How much do I need to make to get a girl like this?

How much do I need to make to get a girl like this?

1 Link EOY

2 goats and 1 camel and you should be good.

just move to London they are everywhere.

she's not even wearing it properly. Bitch needs to get whipped

Just vote Liberal theyll give you one.

That ass is BOMB

I camel and a promise of Jihad. Fuck, get these rag heads out of my country REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


How much do you make?

Lmao doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of her garb?



is it true that london and other european countries are full of this people? kek

>pls dont blow up

He is

40 heads of cattle

anyone else would unironically want a 10/10 muslim qt? I mean she is completely dressed in front of other guys, never cheats on you for fear of you cutting her head off and only gets naked in front of you so you're the only person that gets to enjoy that ass.

One goat and two chickens, bonus points for grenades.

sharia compliant fashion shows are all the rage in London these days what a progressive and multicultural place

A half decent dowry of farm animals


To earn swedish women you must pledge alligence to Allah


kinda, but there's no real way around that

10 iota