Long story short got a kid coming soon and low end work isnt cutting it, I have a bachelors degree and considering military as officers look like they make a lot of money.
Wondering if its worth it, given I'd be away from family.
Long story short got a kid coming soon and low end work isnt cutting it, I have a bachelors degree and considering military as officers look like they make a lot of money.
Wondering if its worth it, given I'd be away from family.
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Dibs on your wife
Just think about who and what you are fighting for. Literally the entire 'war on terror' is complete bullshit, you're going to risk your life for that? For some fat rich war mongering cunts? Don't be stupid
The general consensus is the military is great for the benefits, but bad for the pay.
only if you plan on getting out with gi bill and get deployed in a combat zone so you can get free healthcare for life.
other than that.. no.
But, it's cool if you don't want to do anything with your life and content on people making decisions for you.
Good benefits. Shit pay. Do whatever they tell you, move to where they tell you. Away from your kid all the time. Fuck that
His face when
How desperate could your situation really be if you have a bachelor's degree? I believe officers need to commit to an eight-year contract initially which takes a considerable amount of time you could be using to build your own income and life. If you where really struggling (GED or High School Diploma) maybe four years with a GI Bill to get your kid into school but you could probably do better staying out of the service.
Weigh risk reward. Keep in mind that you'll make better money flipping burgers.
liberal cuck spotted
Moralfags can join the coast guard. Request district 9 (great lakes area) and you will be at a small boat station. They have the most freetime and they do important work, least bs of any branch.
My life was in the shitter in my early 20's and joined the marines. Wouldn't do it again, but will help you get your life together if you don't have a better opportunity.
I'm enlisting after college, getting all my loans paid for. Gonna try and go rangers.
I originally was in ROTC but realized being an officer would suck shit. Enlisting seems much more logical. Been with my girlfriend for 7 years and she's pissed cause I'll be away, but respects my decision. Realistically it'll help you with your future jobs given you get a good MOS that correlates somehow. It will also show you're a leader.
Make a list of pros and cons, but I would 100% recommend it.
To be fair, he could sign up to be a mechanic or something right? How much military personnel actually see combat, compared to how many just keep things running? He could spend four years working in a hangar sweeping the floors and maintaining unused jeeps on some base in Kazakhstan.
Sounds comfier than flipping burgers IMO, I couldn't handle the social interaction of working at McDonald's.
I can't believe how hard it is to find stem jobs though.
You might deploy once within a four year contract. And even then a 'deployment' doesnt mean anything unless youre in combat arms. Most officers are just white collar workers. If you become an intel oficer there are a lot of opportunities for high pay work around the nations capitol. Lots of moving around. Additionally you can use a gi bill when you get out and live at at the poverty line for attending school full time to get or masters or sign it over to your kids so they can have a free college. It's generally a good plan if youre from a bad blood line as long as you dont mind running outside in the elements everyday for your contract.
Becoming an officer in the army was the best decision I ever made. Your experience will vary depending on your attitude, work ethic, and commanding officers. I didn't play politics with the staff officers so I got shafted for the last few years of service but leading soldiers in combat was worth it. Once in a lifetime experience. Your wife will hate you.
youre an idiot to choose enlisted over officer lmao
Are you still active? Is she still mad? My fiance is pissed that I'm joining, but I'm still gonna do it.
>being this dumb
Let me guess you still think Bin Laden was a terrorist leader who orchestrated 9/11
Heck you probably think NK is threatening us with nukes hahaha
Stay asleep, your country is a shit hole that will burn to the ground if you don't wake up. Ps, it's not even a country it's a corporation owned by the British Crown
pps, I have never seen a more pathetic culture than literally 99% of the population being brainwashed into thinking their 'country' is the best and that they are 'free' when in reality it is no different than any over developed country, all walking around constantly seeking a high off fat and sugar.
I'll try to go officer eventually. I just decided I'd rather pull the trigger. Also have a better shot at Rangers when enlisting.
Officers are pansies anyway and will never understand
If you want a cushy fufu life and are ok with playing politics then sure
joined the Marines when I was 17. If you have nothing going on in your life, no kids, no wife, no degree, since you're on Veeky Forums, I assume no discipline either, it makes financial sense but you already have a degree and as long as it's not some useless major, there's no point in the joining. Just get a regular job and invest during that time. You'd think someone who graduated wouldn't be this irrational.
I was able to save up 30k while in for 4 years and some change. Now I'm back in school using my gi bill, get paid to go to school, get free medical and dental at VA hospital and using financial aid. I'll graduate with no student loans and have money saved.
I am in the reserves now. My wife and I got a divorce if that answers your question. Thankfully no kids to make it complicated. I was in a very active unit with a specific mission so I was gone what felt like all the time with 3 months break between rotations. I miss the military life sometimes. I don't miss my ex.
Military brat joining the military this year. It's great, but most people fuck it up. They only look at base salary and not the combination of BAH, bonus money, and various other benefits that you can cash in on. Most people fuck it up.
At minimum get:
1. A house with your 0% down VA loan paid for by BAH
2. Clearance of at least secret if not top secret
3. Special licenses (pilot, merchant mariner etc)
I'd recommend either the Air Force or the Coast Guard, I wouldn't recommend the Army because you're going to come back after a nine month deployment to find your wife six months pregnant.
Damn, I'm hoping my fiance will hold out with me then. If it's been this long already I think she'll be fine. What was/is your MOS?
I was enlisted, its just low paid physical labor when youre not deployed.
Anyone who told you you can go officer eventually lied to you it's an incredibly difficult process. You'd be better off finishing ROTC and going officer getting the better pay better treatment and if you still have a hard on about going ranger or delta or some shit they have officers too.
The thread is about the financial benefits. I do agree with you mostly and actually want to be able to visit NK someday.
Absolutely. You basically get promoted if you're not a mouth breather and as an officer you can get out as a captain or a major and coast off of that for the rest of your life. The herp derp patriots will buy you lunch and you'll get the 'thankth u fer yer thervith" until you die.
It's only worth it if you're okay with sharing your wife.
Mil pay is actually bretty good, especially on the officer side. Better than a good civilian job? No, but you can enlist without needing to go to college first and incurring debt.
As an E4 I with 3 years in I was making over 60k a year in italy (base pay + OHA + COLA + airborne pay), coming from a $14/hour job. I had full benefits, paid nothing for healthcare, and finished my associates. I got straight hired to a GS7 position afterwards and I'm getting paid to finish my bachelors degree from the GI bill.
Mil can be a very good route, just be prepared to suck the days dick
I commission as a field artillery officer
Largest employers in USA are wal-mart and military. People go to military because there are no jobs and it does not require education. It's either you die at war or you die as a homeless :D
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I mean it's too late for me to finish ROTC, I dropped last year.
Either way, I'm getting a degree to be a high school teacher so I won't make much anyway. So fuck it, I'll stick with this plan.
Yeah go die for Israel, excellent business decision
Military fag here. As an officer life is good. Housing paid for or given an allowance for housing, free insurance, job security, guaranteed raises yearly along with promotions every couple of years. You can literally put all your pay(save food) into Ven/Man. Thank me later
Can you comment on warrant officiers? Id want to be a pilot
>joining military while having a gf
lmao enjoy coming home to 3 little jamals
Good luck. If you pass the flight physical it's tough competition.
going to be flight medic AF. if i pass flight physical. that god damn depth perception at meps is fucking gay though but im going back to retake eye exam with glasses anyway