He didn't invest in the 4 pillars of Neo-French Imperium

>he didn't invest in the 4 pillars of Neo-French Imperium

It's like you want to be poor, french best minds are out there building the future and you prefer shoveling money in some chink, pajeet or slav scams.

Other urls found in this thread:


direct competition with OMG
whole purpose is to be the 500th blockchain alternative and directly competing against LISK, BlockNet, and Bancor. Possibly ETH
>other two
so shitty, are only flavors of the month

Buy LINK you dumbshit

implying competition doesn't harbor a healthy market.


>implying competition doesn't harbor a healthy market.
this has nothing to do with a healthy market., you dead brain faggot. Take a look at UPS pre January. It was the dominant shipping corporation, but once Amazon announced it was doing its own shipping, the stock collapsed. Thats what competition with do to your MUH REQ, MUH ARK

Ark is programmed by Americans, Dutch and some Slavs. The French just made a deal to let them settle there and gain easy access to their and the EU industry, and integrate the project in their economy so their business would quickly be able to benefit. but yes, the French gov knows what it is doing, at least with crypto.

Ark is love, Ark is life. It has so many fucking utilities it is the Chad of crypto, probably will also overtake the minor function Link has.

do you now understand? Ark can be used for literally anything, and their blockchain can be instantly cloned and linked to the mainchain, giving everyone that wants their own smart contract capable blockchain linked to the entire cryptoverse.

but virgin brainlets like you wont ever understand such things. ppl like you stay poor and are blind to the x4 right in front of your eyes. x20 this year minimum.

Do you think Ark could reach $1000 in about five years?

Request did a post comparing itself to OMG. It's worth reading if you actually want to do some research.


thatd be a mc of like 170 billion

shut the fuck up moonman. The whole basis of ARK is

>Ark is love, Ark is life. It has so many fucking utilities it is the Chad of crypto, probably will also overtake the minor function Link has.
Yeah, yeah, so is DGB too. Good luck with your ambiguous goals.
>no one knows yet

>The company writing a comparison between the company ITSELF and its DIRECT COMPETITION
Yeah. No bias here whatsover. I think this is a completely fair comparison. :^)

ofcourse. brainlets in this thread think ARK competing with all other coins is a bad thing, which is seriously retarded.

and maybe you havent heard much news about ark, but thats just because ark hasnt been hyping anything, the only thing they release is new lines of code!

however, a new marketing dev has been hired this week. also, the push deployable blockchain mechanism has been released in its alpha version this week!

good for the market, not good for the individual project/business.

Entire reason ARK exists is because François-Xavier Thoorens left the Lisk Team, it's the brain behind, it's like if Vitalik left Ethereum and made his own blockchain project, how many people would follow do you think?

OMG only has the Plasma hype for it, otherwise it's a project in a completely clogged market in SEA.
Imo Request has much bigger chance because americans and europeans don't use payment apps yet and there is an entire market to conquer.

>the push deployable blockchain mechanism has been released in its alpha version this week!

Ark will
>firstly have extremely fast transfer speeds and high tx throughputs
>secondly smart contracts
>thirdly push deployable blockchains
>fourth the ablilty to smartbridge across the cryptoverse, meaning any holder of Ark can access the thousands of utilities and services of the thousands of various shitcoins, even the one you are holding and you truly believe will make it.

there is ofcourse, more shit, but that is bonus for the future.

Ive never bothered to look up what lisk was and i only heard about it after I invested in Ark. all i know its basicly an inferior ugly brother of ark, running on outdated code while Ark is now beta testing V2. Ark has acquired various high quality programmers and is actively financing university hackathons to get more.

like I said. it is very alpha. blog.ark.io/ark-deployer-setup-guide-c10825ebb0e4

>brainlets in this thread think ARK competing with all other coins is a bad thing, which is seriously retarded.
Yeah it is you fucktard. Look what happened to UPS stock when Amazon announce it was doing shipping services in January. The stock tanked because that would mean potential COMPETITION. Competition only benefits the CONSUMER.

Thats like saying the video game crash of 1983 was good because all the video games were 1/4 the price they used to be, so people could buy more. Stopusing buzzwords like "brainlet" and explain how in anyway, competition against LISK, Blocknet, Bancor, ETH, will boost ARK's price.

LINK, on the other hand, is only company and coin in the world that can do decentralized oracles.
>François-Xavier Thoorens left the Lisk Team, it's the brain behind, it's like if Vitalik left Ethereum and made his own blockchain project, how many people would follow do you think?
Okay faggot. Lets compare then. Ethereum vs Ethereum Classic. We can argue that ETC is the equivalent of Vitalik leaving said company to start his own. Note how ETC is significantly LOWER than ETH.
Now lets look at LISK and ARK. We can argue LISK is the equivalent of Xavier leaving said company to start his own. Yet, LISK HAS A 4 BILLION MARKET CAP WHILE ARK'S IS ONLY 500 MILLION.
So. I dont think Xavier was the mastermind behind it all :^) Theres a reason why people made up that "he was fired from Lisk" meme.

>shilling LINK this hard


>firstly have extremely fast transfer speeds and high tx throughputs
Speed that will slow down significantly the higher the price goes.
>smart contracts
OH WOW, You mean that thing ETH already perfected? :^)
>thirdly push deployable blockchains
>giving the ability for shitcoin companies push out shitcoins at a higher rate on the ARK Chain
Nice! More shitcoins!
>fourth the ablilty to smartbridge across the cryptoverse, meaning any holder of Ark can access the thousands of utilities and services of the thousands of various shitcoins, even the one you are holding and you truly believe will make it.
sure it can. lets see it do decentralized oracles.

read up on it, fag, notice how all the info in (pic) makes sense. Unlike ARK

Veeky Forums

>flavor of the month
kill yourself

>muh competition, muh stocks

were in crypto retard. now ark technology is so based, chad and superior that it makes multiple other companies OBSOLETE, and you say that is a bad thing? LOL, brainlets like you deserve to be gassed.

On Wednesday, a sell wall went up on RLC at 1800 UTC.
Volume doubled over last week's numbers.
The wall was removed 4 hours ago.

Let's predict what happens next.

> smartbridge

so it has XCAT? Woopdie fucking do.

>Speed that will slow down significantly the higher the price goes.

hence, the ability to instantly deploy side chains.

>Nice! More shitcoins!

youre god damn right. more people, more money, all linked to the central ARK coin.

>lets see it do decentralized oracles.

nigger ark doesnt have to do decentralized oracles, it will use Link like a slave tier-coin if the consumer wants it. Ark will link the consumer wants to every application and use case of crypto possible.

>chad and superior that it makes multiple other companies OBSOLETE
Except it doesn't because Lisk still has a 6x bigger marketcap than ARK, puts out just as many updates and research, and doesnt have a fat neckbeard as president?

>our coin is slow as shit
Yeah. thats economical
>ARKies actually think putting out more shitcoins is good
LMAO. Thats literally what caused the dotcom boom. The end goal of crypto is to only have a 100 coins at the very most in the future.

And even if Crypto is meant to have 1000s of different shitcoins, people have a wide variety to choose on which smart contract platform to choose. Im betting on ETH, not ARK.

>Lisk still has a 100x marketcap than ARK
>Lisk still has a 50x marketcap than ARK
>Lisk still has a 6x marketcap than ARK

give it some time sweety.

>give it time

>shitty flavor of the month

>calls RLC shit
Kys. RLC and LINK are both Veeky Forums patrician, you should be ashamed to call yourself stinky.

fuck you are dumb. of course people can choose another smart contract platform. I dont give a fuck if they choose ETH, NEO or ARK, as long as they will use ARK to purchase the service. And yes more shitcoins is good, there will be 50 oracle solving companies, 3000 smart contract companies, and 3k decentralized exchanges and decentralized web 3.0 companies. And one coin to link them all.

I don't dislike ARK, I was a deluded Arkie myself, but I have a feeling there is something fundamentally wrong with the coin. Too much uncertainty. I don't think it's a good investment, nevertheless, I wish Arkies all the best.

Linkies are mentally ill, your shitcoin is absolutely useless, it has no utility, noone in the ENTIRE blockchain industry think there is an "oracle problem", it's all in your head.
The fat fuck just took your money and didn't even bother to provide updates or even tweet something since early November which is the biggest redflag ever.
You and other dysgenic retards polluting this board with your delusion are utter cancer, I would gas you in an instant if I had the possibility.

Yes sir, very bad indeed. I just market sold 100,000, good sir. Please buy Mobius.

yeah thats what i thought too, some months ago. So I sold high and trippled my holdings, and just bought in as V2, smart contracts and push deployables will give it a good pump. after that i will reassess and might sell a portion again.

if you look up the ark blog you can see they are lining up for a massive release.

ahh, I will copypasta this. these fucking Linkies are getting more aggressive by the day.

So many bumboys in this thread will be shook in 18 months when Ark obliterates your shitcoins

I might be biased, because buying ARK was probably the single biggest mistake I made, but I'd rather invest into ICX, despite the larger market cap. They have very strong partnerships and a good chance of gook adoption, still quite decent lambo potential. That being said, for now I'm all in on REQ and LINK.

>as long as they will use ARK to purchase the service
LMAO. What. So now you guys want to be a payment service?

Listen here little ARKie. Let me tell you about a time, when ARK was viewed as a coin that could do anything, and had all these features. It was in June, and on the website, it advertise
>Use ARK chain for payment services in Credit Cards!
or some shit like that. Basically, shills were telling people
And i was on Veeky Forums to see this, so dont try telling me it didnt happen, newfag. So anyway, what ended up happening to that?

TeNX, Monaco, and Omisego came out and basically btfo ARK out of the water for the credit card market. Ill never forget that; seeing all the shills talking about "MUH ARK CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS" being utterly devastated by those three coins.

So, you can keep spouting
because it wont happen.

And excuse me, what ever happened to
>muh 1000 shitcoin diversity
First you want there to be a diverse coin market that are on the ARK platform with a 500 different oracle coins. But now, you want it all to be CENTRALIZED on the ARK platform? Dont you see a bit of a paradox
your damn right all this shilling about ARK curing everything is fishy

Link. Its only purpose is decntralized oracles. Plain and simple, yet the tech behind it costs 32 MILLION DOLLARS just to research. And im pretty sure, theres going to be a patent for the decentralized oracle when it came out since theres records of sergey registering such a think.

And, the oracle problem does exist. There have been many high ceo and tech advisors including the white house describing problem with smart contracts that LINK can only solve.

shoo shoo stinky linky.

myeah i bought near ico levels so i dont feel the pain of buying high. sorry you lost money kiddo, but do not let your emotions prevent another moon. ICX is overbought. Link is a meme. hold on to the Req desu.

Your beliefs blind you. See you in April.


>too new to remember the credit card shilling
>spouts stinky linky meme
The only thing Linkies stink of is asian girl pussy, bruh.
Youll be seeing us from the bottom of the coin market cap list.

don't bother m8 he's just trying to fuck with you
>posting smug anime girl reaction pics

>getting this buthurt about anime girls on 4 CHAN
I want reddit to leave

I love how none of guys can actually debate what im saying and just spout

i don't have to debate with you, if you don't believe in the project then don't invest :)

>Debating with brainlets

I did not lose money. Don't assume. I bought at $2.50 and sold at $7. Which was terrible performance, considering at the time I bought LINK at 15 cents and REQ at 4 fucking cents.
>Link is a meme
Yes, and one of the most ambitious projects in crypto at the same time. Ark is not only a meme - it is a dead meme.

stinkie linkies detected.....im tired of seeing this worthless meme coin all over biz...i just want it to die like digibyte

Frenchman here,

REQ CEO & CTO are fresh grads from second-tier business and engineering schools. The rest of the team is even worse. Based on their credentials alone I would not bet a penny on them. And the unimpressive whitepaper is hardly comforting.

As someone as said, almost no one on the Ark project is French. Ark has no partnership with the French government, they're just incorporated in France. They claimed their corporation status is unique to generate some buzz, but really anybody can register for it and get it. It's like registering a company as an LCC in the states. Their status is unique only because no-one in its right mind would register a business in France with its heavy taxation and commie regulation.

The french techies on iExec are good, i.e. they have good academic credentials and relevant professional experience. I don't know much about the project so I can't comment on it but looking at the team page, it seems solid.

NapoleonX's team is probably the best in terms of credentials. The main guys come from France's best engineering school and have significant experience in finance. The main problem I have is the tech side, French engineering schools will give you great command of math & physics but very little practical tech skills. I'm in IT and when I had to work with new grads from one of these top engineering schools it's always a pain because they're great at coming up with models but have no idea how to code or use a computer. Also keep in mind France is always 1 to 3 years behind the US in terms of tech (except for a few big firms like AXA obviously).

I actually looked into getting on Napoleon's ICO but the shitty name and overly patriotic tone put me off. France is super conservative when it comes to investment, people only buy real estate, there's no market for crypto there. Since Napoleon raped the rest of Europe and burgers would laugh at the name, I don't see who the fuck would buy this coin anyways.

>REQ CEO & CTO are fresh grads from second-tier business and engineering schools.
And yet they're delivering on their roadmap flawlessly, along with superb communication.

RLC is a complete joke, are you retards actually buying it? The project is dead, the coin is dead.

>The Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon or INSA Lyon is a Grande École d'Ingénieurs. INSA Lyon is ranked among the top universities of Science and Technology in Europe, pluridisciplinary and international, at the heart of the European Higher Education Area
Kek. Thanks for the pasta though, will use it when accumulating.

communication is cheap and hardly a sign that a project is solid. Compare TRX to BTC, ETH, NEM or LINK.

they're delivering on the roadmap flawlessly, because :
a) there wasn't much to deliver in the first place. there's nothing innovative that you couldn't rip off another more established coin's github.
b) they had a head start from their former project, Moneytis, of which REQ is largely a rebrand/extension

The whitepaper is still utter shit. Using a LaTeX font to make it look scientific can hardly hide the amateurishness of the whole thing.

Also to create a Paypal 2.0 you don't just need a product, you need the right connections. France is a degree obsessed nation and they will never get the right backing with their creds their. Ycombinator might help them, but most of the non-US companies that YC funds are crapshots. I mean just look at their list and you'll find that every non-US startup is meme-tier:
> Paid WhatsApp connecting Indian patients to Indian doctors
> Airbnb for cars in India. $120 k net revenue per month. $500 dollars average income per car / month Average income of an Indian is also 500 dollars. " car is an earning member of your family "
> AFROSTREAM is Netflix for African-American and African content serving the European and African market.

I'm not trying to FUD, I don't hold any REQ and certainly have no plans to buy any. I'm just giving some info so that people unfamiliar with French degrees, companies and business environment can read better into the projects mentioned by OP.

>not trying to FUD
Well how about this

Yes and ICN business school is also technically a grande ecole, which in France, only means it's better than a "Universite" which is community college-tier by American standards.

Look here for a ranking of French business schools:

And here for a ranking of engineering schools:

ICN is 14th, INSA is like 20th. You need to come out of the top 3 to 5 schools to have some sort of influence in France.

Wow. Your really are an informative piece of shit. Asking and answering your own questions. Does your paid FUD team have any openings?

It's a wikipedia page, every university will have their PR team edit that to make it look decent. Notice it tells you it is ranked among the top universities, but doesn't tell you what top. And there's no source for that claim, it only redirects to their website. Any shitty university can be in the top 500 european universities.

>1st place in the ranking performed by weekly magazine Le Point (Le Point - 17/02/2005 - N°1692) of the top French engineering schools (with admittance directly after high school/secondary school). INSA Lyon is also ranked among the top 5 preferred Engineering Schools for recruiters.
>2nd position according to the magazine “l'Expansion”, with respect to salary offered for the first employment and after 3 years experience.
>2nd place in the ranking of French Computer Engineering Graduate Schools, according to a survey carried out by the magazine “Le Monde Informatique” 2006. (1 Supelec, 2 INSA de Lyon, 3 Mines, 4 Polytechnique, 5 Centrale Paris )
>1st place according to L'Express (06/01/2010), among 5-year schools. In the French education system, high school graduates go to "Prepa" courses for 2 years, then compete for engineering schools where they spend 3 more years; whereas other schools like INSA include the "Prepa" as part of their 5-year cursus. Ranking differ between these 2 categories.
Yeah, I think I'll hold onto my 50k REQ.

>1st place in the ranking performed by weekly magazine Le Point (Le Point - 17/02/2005 - N°1692) of the top French engineering schools (with admittance directly after high school/secondary school).
> (with admittance directly after high school/secondary school).
This is the red flag. Top engineering schools (Polytechnique, Centrale, Mines) recruit students after a 2 year preparatory period:
Recruiting straight from high-school in France means you're second-tier

>1st place according to L'Express (06/01/2010), among 5-year schools. In the French education system, high school graduates go to "Prepa" courses for 2 years, then compete for engineering schools where they spend 3 more years; whereas other schools like INSA include the "Prepa" as part of their 5-year cursus. Ranking differ between these 2 categories.

There you go. Good students go to Prepa, 2nd tier ones go to 5 year schools.

>2nd place in the ranking of French Computer Engineering Graduate Schools, according to a survey carried out by the magazine “Le Monde Informatique” 2006. (1 Supelec, 2 INSA de Lyon, 3 Mines, 4 Polytechnique, 5 Centrale Paris )

As I've mentioned before, the top schools favor abstract knowledge (pure maths, quantum physics) to practical skills such as CE/CS. And the ranking is from 2006, the CS programs in the top schools were either non-existent or had just started.

Also note that none of the rankings you provide are recent ones (like the ones I gave you).

BTW, this does not necessarily have to be about REQ.
If you have similar questions about the other coins' French team members, I'd gladly provide answers. Got a couple more hours to kill.

>french best minds
Citation needed