Is credits a scam? Please someone help me im so fucking nervous, i cant sleep this bearmarket have slaughterd my portfolio and i can't let go of the thought to just shuv in 1/3 of it into a high risk ico like this.
Is credits a scam? Please someone help me im so fucking nervous...
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Not a scam, it's high risk high reward. If they deliver what they've promised, the current ICO price will be laughable in year. That's a big if though.
Being serious, it is
I know nothing about this, shill me hard because I'm looking at dumping my limited funds into ICOs right now.
It is, their KYC database actually "leaked".
I've been interested in this one for a while but yeah I can't figure out if it's a scam or not. It looks professional but it seems like their goals are unattainable.
fuck this ico, .5 eth is individual cap. njoy peanut bags forever.
Definitely not a scam!
Anyone actually taken a look at their alpha release? I'm gonna be putting in the max 0.5 ETH since it's something I'm completely fine with losing if it's a scam. I don't think it is a scam, just a team that's still not very good at community relations or anything like that.
why is 0.5 max? im whitelisted i should be fine right
No, the way they're working it is the first third of people is signed up for the whitelist can contribute a max of 0.5 eth, the second third can give 0.4 eth, and the last third can give 0.3 eth. According to them it's so there's a bigger userbase, no "whales", and less desire to immediately flip the ico once it hits an exchange.
Did their alpha release yet?
Played with the wallet and monitor. Transaction worked and was fast. Monitor did not register it. Maybe I did something wrong. Can someone confirm if the NODE desktop wallet works and if there's some video available - can't do that one unfortunately... ?
Yes, it's in their website. Scroll to the bottom or search the news.
Wallet can probably be manipulated though.. People should be testing with the NODE desktop wallet. If it's legit, this is golden.
Alright I'll test it out, got a 0.5 ETH contribution.
It's not a scam in that they'll just straight up steal your ETH, however it's possible they can't deliver
however I'm confident this can at least 3-5x ICO price
They give you the option of playing around with 100 credits to see how fast it goes.
Can link one of my bogus addresses if you want to test it.
Give me your address then
Let me know a minute before you send so can I check how fast I receive
I do have to run the "run.bat" right?
I believe they have a readme file on the folders to setup it up. You need to config the IP on the bat file if I'm not mistaken.
Whatch this video. These guys read behind the cameras.
Lmao did you see someone just post a video of someone doing -50 Credits transfer to an account and getting more credits? What the fuck
Where? People are getting crazy at the telegram chat because transactions are taking too long to load up on the monitor. Same thing happened when I transferred from one bogus account to another.
And the ICO is overpriced.
It was in the telegram, didn't save the video though.
I was sent. Where do I upload?
upload what?
The video. I'm creating an account on Youtube right now. Fuck these scammers. I doubt the NODE works.
Just create a webm and upload it here
Because YT is a little bitch who won't let me create false accounts..
Tthe admin said it was in alpha in cap locks when it was uploaded btw
If you want the original file just let me know and I'll post it.
I created nearly 600 accounts with a bot because they wouldn't close whitelist.
I put all of them under 10 eth so I wouldn't have to KYC
I knew they'd give us a shitty small personal cap, and look what happens we get 0.3 eth each.
Well atleast I can still submit 180 eth to this ICO, going to be an easy flip on the exchange LOL
Any other flaws to point out? Might be a bug to alpha release, the important thing is that these transactions are decentralized and not through just one server
well looks like they decided on a 0.5 ETH cap so this is a nobrainer for me.. i actually wanted to invest around 20 eth in it.
A bug in the blockchain? Guy is doing negative spends. It's all bullshit!
Someone posted this:
I just tested out Credits alpha.
Those are my annotations about it:
- They made a web interface to their prior MVP [Ok]
- It is possible to create a test wallet with a public and private keys [Ok]
- The keystore file creation is not ready [Not Ok]
- You can open a wallet using private and public key at the website [Ok]
The key part are the transactions, so I'm going to give details about that part.
Once the wallet is open you can submit a transaction using the Credits interface. There is a initial balance of 100 CS (testnet) and at, you can see that balance showing up.
You can create a second wallet and try to send a transaction from the credited wallet to the new wallet.
In appearance it work, because at you can see the balance has been reduced by the transacted amount, though, at the monitor (kind of very basic etherscan for Credits) there is no transaction showing up, and the balance is still the 100 initital CS (testnet).
I will try to look deeply into this important part... from a functional aspect (I really don't care about the web interface) there is no much difference with the MVP they were showing before this "alpha".
For me the ability to make a transaction is an essential part to consider this an alpha.
I just tested out Credits alpha.
Those are my annotations about it:
- They made a web interface to their prior MVP [Ok]
- It is possible to create a test wallet with a public and private keys [Ok]
- The keystore file creation is not ready [Not Ok]
- You can open a wallet using private and public key at the website [Ok]
The key part are the transactions, so I'm going to give details about that part.
Once the wallet is open you can submit a transaction using the Credits interface. There is a initial balance of 100 CS (testnet) and at, you can see that balance showing up.
woops pasted it twice
gay larp but good idea
You're gonna get dumped early exchange by those who bought at 0.05 cents. Enjoy your bags, faggot.