OMG is a complete ERC-20 shitcoin that is pretty much reliant on the muh Plasma blockchain for its value

OMG is a complete ERC-20 shitcoin that is pretty much reliant on the muh Plasma blockchain for its value.

Speculators, aka deluded omisegoys, are buying stacks of this in the hopes that one day, 1-2 years from now, a bunch of “experts” are going to release this new epic blockchain they’re calling Plasma, to be the end all of blockchains.

Somewhere along the way, it became shilled that OMG will be the token used as the intermediary between any fiat to token conversions or any token to token conversions.

FYI, this is what almost ALL tokens are ultimately trying to achieve.

Eventually, other shitcoins will utilize the Plasma network, thus rendering OMG to be another ladyboi shitcoin

In b4 omisegoys

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I've been in this space so long that I love FUD against coins I hold.

It means we're spreading. I remember the ETH FUD.

I remember when Vitalik was a Russian scammer. I really like these threads.

Keep getting paid, pajeet. Summer Moon incoming.

dude, this isn't even good fud. I know you want to accumulate more, but it's time to let go.

Also, work on your fudding skills. At least make some fake tweets and graphs.

FUDing on Veeky Forums doesn't impact anything. You're wasting your time.

daily reminder omisegoys seriously believe anyone who shits on their shitcoin is the same guy behind 100 VPNs

Theres a manlet nigger making these threads because he hates being short and stalking women online




This is the guy that is fudding OMG

>Mfw Migger (Manlet Nigger) is exposed


Whats up Migger?

Must suck being a migger.

... explain to me how that pajeet guy can't be found anywhere?

also i'm not a nigger

OMG just founded a $100MM grant organization with 5 other ethereum projects.

Fuck off migger, your fud is weaker than your height

>/pol/ddit subhuman
Fuck off

nowhere on does it say $100MM, nor does it say that OmiseGo founded it, 6 organizations founded it

Nor does it state what the fund will do exactly. If anything you should be pissed at OMG throwing money away before they've even finished developing their own product

fuck off migger. KYS

worthless response bruh, try again

Have you never heard of NDAs?

Fucking retarded migger

watch OMG and RCN take over the developing worlds when their partnership is announced .

honest opinions please

wheres should i buy in? how low will this actually go before moontime

Yeah you've spent 3 posts now calling people retards and niggers. Welcome to 4chin, nobody is insulted or threatened by dumb shit here.

But use your head if you can, assume OMG contributed $20MM to a supposed $100MM grant. Think of how many programmers they could have bought with $20MM. Assume $250K sal/year = 80 programmers. Don't you think it would have been smarter to hire 80 programmers to finish Plasma sooner rather than spend it on some fund with no actual goals because "muh NDA"

Again everything you say is an assumption. You have no insight to any contracts, deals, or in house company dynamics.

You are just a paranoid retarded migger who is looking for his 2 seconds of fame

literally 0/10 FUD

You have no insight either. I am not a "migger" and couldn't care less about fame. Keep reaching.

0/10 response

These threads make me so happy, knowing that people are actually this fucking stupid and wont recognize the blue chip stock of crypto.

Real life business that handles 30 billion yearly, yeah let's take your 25 fucking million.

Also Vitalik is going to endorse a scam :D

>nor does it say that OmiseGo founded it, 6 organizations founded it

Are you seeing what you're typing. OmiseGo is one of the 6 therefore saying OmiseGo founded it is perfectly acceptable. You're obviously grasping at straws.

lmao is migger going to be a new OMG meme