It is over isn't it

It is over isn't it

Yes. It was alot of fun though. I will cherish the memories.

link is the comfiest of all holds...i literally dumped all the other shit coins, and wend all in on link.

main-net not released yet, and coin reaches 89 rank kek.

when main-net will get released, it will be adopted by alot of companies, and insurance companies. expect the unexpected with link.

Were rank 90. were doing pretty good.

it hasn't even begun

Facebook hasn't even announced their partnership yet OP. Its just getting started.

It never was. Cool whitepaper though

what can link do for FB

don’t know. already sold, may or may not buy back after the dump

Enable a FB coin that integrates with their existing Graph API. They've spent billions developing and maintaining that API, so the only way they start rolling out their own chain/coin is if they have a way to make it work with Graph. LINK enables that possibility, which is why their Director of Engineering is one of Smart Contract's advisors for LINK.


What data does FB graph API provide?

lol faggot futureman confirmed

Literally everything. Every link shared on Facebook and its meta data. Every like and interaction on Facebook. Every person, page, business, musician, etc and all the relationships between them are represented within Graph. Its literally the entirety of Facebook, so any new systems have to be able to integrate with it.

As soon as LINK's mainnet is live, Facebook will working at breakneck speed to release FB Coin and Zuck's EOY post about crypto makes it clear that's the case. It will be used in buy/sell groups. It will be used for subscriptions to publishers. It will be used for commerce and monthly subsciption boxes. It will go on to become the single most widely used currency in the world.

I hate the shit out of Facebook so it sucks, but its what's going to happen. Underlying it all will be LINK though, so I'll at least be getting rich af while Facebook goes on to control both the flow of information and commerce.

buy ethorse

there i knew it he was all in on link

Dropping like a rock

Imagine being this gay


You really believe this

I want to believe

Just sell Link and buy Linx, much better coin.