>ay yo wite boi, gimme yo muhfuggin private key muhfugga rye now
What would you do, Veeky Forums?
Ay yo wite boi, gimme yo muhfuggin private key muhfugga rye now
Other urls found in this thread:
>gives sosa lean
>he chokes and dies like his cousin
>it's super effective
give it to him, he can't type anyway
Give him my wallet and then pull out my gun and shoot him in the back as he flees. Retrieve my wallet.
Give him the keys used on testnet
Is that legal in the US?
i'm unstable, so probably get myself fucking shot
It ain't illegal if you don't get caught.
Come on, manlets, we all know you biz soy boys will not only give it to him with or without the gun pointing at you, as well as let him fuck your girl/wives if you were lucky enough to have one pity you. Then you will probably go shoot up a school since that's the only thing you burgers are good at these days. Stay of Veeky Forums if you are not here to make money
Hunting niggers over watermelon fields and in KFC parking lots is illegal. You can't hunt over bait. Everything else is fair game.
Meanwhile you let Muhammad fuck your wives and daughters for free
Remember his face and smoke him later after cucking him his roastie and torturing him
keith cozart
>You can't hunt over bait
What do you mean? What is bait and what is not?
Brave neets lol
> implying white boy is an insult
Black people have inferior African DNA and only repulsive whores and hardcore degenerate liberals looking to offend daddy and get attention fuck them
I will speak Russian
oh shit waddup Chief, heard about your cousin, sorry for your loss, here take a hit of dat dank.
If i could get an autograph mr cozart
im cringing to my core
Nigga you think im lacking?
Wtf is wrong with you? Why do you keep making these threads?
>"H-hey is that Justin Sun talking about Tron partnerships?"
>Bolt while he's frantically looking around for Justin.
Distract him with chicken, then chokeslam using my jiu jitsu skills.
>recite some random string of numbers and letters
>implying a nigger would know any better
>try to explain everything is im cold storage and your nano is in a safety deposit box with your seed cut into three pieces and spread over banks across the city so there is no way you can send them anything besides 200 xvg you have on trex
>still get shot cause niggers are fucking retarded
really crypto is an ancap dream.and you should be protecting yourself if youre wealthy cause stupid niggers either are or will be doing this shortly
>ancap dream
>doesnt conceal carry
either you are a europoor or a legit soyboy
Bend over and spread my anus