worthless piece of shit...
Worthless piece of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
just bought 100k
The OMG FUD is getting so strong here on Veeky Forums. The inevitable legit moonrun is near. $300-500 by EOY
Guy who wrote it is a loser manlet who is about to face legal trouble for slander.
Unless you're actually that guy, in that case, you should buy this lmao: tallmenshoes.com
Your low level of understanding OP is obvious to everyone who knows something about the project. Really. Read comments in the subreddit, the article generally gets torn apart with its ignorance. But why do I even care writing this - biz dont deserve OmiseGO
One of the post he wrote haha
Literally the only coin I own that will never leave my Ledger. Except maybe for staking.
Their white paper is plagiarized hahahah
>I know you havent even read it
read his next piece then, where he exposes that "sanjeev kumar" is a fake that lied about his places of employment, covered up by pretending to work at companies that had other employees named sanjeev kumar
Did you not read what I linked, Sanjeev responded and called him out.
You're retarded if you think this manlet has any source of reputability.
and he responded to sanjeev twice basically saying "go ahead and try" then wrote an article exposing him as a liar about his employment history
The creator of that medium article is a bitter manlet.
HAHAHAHHAAH. This dude is 5'2. I'd be mad at OMG and women too. He spent too much time on PUA forums to compensate for his short height so he takes out his inner anger on OmiseGO and by trying to be "alpha" with women, but really is just a misogynist.
edit: I wouldn't be such a dick about things out of your control, but you literally called some dudes office space and hounded them down about his previous employment. You even tried to defame him through a fucking medium article before doing research.
You're either the loser who wrote it or someone retarded enough to believe in him, so either way you should reconsider your life
I'm just someone that knows how to read and isn't deluded
lol you're probably the manlet that wrote the article.
why are we bringing some random guys height into this? how tall is the Omise team you think?
lol can't imagine anyone else being so defensive
LOL TRIGGERED, it must be hard looking up to others everyday huh?
because hes acting as a private investigator calling some dudes work and trying to oust him with a medium article.
its hillarious that the man hiding behind the keyboard warrior mentality is a little dweeb who probably makes Jun look tall
omise has been funding ethereum dev since early 2016 blog.ethereum.org
We're listening to stinky pajeets now?
>if you don't have a social media presence, you are not a real human bean
that was the gist of the argument
this is his real twitter account.
>TFW being a manlet in the black community is twice as painful
>newfag detected
>doesn't know it's a meme
this projection is laughable, sorry that you weren't born tall enough
>black manlet
Now I am starting to understand the concept of "privilege" like the SJWs always talk about.
wow, i didn't even have to go very far back into his tweets to find pro-pedophilia comments, fuck this creep
clearly didn't read the article, he didn't telephone anyone with "harassment" he just did google and linkedin searches
lol nice assumption m8
Life as a niglet must be excruciating
tank it
I'm not even black but thanks for giving me laughs today, seriously
don't even try to pretend that you're not the article writer
I'm sure you wish you weren't black kek
shoo shoo manlet. We omisebros are going to be rich soon. Ill buy you these for Christmas.
the butthurt is almost tangible
I don't have the need to prove it to you, but I am not the article writer
But I do like that you keep bumping this thread with your nonsense so more people can read it
butthurt about what? reading a medium article?
The only reason anyone's buying OMG is because of its advisors; Greco, Poon and Buterin.
Anyone with half a brain who sees past the advisors and look at the actual team, their plan and their accomplishments thus far knows that it's overpriced as a motherfucker.
But whatever. It's Veeky Forums coin of the month, so I'll let you have your fun.
>coin of the month
my dude its been shilled here for far more than 1 month
>9 posts from this id.
>in his head is thinking shit they know im a niglet
>better pretend its not me and keep replying to everyone to defend my own ego
>mfw going out to a bar and tapping a girl on the shoulder she turns around to see one of bill cosby's kids hitting on her
The only reason people care about this coin is because a Jew shilled it in a list that you had to pay to look at. Think about it.
as I said, I'm bumping the thread so more can read
thanks for giving me more to reply to
not black and wouldn't lower myself to call others "niglets" but whatever, this is 4chin
Kek, I even bought into the ICO. McDonalds Thailand was hyped through the roof here, until people realized its insignificance. Then half of Veeky Forums, retarded as they are, thought an Apple sticker on a skateboard meant that OMG was insinuating an Apple partnership.
Ever since then, and up until now, OMG has been practically dead to Veeky Forums. But now that the very same retards can hype Plasma, it's round 2: Wojak boogaloo.
'lol ok manlet.
I see you posting in this other thread and you also posted in your own twitter about 10 mins ago. we know its you, stop larping and houding down every OMG thread on biz.
the thailand meme is funny too given recent events
not me but thanks for bumping again
why don't you try and defend your token instead of looking for personality attacks?
plasma is interesting if it wasn't vaporware
your reddit history is pretty funny bruh. I may not ever be able to recover my manhood
submitted 1 year ago by Randomshortdude
So a girl and I recently broke up and I turned into a maniac.
If there was a manual on how to handle a break up in the most absolute beta way possible in mankind, I probably followed it to the letter.
Long story, short - we dated for two years and then she moves across the country in one fell swoop. I'm fairly devastated and when she asks if we can still try to 'make it work' I told her no at first. I foolishly agreed to try after about a week or so of contemplating and basically told her I can't live without her (I know).
Fast forward two more weeks and she's mad about every little fucking thing and I tell her I don't get why she's being like this. I should've seen the writing on the wall. It was the classic fading off to grey before the break up that girls do. Anyway, she eventually calls it quits.
I get angry and say "Fine we got no reason to speak anymore!"
I NC for all of about a week before I cracked. And I cracked hard. I called her and she didn't pick up. So logically it seemed reasonable for me to call like 20 more times. And then send like 50 texts. No response. I say fuck it. Another two days goes by and I call, e-mail her, leave voice mails, text, the whole 9 yards.
That of course wasn't enough for me! I then send this girl a series of some really hateful ass text messages from like 10 different numbers and call her like another 20 times saying crazy shit like 'I'm gonna ruin your life you crazy bitch! Fuck you! I hate you blah blah'. Eventually I text back hours later saying 'I know I'm being crazy right now and I need some medical help. I'm not ok and this is not ok and I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm being crazy but this isn't me. If you gotta get a restraining order or whatever, do what you gotta do.' That was my final final mesage. Of course through all of that she didn't respond at all.
What an alpha wannabe lunatic niglet faggot
again, not me, but thanks for bumping
I'm more concerned for my mental wellbeing at this point. I wanna know what made me fucking snap like this. I don't want to ever be that crazy again. I hate it. I hate feeling "beaten" like that. Knowing that for the rest of her life I'll always be that "crazy ex boyfriend" and not the amazing person I really am. The irony is I knew that person wasn't someone I was that into when we first started talking and I just stayed there for the pussy and convenience. I ended up falling in love and now I'm here. All my friend could see she wasn't at my level mentally, emotionally etc.
So instead of finding another woman to stalk you stalk an ex executive pajeet from Omisego
interesting stories
Kek. Say hi to biz
The most vapor of all high mcap vaporware cryptos.
Just look at the whitepaper. A parade of wishes.
Not my twitter
kek. Posting from your mobile phone now too manlet?
HAHAHAHA. Fast reply.
Fuckin' saved
this is really interesting, but again, not me
the funny part is you just gave your twitter out though, cryptochad with random numbers is projection I take it
*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, kid.
Kek, this article is old and has been debunked before
How is OmiseGo centralised if the blockchain is peer to peer and Omise's only influence is owning 20 million tokens or so
That's EXACTLY the same as saying bitcoin is centralised just because satoshi owns millions of bitcoin
As always, DYOR
>mfw pajeets save the day
Actually, that's extremely personal.
End it retard.
>has been debunked before
It certainly has not been debunked
So is calling up sanjeet kumar and telling the internet he is a phony. Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk.
and fuck off this is biz
>stalking me like faggots
>spends hours researching about sanjeev
turn around 4 times to your left then go take a piss.
>what is a throwaway
Hey it's the angry midget again :DD
duh, but a throwaway with projection in it is all the more laughable
Lmao. We an all now predict that the OP is in fact niglet. He got caught in the act
You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
To all those OMG bagholders
Just show me some prove the executives have a decent business background.
This will be an Axpire 2.0 situation
Plasma wont save you faggots.
>Pic related, OMG holders
Oh look OP is using a VPN now to make more comments.
Paid FUD rats volleying comments back and forth. Go away shit stains.
I do indeed, care to explain how you think I am incorrect in my use
Omise handling 55,000+ merchants across SE Asia and between 50-75% of the volume of paypal worldwide
seriously this information I freely available to anyone who gives it 30 minutes of effort
>autist manlet digs some information, draws conclusions
>pajeet attempts to bully him into silence
>reddit freaks out yet remains unable to explain why any of it is wrong
>Veeky Forums calls him a manlet and makes a great show of laughing at him
Mmm... Smells like fear.
Likely, the manlet is somewhat wrong in his understanding of OmiseGo but somewhat right in his doubts about the company. It's Thailand, corruption is the baseline, not the exception. Wankers clinging to "jun was in forbes!" seem to forget justin sun was in forbes as well, and most importantly forbes is pretty fucking dumb.
This is basically Bitfinexed v2. One lonely autist digging up interesting stuff and irrelevant stuff, and hordes of crazed 110 HODLers invested in their cryptocurrency or exchange of choice like it's a religion.
For fuck's sake, people, I've got 6 figures in ETH and I don't shield my eyes from the EIP nonsense. Potential issues won't go away because you plug your ears. You might as well be a stinky linkie if you BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF POSITIVE THOUGHT.
Is OMG going to crash? Nah. Should this make you consider how much money you got in OMG and how much do you actually know about the project and the company? Absolutely.
this... NOBODY gives this much of a fuck other than the manlet niglet that wrote this pile of retarded shit.
>OMG is centralised
>OMG blockchain is not centralised in the slightest
seems pretty debunked to me
Lmao. You type just like manlet niglet. How many VPNs are you using niglet?
Give it a rest already.
it's a nice indication that OMG is getting more traction in general that we have people like you obviously just finding out about the coin and brazenly sharing your "knowledge" about 5 months of research too early.
by the way, it's obvious you are the guy who wrote the article. the extremely verbose writing style is the same.
please actually do some research before sharing your retarded conclusions. OMG is not a coin to FUD
I would also like to remind you that you are a nigger, so maybe doing more research won't yield any dividends.
u hear dat guiz? niglet thinks hes better than us
>calls the guy an autist manlet with wrong conclusions
>"Omg you're him hahaha!!!1 vpn!!"
What's the big idea in your mind? That I am trashing "myself" in order to give myself credibility?
Jesus Christ, mate. I can smell the piss on your shorts from here.
Jesus. This guy needs to stop posting, delete all of his accounts, and rebuild his online life.
kek he is definitely the guy with 20 posts itt
and probably 4 or 5 other people here too like this manlet niglet right here -
>Omise is thai
>therefore OMG is bitfinex 2.0
You're so obvious it hurts
So what about Omise Japan then? or Singapore or Philippines?
>mfw no face
BitfinexED, you retard. AtlasRand on plebbit.
>the absolute state of OMG holders
muh writing style
would it cure your autism if i told you to kys
in all honesty though, while you're putting that much effort convincing yourself a random user is your mortal enemy, that twitter faggot is reading this and laughing at you
Niglet getting mad
>mortal enemy
you literally have like an 80 IQ man
>an 80 IQ
pajeet pls
do the needful and foolproof your grammar if you're going to larp as an expert on writing style analysis
>hat twitter faggot is reading this and laughing at you
someting tells me he wrote that comment
>do the needful and foolproof your grammar
*Breathes in*
I feel bad for making this thread now, I'm sorry Pete. I didn't want to attract these crazies to you, I just wanted to make people aware of your research.
buy OMG.
lol that niglet manlet is making more threads.
Classy guys, hunting the guy down and talking anonymous about his looks.
I did my research, and there are multiple red flags. This will be an Axpire 2.0 situation