Daily reminder that Ethereum needs Turing locks.
Daily reminder that Ethereum needs Turing locks
is that book good?
it's god tier along with snow crash
mandatory read at least once
its the btc of cyberpunk
u still read books? HAHAHAHA fucking LOSER
>shit tier b8
keep working on it
I'm reading snowcrash now, just got to the fight in the hops field with Raven. Metaverse is a cool thing, curious about that mafia family guy, and what does the mafia want with Y. T.
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums best life
i'm imaging a crypto whitepaper with so many footnotes it uses exponential notation
It's trash if you know anything about CS or software engineering, the author has no idea what he talks about.
fucking kek also checked em
>why isn't a science fiction book from the early 1980s up to my autistic standards of pedantry
suicide was invented for people like you
snow crash is angsty weaboo bullshit it couldn't lick the book shit off of neuromancer's book boots
in terms of cyberpunk genre neuromancer = Lord of the Rings Snow Crash = harry potter
snow crash is tongue in cheek user
it's also fucking hilarious
wew that's good bait
>hasn't heard about the ICO platform that gives each coin its own blockchain and features a turing-complete programming language based on C
WTF are you even doing if you haven't read neuromancer
>this book that existed before the stuff i'm talking about is total garbage because it inspired the stuff i'm talking about
Just finished my first my first read through last night, coincidentally. Really fucking good.
>it's also fucking hilarious
it's funny if you think a little mary sue skateboarder saying radical dudeler while a gook with a sword bitches for 300 pages is funny
actually i enjoyed reading snow crash almost anything cyberpunk is interesting and the "meme virus" religiosity thing was cool
but too many faggots always put snow crash on the same level as Neuromancer like it's some kind of yin and yang shit that's fucking gay and retarded
Tropic Thunder is a good movie but that doesn't mean you can compare it to Apocalypse Now
yes i care about things and am mad on the internet
their anarcho capitalist society is funny, faggot
software engineer here. I loved the book and really enjoy Gibson's writing style. I went on to read a bunch of his books. He obviously doesn't know much about CS but he has an innate ability to observe patterns and make prediction on how people and societies use technology. That is more interesting to me than specific technology theories. I'm also a Veeky Forumsg and love his detailed description of clothing and aesthetics.
cyberpunk is gay af
Old shadowrun game manual is probably better