What's up with BTC guys and their mancrush for this guy?

he speaks slow, only repeats himself, doesn't really provide anything than giving talks about info everybody knows and is talking about "Hurr durr mu banks muh wallstreet"

There is a lot of hate for Vitalik but at least he CREATES stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:


he did it for free (for a long time).
He has the little bit of integrity everyone else in the bitcoin world lacks.

They are all in it for the money, but antonopolous tells them how bitcoin is gonna save the world and help some nig nogs in africa sell their chickens.
So he helps greedy fuckers feel like what they are doing is charity.

He's an intelligent and articulate speaker who gives his knowledge away for free.

the ancient greek empire will be reborn from crypto

He has an cult like effect. A lot of brainlets follow him. He answers like a politician, meaning he doesn't actually answer anything properly.

I also don't like the way he says shit and goes in to philosophy when valuing currency.

>"Hurr... as long as crypo as value to you it's all fine!"
fuck you dude. 0 USD value crypto can't pay my bills.

Actually you are just describing yourself, those are the noises you make. The noises he makes are reasonable and well thought out. His answering of questions at the Canadian senate/parliament was spot on.

Imagine you're an early adopter. Imagine how youre excited because you've gotten in on something that the world doesnt know about. You feel content. Now, imagine someone a lot younger than you comes along and creates a competing coin 'Ethereum'......Imagine this coin starts to take off and isnt like the other scam coins. Imagine how all these OG faggots feel that they didnt provide any innovation to the space and did the easiest shit in the world 'buy bitcoin and hodl bitcoin'. Meanwhile Vitalik literally becomes the face of crypto and will forever be remembered. He went beyond wealth and all these OG crypto are salty af. Oh right, not to mention isn't overweight like the others. Ever see the BTC crowd? Topkek.

tl;dr: OG Bitcoiners got the fortune but Vitalik got the fame and now they're salty af.

You can also see how the cultist get mad when you question their leader.

Yeah, this is what a lot of early adopters failed to describe. Most of us don't have 100s of BTC and we need to constantly trade rather than follow the bullshit mantra of 'buy and hodl'

Stupid fucking brainlets here. This guy is like the only reasonable voice out there. His goal to educate people on Bitcoin / cryptocurrencies and he's pretty goddamn good at it. Basically all other "famous" people in crypto do nothing but shill their own shitcoins. You may not agree with everything he says and that's perfectly fine. No go create something yourself.

He's a guide for the normies, it's not that bad.

During all of bitcoins history there hasn't been a decline to 0 USD so what's your point?

If you live in a shithole country, your currency can and does go lower when compared to USD.

Cult yeah totally, I've seen him on Joe Rogan a few times and don't even know if he has a book out, but yeah i send him BTC offerings every morning. What have you done to educate masses properly on crypto?

Fun fact: Bitcoin HAD smart contract support, but these cucks have removed it.

>nigger sells chicken for bitcoin
>$86 transaction fee
>tx stuck in mempool for 3 weeks
>chicken dies before first confirmation

andreas is a slippery jew, a degenerate. he gambled away all his money on satoshidice years ago. now he sucks blockstream cock in return for (((donations)))

because hes good at explaining what this shit is to people who have no idea why btc would even be valuable or useful.

the only people that could hate him for that would be your typical late adopter types, who think theyre only a few months/years away from being multi millionaires.

case in point

His book is really good. Also vitalik honestly doesn't even know how to program. He's the front face for the project with a massive team behind him.

Btc tx fees are like 3 cents now without cash faggots spamming the chain constantly

>Fun fact: Bitcoin HAD smart contract support, but these cucks have removed it.
How and when?

>now he sucks blockstream cock in return for (((donations)))
he's a millionaire after a recent donation wave. he doesn't need to suck anyone's cock

you dont actually believe this, right?

us early adopters were buying ethereum when it was under 30c, even cheaper than when we bought the ICO. where do you think ethereum's funding came from? from us.

the only people that are mad at ethereum are the ones who bought in and just got lucky with bitcoin. we see a whole new wave of these people right now, who only ever invested in one of two shitcoins and how think they're going to be rich thanks to them.

the chemtrail crowd will believe anything fed to them

Blockstream's revenue model depended on sidechain fees. However the "genius" devs from core failed to deliver and Counterparty did.
So in order to protect their business, Blockstream crippled bitcoin's OP-codes so that nobody could actually use smart contracts. Hence, Vitalik built ETH as a separate chain,

Andreas advised Vitalik on ethereum's whitepaper and holds eth himself you stupid fuck.

Which opcodes, and why did they matter?
I remember reading something like this on the btc wiki before, and they had some other justification.

Veeky Forums is the only place I've seen where people actually talk shit about Andreas.

>advocated for crypto for years even when it made no money
>isn't even a crypto-millionaire because he was too poor to afford bitcoin
>literally wrote THE introductory crypto book, gives it away for free on github
>takes no sides in crypto, in the scaling debates, the ETC split, etc.

Imagine if crypto didn't have a front-facing advocate and all we had were the autistic developers and ego maniacs like Ver and Richard Heart who are rich but nothing else. You retards are so edgy.


> A warning about the mempool transaction replacement mechanism
> In places this page refers to the ability to use the nSequence field for transaction mempool replacement. This mechanism was disabled in 2010, and more recently the code has been removed completely, due to concerns over people using it to perform DoS attacks. Implementors should take this into account and try to create contract mechanisms that do not rely on mempool replacement if they wish to have their implementations work with current implementations. If Bitcoin changes in future to allow mempool replacement once again, this page will be updated.