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Poorfolio thread
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You're calling yourself poor? Look at this shit, atleast i just got accepted to mcdonalds and start working in 8 days.
wrong pic, fucking computer
> >60% on VEN
I see you have good taste, friend.
Apart from not having enough money, what's stopping you from buying into TRX and IOTA? Get in if you want to make it.
since it looks like you buy anything that gets shilled might as well dump some into Nuls for an easy x10
Yeah i feel like ven could make me some good money for next big booming coins 2019
I've been looking into iota and will probably dump 500-1000$ on it once i get my salary
Trx i havent heard anything good about at all, please do shill me if you feel like it
Well, yeah. I'd say any portfolio under 5 figures is such. I have low 5 figure in my boomer-tier mutual fund ffs, and almost same in firearms. I guess I just suck at this.
>Trx i havent heard anything good about at all, please do shill me if you feel like it
Same, just dumped my LUX and jumped into it like a panicking retard. Need to know how bad I fucked up.
No, way too diversified, not enough LINK, REQ, and OMG
If you bought $6K of Ethereum a year ago, you'd have over half a mil. Yes you'll make it.
Am i gonna make it to 20k?
This is a very solid portfolio.
Remember when ripple was around .05? Yea, Trx is kind of like that.
Go all in on Airswap or something, Jesus Christ user... You're fucking spread thin.
no, you're not.
>NEO and ZCL
dump all that ZCL pre fork into NEO and you will have made it
People with less than 10K invested should not diversify beyond 2-4 coins max. You're just undermining your potential profits.
Did you just buy every single meme coin shilled on biz?
Thanks for supporting us Africans, user.