6k bottom seller support group

Not going to lie anymore, I tethered up at 6k and have felt like shit watching it go up ever since. I've made 2-3 of those 6k FUD threads every day for the past week hoping it'll come back down. Hell, I FUDded so hard I might've started to believe it myself. But now it's clear that will never happen.

This thread is dedicated to all those who sold between 7k - 6k. We have to stick together and not FOMO back in. Feel free to share how you're holding up. Let's talk entry points. I'm probably going to pull the trigger during the next 10% dip. Some of you may have bought back already. Hats off to you. Some of you may be thinking of FOMOing back in right now. I advise you not to let your emotions take over your better judgement. I know that sinking feeling of watching bitcoin go up with seemingly no end in sight, but this is for the best.

If you're not a 6k bottom seller and you're just here to laugh at us, don't bother. We've already been hurt enough this past week. Nothing you say can hurt us any more.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not gonna laugh at your patheticness anymore, just why did you sell at 6k? What thought process? Did you really see more than a 70% drop as it was at that point?

>I've made 2-3 of those 6k FUD threads every day for the past week hoping it'll come back down. Hell, I FUDded so hard I might've started to believe it myself.
You're a fucking scumbag. Veeky Forums has zero influence over btc. The only thing you may have accomplished is making Anons lose money.

Screencap your post and read it again next week.

cute boobs


>We have to stick together and not FOMO back in
>the next 10% dip
Lol. You tard. The next 10% dip will be to 12k after it hits 13k.

>You're a fucking scumbag. Veeky Forums has zero influence over btc. The only thing you may have accomplished is making Anons lose money.


also, Richard Heart to that kid on his stream who said, "Richard I'm 17 and I had 70k in crypto now i only have 10, what should i do?"
Richard Heart: "sell now before you only have 5!"

it was 8k at the time

Possibly the biggest mistake of your life if you don't buy back in before the end of FEB

Right now the cheapest Bitcoin you can ever buy. It's going straight to 15k with no corrections

>Nothing you say can hurt us any more.
I have two letters for you:


Anyone who sold at 6-7k deserves as much shame as the retards that bought at 20k.

Shame, made a thread saying to buy under 7k, instead biz solpd under 7k yikes

I tethered because i was swing trading as btc made its descent. It looked like btc was about to take another plunge and then fucking binance locked up forcing me to stay tethered while the price rose for the next two days.

But remember, what goes up must come down. Im waiting for a healthy correction to jump back in

you deserve losing all your money OP

>We have to stick together and not FOMO back in

Wow you're going to have a bad time.

>i fucked myself over so i tried to fuck over others to make myself feel better
classic normie crab in a bucket god you fucking people make me sick. unironically kill yourself before the neet uprising happens and we exterminate you painfully

shut the fuck up whore I just wanted to trade short term swings

Fuck you fucking omegafag

ya'll are gonna need to rent out a conference room or something for your next support group

Are those good or bad looking feet? Any footfag here can shed a light? Toes look weird as fuck

Also op refer to this thread, Bitcoin will go to $15k

I tethered up at 8k after buying in at 7k for the first time. Fomo'd back in at 9.5 and 10.5. I feel pretty good right now lmao.

I lost about 1 BTC in potential gains from the rise of my various alts and now the disproportionate rise of BTC in comparison to those alts but w/e.

Feeling okay.

No idea, I just have a bunch of pics basically for threads just like this one.

man i'm so glad i made this mistake at 10k rather than 6k.

i learnt my lesson - DON'T SELL RED

Lol @ waiting for a correction. The correction happened and lasted 2 months. Enjoy waiting another year. At which point the ‘corrected price’ will even higher. You played yourself.

I tethered at 6800 to catch the swing back and catch a few coins. It never went below. Untethered at 7500 and rode it to 8400. Then have sat out since then and I am getting fucked.

I never sold. Been getting fiat in for over a year. I don't care about prices. The mean will rise. So as soon as my fiat clear. I toss it in the ring. I'll continue doing this until I feel the sentiment is of control. Then I continue to get fiat in but it sits on sidelines. At 20k it was on sidelines. At 12k I begin throwing it in. It's that simple. Now I'll cont. to throw fiat in as soon as possible until we reach -20% or -15% of ATH. See you 2020.

This. He FUDs and makes people sell and then creates a support group so he doesn't feel alone. Kill yourself OP. YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

I haven't sold anything yet, but I will soon. We're heading back there.

People also said at 15k that it would never go below 10k again. And it went all the way to 6k. Never say never. Im going to doubt the capacity for Veeky Forums to be wrong.

OP no shame in Tethering obv. You just clearly jump back aboard when the train starts to take off.

Also I'll never tether. That shit is for pussies. You add to your stack. Fuck trades. Trading is for bitches who don't want to keep getting cold hard usd in the fucking game.

>sell the bottom
>be a faggot and make fud threads
>try to buy btc again while you can buy cheap but solid projects
Stupid faggot.

Not going to doubt *

>im 19
cool breh

>Not going to laugh any more.
just buy back in already idiot
don't a sudoku because one mistake OP


op, you and your bretherine are SHIT becase you bag hold your underwater positions. not because you opened a low short.

thats the difference between good tranders and shit traders. shit traders make bad shorts, but their hallmark isn't that, it's how they refuse to let go of their mistakes. a good trader will identify their mistake fast and close their underwater position to minimize a loss.

you are fucking still not bought back in and it's practically double now. lol.

This is exactly waht the hodl meme was invented for. people who are shit at trades.

They're not the best. Bit too stubby in the toes.
Not enough slenderness.
Good cartilage definition though in the top of the foot.

The thing I can't figure out is, if you have weak baby bitch hands, WHY would you wait for 70% losses and THEN decide to drop the soap?

If you didn't set a stop loss, there is clearly a point - maybe somewhere around 35% losses - where you have made a commitment to hold and let the chips fall where they may. If you didn't sell before a threshhold you should already have in mind, then you should switch strategy to hodl and just ride it out for however long it takes.

I just don't get it. But then again, I held through the whole thing. I'm still not fully recovered on some of my shit-coins, but I'm overall up now.

Son of a bitch op, i bet you are an omega faggot. I almost sold my BTC but decided not to. I hope you get cancer and never make it.

i tethered eth at 922, can i join too?

hard lesson well learned.

What's the best entry point now? I probably will buy if it break meme downtrend line at 12k.

Please answer me.

You said it yourself. 12k


You deserve everything that happened to you. YOU are the reason this crashed so hard. Do yourself a favor and never buy back in, you dont deserve to hols bitcoin. You fomoing in qill drive the price up beyond natural growth, YOU are the reason for this bs volatility, you fuckface, have a (you)

some people wanted to trade short term and got caught off guard by the trend reversal

shut the fuck up WHORE

Hahaha you stupid pig fucker.

You’re so fucking stupid, you make shit decisions, like tethering at 6k that was shit!!

Dont forget to live man. Dont know about you but i was on biz bwfore the crypro boom reading about frugality and have been eating rice and beans as a student to be able to put about 500 euro a month into crypro. Got a job only to be able to put money into crypro. Sometimes question my sanity but then remember the insanity it is to apwnd a tenth of your monthly salary on a saturday out.

Good point

Whoa did i hit home?

Go put your money in weed stocks you abortion. 20% a year!

Heres a tip. Buy and set a stop loss 5% lower. If it triggers set the stop buy order back where you first bought in. Repeat until we are out of this madness.

This will protect you if we are in a bull trap

Depends on your game, honestly. If you're speculating, the answer is anyone's guess. Try to get in as low as you think it'll go, and be sure to set a stop loss once you do get in.
If you actually believe in what you're investing in though, and you're going for the tried and true hodl meme, the answer is NOW. There is no best time to get in if you intend to hold long term. Just get in and enjoy the ride.

>buy and sell at the exact same position for a 5% loss repeatedly

I still have Faith OP
Join us, do not leave the bears
There will be pay back
This market will explode if it keeps up like this
Profit taking will be here shortly
You have all been warned

I tethered at 9k and sold my DBC and APPC bag. APPC doubled within 2 days and DBC gained 36% the next day.

>still better than selling at 6k


sorry bearfag, I can't take it anymore... will probably rebuy everything when it breaks 12k resistance line


Haha hey man it's Travis, I started in crypto a couple weeks ago on reddit. Made the switch over to the chan and fitting in very nicely so far. Had a few good threads where I got some replies but it's hard to make close crypto buddies here because my ID keeps changing.

Noting ID 68u57WhJ so we can discuss further.

Who was the first woke redpiller that wrote about Bitcoin on /biz? Did he/she warn you in 2010 about Bitcoin's future and you never listened? Is Crypto on Biz a new thing?

>fucktards actually sold their bitcoin for ((((((((fiat)))))))))

can't make this shit up

0.618 fib region just about to be hit. You might be saved OP. J/k bet you rebuy @ 9k and it tests 6k again

Another whore who fucks niggers.

> milkies

whoever you are and whatever your motivation
you're cancer

>Ill wait until we reach 20k and wait for a 10% dip then buy
Nigga, it will dip 50% when you buy back in. Thats why if you get trapped holding you have to wait.

fuck off back to r*ddit and /pol/ newfaggot



Stefan Molyneux was

Veeky Forums was created as a crypto containment board because it was filling up too much of /g/, then we went a couple years with very few crypto posts and most anons shitting on it saying it would never recover. Feels like most people that were around back then are all gone though, nocoiners probably can't deal with having let the opportunity slip through their hands twice and those who made it are probably off enjoying their millions.

>tfw sold at 7k then FOMO'd back in at 7k on the rebound up.


Is Sarah /ourgirl/ now?

Need bobs and vegana

>coal burning jew
>our girl


Are you OmegaMaker? :p

Satoshi was probably jewish, you know we're a lot better at finance than you.

the only reason jews put emphasis on circumcision is because your race is rife with sexual dysnfunction. its common for jewish boys to be born with foreskins that cannot retract properly or even to be born with completely deformed penises. its also not uncommon for jewish men to be completely a sexual. this is why jews cannot mantain high populations

fuck you cunt fudder i hope you lose it all and die!

>bought btc at 17k
>didnt sell yet

>waiting until you bleed out 70% to finally sell
Unreal that there are people this stupid on this board.

hairy big toes -1/10

3/10 feet

I thought it was a typo at first, but then you did it again. AND a third time.

I sold at 16k then bought back in at 7k after the 5.8 double bottom.

>this dip


10.2k in the next day or so