US gov is now placing bounties on the heads of pump and dump groups. Your discord channel might be a felony.
US gov is now placing bounties on the heads of pump and dump groups. Your discord channel might be a felony
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i keep on saving screenshots for this purpose
This is actually good. I've never liked these pump and dump groups.
You bet your fuckin ass i'm bout to be snitching on all yalllzzzzzzz for a check
Best part is that this will actually be really effective to reduce pajeet shills. You can earn 10-30% from million dollar+ sanctions.
Crap, I had a huge list of them but I quit all of them as it was just noise in my Discord.
I am all about this. If you aren't bounty hunting right now, you're and idiot.
Wonder how much is pajeet teeka's head worth
Don't be put off by the form
Just select entity and give them what you got. Free money.
Does the Bounty pay in bnty lel?
Holy Shit PumpDumpers BTFO
Good thing I only subscribe to signals groups.
Glorious USA saves crypto yet again. This helps further "legitimize" crypto so normies feel safe to buy in. Everybody with at least 5 BTC will make a moon landing within 2 years.
Z predicted this.
Discord isn't anonymous moron.
You can "bet your ass" that you do that, and anyone finds out it was you - that's your whole family gone and you last.
What's going to happen to Viztard?
Wow, neat!
you at this poor pajet.
Pump and dumpers are worse than nigger gangs
How is this potato not running a pump and dump group though?
Who do I contact for this? I have tons of PnD discords
I’m going to be fucking rich and save crypto at the same time, holy shit based USA
Reminder to dirty third worlders blowing their load: you have to be a US citizen to get paid.
>Discord isn't anonymous moron.
>You can "bet your ass" that you do that, and anyone finds out it was you - that's your whole family gone and you last.
Oh, watch out folks. Got a tough guy here.
Can’t wait to narc on every single discord pump and dump shill on Veeky Forums 24/7
Lolz, have a (you) ya filthy animal
I already reported the UFR discord last night.
Pajeets will see somebody dying of cancer in their last dying breaths and all they will do is try to beg for the guy for a couple of satoshis before he dies. You know they'll sell out any pnd groups in a heartbeat.
>"I love crypto!!!!! FK the government"
>"Please Mr. government, stop these pumpers, WAHHHH, i'm going to report them"
Can you see the hypocrisy? I agree they're annoying, but what law are they breaking? Will this not allow for future laws to be implemented?
I don't love the gov. I love money. Wild west, gov put out bounties then too.
You seem to be confused. We're in this to get rich and the more the government steps on these pnd pukes the more normies and big money buy in further driving up the price. The technology and social implications are interesting but secondary to the Veeky Forums mo. If you disagree r/cryptocurrency is probably a better place.
Well said desu, i love money too, but can you see this going anywhere? If these are pajeet groups then what can the US do? Also normies with no clue what to invest in are scared, being told what to invest in by these pnd is pumping money into crypto. Wouldnt you agree?
why is this even illegal? cant i buy and sell when i want? not my fault there are some greedy fucks who fomo
nobody said you cant sell and buy when you want, but if you are part of a group that purposefully manipulates the market for profits you are a parasite and need to be exterminated
welp, i know how i will make my million, it's time to snitch.
>tfw I've already snitched on 5 of the largest PnD discord groups to the CFTC
Each one has like 500+ members, and the admins are definitely worth a few million. Time for me to cash in on their misery.
blatant marcet manipulation is not acceptable.
How do I report a PnD scam ? pic related, I'm gonna be a millionaire
Shhhh.....outta here with your "logic". Apparently they LOVE attracting the governments attention, because they've totally NEVER shilled anything themselves or failed to declare their earnings. Smart people, these aren't.
It's a load of shit anyway to provide some security theatre for normies. Marketing isn't illegal, and the US has 0 power over pajeets shilling. Little thing called jurisdiction.
What I find hilarious is that these dumbasses are going to effectively DDOS this program by reporting anything that says "buy LINK". And if they ARE in a real P&D group - a lot of those are affiliated with....nasty people. One of those people goes down, and these fuckups let themselves get doxxed, it's all over for them.
It's like a bunch of crackheads shrieking at the top of their lungs about how they're going to turn in their dealer - Darwin at work if they can't see the many ways that's able to backfire.
Neither is your spelling.
found the guy who was bullied in grade school
I've been ashamed and humiliated but I wish to testify here for the good of /biz that it was a sleazy P+D group that gave me anal herpes. Stop the madness.
gib link
Lmao like I give a fuck. I have like 5 groups I'm gonna snitch on, God bless me in my infinite wisdom to just watch these groups to avoid the coins they were pumping.