>HOLY SHIT, over 1000% returns per week on some cards? How does that happen!?
We're doing is taking advantage of ban list announcements. Last Monday, the company that makes the game (and controls tournaments for 40m players) said they are unbanning a card called Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Why? We found out they are putting that card into new packs for people to buy - They are unbanning it on the 19th so people want it and will buy more of their new packs. Now, you don't give a shit because you don't play the game, but what it means is that when you make it to the 4th turn of the game, you play this very strong card that used to be banned and will make it so every turn afterwards puts you ahead in the game, until you eventually win. This motherfucking Jace, the Mind Sculptor went from $70 each to $140 and he's probably going to settle even higher - mtgstocks.com/prints/1589.
So where is all this 1000% return shit? Easy - we buy the card that beats Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Tens of millions of kids in tournaments don't want to spend $2000-$3000 on "the best deck", they want to buy the deck that kills that deck for their allowance.
>But does a card exist that lets you get EVEN MORE AHEAD in the game than Jace, the Mind Sculptor on turn 4?
I'm glad you asked. We have a MOTHERFUCKING CARD CALLED SEANCE (mtgstocks.com/prints/763) currently at $0.09. This is where the 1000% returns are. That site MTGStocks has the major marketplaces to buy it below, and once they're cleaned out people are going to be scrambling to buy the card no matter the price come this week. The first major tournaments are Friday nights called "FNM".
Doing exactly this for 10 years is how I got into crypto.
Waiting for marionette master to gain traction as a t4 win condition.
Zachary Martin
are you nutjobs still trying to make seance a thing? it's been years
Ian Reed
I prefer buying foils actually - higher multiplier.
Also thats one long ass post to say buy low sell high.
Doesnt this make the game harder to play for everyone? I mean, wont biz getting into magic ruin accessibility just like biz getting into crypto ruined accessibility for graphocs cards?
Isaac Harris
a childhoof steeped in serious magic:the gathering is a prerequisite for becoming an elite member of society in the 21st century
Jordan Richardson
>wont biz getting into magic ruin accessibility accessibility is already ruined. wizards doesn't care to actually print things enough for players to get them, so the market is already fucked for players. it's already too difficult to actually get cards to play with because of finance people and it'll only get worse
Nicholas Peterson
You can reanimate marionette master with Seance. Seance has the same condition of Birthing Pod - it gets better over time the more creatures Wizards prints. It's finally getting a time to shine, it's only going to go up from here (and rares literally can't stay below $0.10 for long anyways).
Seance is a good buyout pick right now, but unironically.
Nolan Young
>The absolute state of delusional Séance bagholders LMAO AT UR LIFE
Lucas Ward
if Veeky Forums ever had its own format, we should make it so damage is on the stack again
Mason Perry
It's been a while since I've actually played but I hear they keep having to ban cards in standard because they can't balance for shit and the game is kind of going to hell from what I've gleaned from fa/tg/uys. Regardless, sinking attention and time into crypto research is probably much more lucrative than cards.
Juan Nguyen
What a stupid image. The author should by all means take a thousand hobos into his own house every night then.
Jordan Hernandez
oldschool/93-94 is basically what you just described
yeah i finally quit in early 2017 they don't know what the fuck they're doing in terms of game design
too much moneygrubbing and pandering to bad players and shithead casuals, alienating their core audience
i know it's hilarious i remember seeing posts about this shit in like 2013 and they're still going
Xavier Watson
Hi I am rudy from alpha investments. Pls delete this.
Lincoln Howard
Can someone explain how Seance counters Jace?
Carter Thompson
I remember back in college we got a friend into MTG. Took him to the local comic shop to buy a pack and that fucker got a foil Jace, the Mind Sculptor in his first pack. Guy had no clue why we were all freaking out hah.
Jaxson Nelson
it doesn't, seance speculators are just desperate
Gabriel Gonzalez
Standard = shit
People are leaving standard formats because they are so bad. One thing that they move to for gaming now is... Modern.
All these cards are Modern, which is where everyone is going, including their money.
1) They slam Jace T4, you get to follow up with Seance
2) You get to play all the things that normally kill Jace but you also as a totally free benefit don't care about them countering your other creatures. Thragtusk to play? Great. Thragtusk countered? Great. Use Seance on it anyways. Siege Rhino, Bloodbraid Elf, Satyr Wayfinder, Voice of Resurgence, all these cards work with Seance and go against Jace decks. It slots in that easily.
It'll be a Seance Vs Jace world.
Nicholas Anderson
>what is graveyard hate
Jack Garcia
You think a deck that plays Snapcaster Mage is going to play Rest in Peace?
I think the shell of the deck that wants Seance is fine because if they actually do something crazy like that, you still have all the creatures that beat Jace afterwards - You traded having to deal with Snapcaster value in the odd case that they actually try that.
Graveyard hate is also the reason they won't ban Seance and it's a good spec - it can't get out of control like Jace, and Seance is just going to outlive Jace in Modern.
Samuel Lewis
OP, wouldnt this require literally every fucking copy of the card to get bought?
Jackson Sullivan
Are people already buying because of this post? The $0.09 and $0.10 copies all dried up, now theres only $0.11 and up.... also only 195 sellers left and its been under an hour.
Jayden Nguyen
>Only 1500 copies left now
>Avg $0.25
>Only $375 + a bunch in shipping to clean them out
Not that hard to actually buy it out. And if it does hit $10 (which is 1/20th of what Jace hit) it's a pretty insane ROI for a small risk.
Jose Fisher
>Implying someone is going to buy them once they 1000x >Implying every meta player hasn't already prepared >Implying there isn't a better card to counter it
Leo Diaz
>Implying someone is going to buy them once they 1000x this is the most important part, nobody fucking wants the card, so it doesn't matter if you can list them all at $1,000 each, nobody will buy them just like nobody is buying them to actually use them now
Blake Diaz
I love you I just got chills reading this >former jss player
Jacob Ramirez
Everyone is going to want this card come friday. Mark my words.
Jeremiah Phillips
sounds promising OP but I missed the part with chainlink
Gavin Martinez
seance is worth 9 cents because its completely worthless. on turn 4 you shouldn't have any creatures in your graveyard. and creatures it reanimates can't do anything, not defend nor attack or tap abilities. so you're limited to creatures with haste or other event abilities which are always weaker than the casting cost. you'd be better off hardcasting a good 4 drop... like jace
Jace can be used in 1000 different types of decks, all you need is two islands. that's why hes so valuable
If jace is being reprinted, that means the overall supply is increasing, and it should go back to its value of $80 or even as low as $40.
even if wizards printed the perfect combo cards for it, it'd go up to $2, because it's still only good in one deck.
Aaron White
Un banning Jace is fucking stupid.
Julian Lopez
Henry Moore
Jace will be $150+ after reprints, hes still "power 10".
Also no way to get creatures in the yard? Are you retarded or just fud? Faithless looting, evoke, satyr wayfinder are all top tier and youve got to just be a full retard to think they dont put creatures in your yard.
Hudson White
fuck off Rudy we dont want your worthless cardboard.
Benjamin Bell
Meanwhile in Sweden, white veterans in their 60s freeze to death on a bench while somalian immigrants who have never worked a day in their life and will likely depend on welfare forever are housed in expensive heated homes. But hey, it's free market that's a problem.
Ryder Baker
no, i've played in dozens of tournaments, i always placed high There's no reason for it to stay at $150 when you can buy 2 boxes and usually get one.
but thats what i'm talking about, if you have to put a card in your deck to get them into the graveyard, that limits the flexibility of the card. it can only be put in one type of deck, meaning there's not much demand for it. you will need your thrag tusk, faithlesss looting, and seance. how many different types of decks can you build that require those 3 cards? not many. and its still a bad card
you can run jund with 2 islands just to force in jace if you want to. it goes anywhere. (and that's why its cancer)
Caleb Taylor
Holy shit you're a full tier retard. You're such a tard you don't even know how tarded you are.
Hur dur 2 islands means you can play jace if you want to
Ya so 2 plains means you can play seance if you want to
Holy shit you are so dumb I can see why you're against buying seance now, only someone as shit as you could be antiseance.
Nathan Edwards
Jace the unsculptor? unbanned? what the fuck
Josiah Baker
ok i regularly played with PTQ tier players (and won), but lets listen to some tard that thinks an enchantment will be worth more than a dollar. disenchant costs two and kills your whole strategy. congrats you have 12 dead cards in your deck because your deck relies on a single card that's easy to kill off.
only enchantments that stay at $10 are things like mirari's wake which can be abused the same turn they drop
Samuel Williams
You only get 12 dead cards if you're playing cards that are objectively bad.
Faithless looting is good on its own.
Mulldrifter is good on its own.
Satyr Wayfinder is the only thing thats good with a strategy behind hit because its got bad rates. But it has lower rates BECAUSE it's got such a huge enter the battlefield trigger. It puts nonlands into your graveyard like Faithless Looting or big dredge or whatever you put in your deck.
Grats on showing up to a PTQ, I've won RPTQs and showed up to the actual PT. I was at PT BNG and ended losing to Shaun Mclaren early on. Get on my level or get fucked you retard.
Bentley Taylor
seance is garbage, hard to believe you when a novice deckbuilder can see that. I'm calling BS
Eli Foster
You forget - all the big boys and good players are in on Jace and Jund. Seance is a real casual solution and who we'll be reselling the Seances to at a higher price.
Buying a few hundred for $20 means that I don't care if it ACTUALLY hits $10/card... I really only need it to hit $0.50 and then I'm making bank, but if it does hit $10/card thats just way better. It's better than lots of crypto.
Plus we're at the point where thanks to bulk rates it literally cannot fall in value. This is the lowest possible price, if its shit you can just resell it.
Anthony Myers
Seance is currently $0.57
Connor Harris
even if it hits 50 cents you will only sell 4 of them a day. it's a colossal waste of time, timmy cards that only fit in one deck are not what you want to be scooping up
but nice larp with the shaun name drop. almost had me going for a second
Zachary Jackson
It's listed with market price at $0.21 now and a median shooting up to $0.44, so people already have doubled their money potentially...
Everyone buying is literally, provably making money as it goes up. Shut the fuck up.
Luis Green
They are a greedy company. We can be greedy too.
Jaxon Stewart
it doesn't. Just Seance fags trying to unload their bags.
Nicholas Morales
it does. Just Seance fudders trying to get in on the Jace train.
Luis Sanders
Lands and rocks are the only things worth hodling
Ian Rodriguez
What if they put lands in A25? I could see fetches + shocks + truly iconic cards all getting shoved in there, which would push the value of decks to the actual spells and away from the lands...
Parker Jackson
creepy rudy
Colton Cooper
They blew their fetchland and timeshift load recently, but expect some of the usual Legacy suspects to get reprints
Bought into LEDs, mix diamonds, and duals before they announced eternal masters, feels good man
But yea MTG liquidity is dogshit and honestly i’d rather hodl than take gains because I just love the cards.
Andrew Moore
Also keep in mind wotc never goes above a value threshold with a set (there are articles about this) because they can’t just reprint everything all at once and release a set worth more on average than what they sell boxes for
That’s why a set with Lilliana or jayce doesn’t also have reprints of fetches, etc, and if it does, the average value of everything else in the set including rates is near 0.
Owen Morgan
>MTG liquidity is dogshit
Well, not on instant settlement sites. SpeedMTG.com instant settles, COMC.com has 50% fees but instant settles. Then there are magic derivative sites that are announced but not made. MTGoptions.com and OptionsMTG.com are two different people. MTGFutures.com is some rando (not a company) that says they're developing. MTG is really more liquid if you actually try to get liquidity.
Wyatt Smith
Levi Sanchez
I know this great website where you can trade these called Magic The Gathering Online eXchange (mtgox.com), you goys should sign up!
Asher Hernandez
Mtgox only traded digital magic items, no actual magic cards. Mtg digital items also dont need instant settlement, because online items instamt settle by default. The only technological advancement comes from facilitating reserve trading.
Brody Wilson
ITT: Virgins
Angel Cruz
This post a FAG
Owen Walker
any Veeky Forums whale can probably buy out all the cards and list them whatever price they want. The hard part if get them to buy it at the price you want.
Michael Brooks
I fucking love the artistic part of MTG.
Nolan Smith
I literally do not think there is anyone on this sub has $1000, because if there was there is only $1000 worth of Seances left now and they literally could relist them all at whatever price they wanted here. Someone could, right now, buy everything out at $0.25, make a seller account, and list them again at idk $1? Then they only have to sell 1/4 of them to make their money back, or they can list them higher and sell less, etc.
Plus let's not forget this is a meme card in the game, if someone buys out all the Seance copies people are going to jump on the bandwagon because "omg its actually happening I can't miss out, THE MEMES ARE REAL LIFE."
Lincoln Jackson
If I had $1000 id buy them all. I have a seller account for random cards. I could easily double my money even after fees, and youd get so many copies thered be some left over in case the hype takes it higher.
Kevin Campbell
mtg has the shittest liquidity. so fucking shit as an investment.
Ethan Bell
but you can't just buy them out on one website you'd have to buy them out everywhere
William Roberts
TCGPlayer.com is a marketplace - it means there are like over 9000 people selling through that site. It basically is the entire worlds supply, because random other stores often use TCGPlayer too. And who cares if there's a few remaining on other places on the internet - they are going to want to sell at the new higher price too, as there's no reason to sell it for $0.25 if its going on markets for like $10.
Daniel Ramirez
Tcgplayer buying it out everywhete. Its also where you sell for your gains. Its a really good 2 sided marketplace system.
Juan Cox
> Bought a Black Lotus Collector's Edition years ago for $20 > Website says a few weeks ago it was worth $10k
Did they threaten to make it tourney legal or something?
Austin Ward
They didn't. You just underestimate the ease of and profitability of buyouts.
Adrian Collins
If this shit were that profitable the chinks would've flooded the market with perfect counterfeits, we're not talking about bank notes here.
Julian Lopez
The same way they counterfeit $1,000,000 comic books?
Unless, of course, there are certain characteristics that can't be faked...
We're talking about Jace stuff and other things that relate to it on discord at discord [ dot ] gg [ ] U5Yh4Vj
Parker Sanchez
are there some regulations against wizards employees buying up the stock of certain cards before new editions/bannings/unbannings come out?
would this be considered "insider knowledge" if it's for a fucking card game?
Juan Reyes
Some places like starcitygames.com got caught insider trading and nothing happened. They made a $90,000 market buy on reserved list duals 18 hours before an announcement that they would greatly increase demand. They made triple their money in 1 day. The community got mad but there was nothing anyone could do. They just bought the now inflated cards cause they needed tgem and grumbled angrily. Meanwhile scg laughed all the way to the bank. Look it up theres some neat stories on it.
One of the most upvotes posts on /r/magictcg is about the insider trading thing. People got PISSED because all the money they made was on selling something at an artificially high price because they bought out cards.