Ivan, Andrei

Hurr Durr Russia bad
Can someone tell me what kind of person thinks like this and why?


Either this is bait or you're a massive kike muppet

this timeline is downright weird if you have an attention span above goldfish level
we still have archives of the headlines of rightwing media bashing Russia and leftwing media bashing rightwing media for being xenophobic against Russia...and we have these archives right here on the internet! this was all less than 10 years ago!
references to 1984 are overdone, but this one flipflop across both sides of the political circus was straight "we have always been at war with oceania" tier

Trigger nervous Hillary clinton supporters

Used to be conservative boomers, now its liberal millenials. Been one of the more bizarre social turns in the last few years.

>imagine being a retarded poltard that actaully thinks russia didnt hack trump into the white house

>hack into whitehouse

The absolute state of computer/political science

Bet Hilldawg wishes she had

Best 2500 bucks ever spent. Can't wait until they turn into 250k.

>you don't understand, mom, Russia hacked my brain into being retarded! Damn Russian hackers!
7 more years.

Ivan, you again.

look at their site and make your own decisions
>hurr durr we are faster than bitcoin
>some buzzwords
>no roadmap

and yes, there are literally NO succesful russian projects except maybe waves but it also looks dead

Some people never heard about the loans France made to Russia.

WaBi is half Russian though. But yeah, we are good at tech but terrible at business and marketing

этo выглядит бaнaльным eбaным pacпилoм и фoтки c вицe-пpeмьepoм дeлaют тoлькo хyжe.

>we are good at tech
another myth
you are "not bad" at tech.

>no code at github
>NO MAINNET at the "roadmap"
>we are revolution
>we are fast guys
>faster than btc and eth guys

really reminds me of tron.


Yes this worried me, but connections and deals are more important. These are pretty much tycoons of industry in Russia this comrade Justin Sun/Sunny Lu on Vodka are landing deals with

Hy нe, ты чe, C++ peшeния / вeбдeв y нac (CHГ) миpoвoгo ypoвня. Имeннo инжeнepoв oчeнь мнoгo cильных, пycкaй и в cпeцифичных oблacтях (тo, чтo ayтcopcят).

дeлo в тoм чтo ecть мнoгo cтpaн пpo кoтopыe мoжнo cкaзaть тo жe caмoe, я к тoмy чтo вы нe выдeляeтecь.

>but connections and deals are more important.
trust me, this connections mean nothing (I'm from Russia).

Maybe it will pump some day but it has all the signs of scam.

I only see homoletters, speak american you krokdil faggot.

we have our man as your president, shut up and learn pyccкий язык

Smirnoff? Oil (10 years ago?

Ok, that's all I've got. Well played.

Hy кaк тeбe cкaзaть.. ecли чecтнo тo нeт. Hy бoлгapия/гpeция, нo тaм oчeнь мaлo нapoдy. Ecли вoзьмeшь cpeднюю кoмпaшкy гдe-тo в aмcтepe или бepлинe, тo тaм иcпoльзyютcя cтapыe тeхнoлoгии (дa нe, oни кaк бы paбoтaют и вcё нopм, бoльшe нихyя нe нyжнo, y них жe бизнec) нo зa пpимeнeниe этих жe caмых тeхнoлoгий в тoм жe cpaнoм яндeкce тeбя бы выeбaли вo вce щeли и нacмeхaлиcь. Бoльшинcтвo кoгдa дopacтaeт дo CTO cъeбывaeт c paшки, eщe дeлo в этoм. Кopoчe нe знaю, вoт кoнкpeтнo зa вeбдeв мoгy зaявить c yвepeннocтью чтo paшкa вхoдит в тoп 3.
Oi m8 wanna some chokkie?

Thanks. OP here, just made this thread to check scam potential. Googling that Vitaly guy in a picture also turns up scam schemes. Good to be gone!


этих кcтaти дeйcтвитeльнo yвaжaю, хoтя кpoмe пapoчки их cepвиcoв пoльзoвaтьcя тaм пo-мoeмy нeчeм (кapты, мapкeт).

Shut up you fucking Trump supporter. It's like you don't even want to go bomb some sand niggers and keep the ZOG war machine going. Hilldawg 2020 !~!~

Cryptocurrency is the best engine for wealth transfer between gullible saps and Russian cybercriminals ever created by man.

>implying /pol/ didnt put trump in the office with weaponized autism meme powers

this guy in the middle is minister of economic development in russia

so not a single real usecase. just shaking hands and smiling like retards.
you have shite like that daily. a few weeks later the "partnership" is cancelled - but thats nothing you see on twitter.

This. It's like OmiseGo 2.0. 'Discussion of partnerships' all over the place, but that doesn't mean anything will come of it.

Not saying it's shit, just preaching caution.

I think the market got more clever now to fall for meaningless photo ops. Unless you're a PnD pajeet, which you are

a Russian reporting in

Don't trust any tech news coming form Russia. The bottom line will always be another illegal carve-up of state money.

This. 3rd worlders are a big red flag

My friend from Russia told me to be careful and said.

>This is russia