Do retards actually fall for this shit?

Do retards actually fall for this shit?

he has heaps of eth anyways he created them

You answered your own question

>Do retards actually fall for this shit?
>shows proof of retards falling for this shit
are you retarded, OP?

Yep, every fucking time

How many ETH he owns

I still have not received my ether, my dad wrote angry email now to butterin.


lol vitalik urging the nocoiners to stay poor. what a fucking legend XUX

i don't know how they do that shit without getting shadowbanned from twitter, i've mad a lot of accounts and my messages nor replies appear

can someone redpill me on how to do this

someone try this right now

the transactions seem fake also though

I would like but I keep getting my tweeter account shadowbanned, also how can they make so many bots to reply their tweets with positive shit

bunch of set up
they put work into this shit, knowing thye will make 26k in a few hours.
hundred accouts are set up with temp emails and bogus info.
they sit ideal, waiting for the comment, and act all at once.
you cant just make a vitalik like account and expect a great response. you have to put work into it

he got 26 eth from this

charlie lee said that they block the account they're impersonating right before or after

you can't do this shit with brand new accounts
engage with several of them, bonus if you get them to respond to you before you impersonate and it will stay up for a long time

use capital "i" and cyrillic

More than one lurker in this thread are probably scrambling to send eth to that address right fucking now

Buy likes on your post duh

Nocoiner here, haven't gone in due to the volatility of the market, I'm gonna download mist try this out tomorrow. Anything I should know before I give it a shot?

fuck that is saavy. hope that went to some Russian or Venezuelan poorfag.

>he got 26 eth from this

He sends them to himself. It is not that hard to figure out.