
I hope op. These 3.10 bags are heavy

Went in at 2,50 pls moon soon


Oh you poor faggot... Still holding these bags ?
Check the fucking graph and look what happened 6 months ago. It's going to drop at least another %50-60 before going up

can't even say why the moon is imminent??

Don't laugh you cunt. This is my kids uniform money here. My daughter is still wearing her clothes from last year because of her dad's fuck up.

Prove it.

Seriously tho, why would it moon now? It spiked earlier today and keeps slowly bleeding out sideways since then.

what did jester mean by that, hmm Malta flag

chill dude, I'm also stuck with bags, welcome to the club

btw XRP is mooning from 13:30 (+1).

It's mooning in the staircase pattern, newshits.

ripple 16k eoy 2018

Kek. That pic made me laugh. This shit was such a big mistake. First fun... then dbc... then this... should I just neck myself now

let's go with jester prediction of 589 eoy 2018 for now

hodl and revisit XRP in summer, thank me later

jester? who?

Ripple insider, private subreddit. Made multiple accurate prediction. The 589+ eoy malta pic was from him as well

the guy that was right about some predictions before he's from subreddit Rippled, he posted the 598 eoy prediction with Ripple logo on a Malta flag. The sub is now invite only for no apparent reason.