
>muh crypto gonna replace fiat and take away power from banks and government
>however:fiat is backed by guns
>muh nerds and neets gonna win against armies and nuke

I can't belive you fools actually belive this.

Crypto have no future as currency.


Stellar is actually going to make it and help africans tho

thanks just sold 300

and how is gov going to pay for those armies, guns bank bailouts etc?

Well by printing more fiat and devaluing everyone, except those in BTC and crypto, who cannot have thier holding endless printed to zero

though I admit the number for coins comming out does devalue the ones you hold, but thats a long tail, eg the to 20 make up 90% of the market.

>Yeh lemme jus' order a tactical nuke strike against a decentralised... Oh...

>and how is gov going to pay for those armies, guns bank bailouts etc?

You do know that the US army is paid in USD right? That's what give fiat value: Force.
How you gonna get an army with your crypto.
How crypto is gonna protect you against crackdown and police?

Crypto only exist because it's not yet big enough to be a treat.

Just ban stores form accepting crypto, ban all exchanges and put everyone to jail
Crypto drop to zero.

Nerds never learn history....

Also, I got into crpto in 2015, so don't try calling me a salty no-coiner.

Haha just put everyone to jail

yeah nah becuase they buying value goes to zero so no one works any more for it

you ZMB$, wiermar republic mark, usd atm.

crypto only exists becuase you can not actually turn it off.

This is something new for govt, as system that is everywhere they cannot stop by borders or force.

Nor can the system be faked

1 country shutting down crypto won't be the end of it. We can move to japan or switz

Nukes don't exist.

They don't want to stop crypto, they want to control it so they can better tax and control you with their world currency. If they wanted to shut it all down now they could but they wont, they are only pretending to fight it to make their one world currency look organically grown and derived from the people.

>backing a currency with violence

that's just a threat, you still have to follow through (which you can't and its obvious)

You can't back a coin with violence (forever)

>you ZMB$, wiermar republic mark, usd atm.

lol no. That's the fate of crypto. A currecy you can't spend? That's just a collectible item.

>crypto only exists because you can not actually turn it off.

Just because it can't be turned off doesn't mean it won't become worthless.

If the US shut it down that will be it. A lot of value of crypto come from moving money out of shithole country to the US. So theUS allow it, for now.

This one gets it, partially.
But it won't be a one world currency, each country will just do it for their own currency. Crypto is the best path to cashless society. Those stupid nerds and Neets just created a perfect excuse for us people to lose more of our rights.

>You can't back a coin with violence (forever)
That's literally how Gold became valuable. After thousands years being backed by violence we come to think it as money.

>Just ban stores form accepting crypto, ban all exchanges and put everyone to jail
Crypto drop to zero.
Decentralized exchanges exists. Can't ban that.
Even if stores are banned, the increasing scope of government regulation just increases black markets. How do you thing bitcoin got started, it was use largely to buy illegal drugs. Also people want to preserve their wealth, and hide it from tyrannical governments who steal and murder people.

>pushed to the black market....
5$ btc here we come.

>preserve their wealth


They can use any crypto for that, no need ot invest.. crypto prices still drops to pennies. Beside, hidding your wealth onlt works when the price is stable and that you can easily cash out.

Like I said: >If the US shut it down that will be it. A lot of value of crypto come from moving money out of shithole country to the US. So the US allow it, for now.

no body is gonna use crypto to hide their wealth if you can't cash out.

Veeky Forums are so naive.

You may not be able to easily cash out but you will still be able to. Just like if you have 10kg of coke, it may be hard to "cash out" but sure as fuck you can eventually convert it cash. There are enough people in the world now that believe in crypto because they don't trust government fiat. Even if the market severely drops, these people like myself aren't going away. Yes I am uncertain about how crypto will get to a point to replace fiat but I believe it is the right direction for very important reasons. Also, you won't need to "cash out" if you can just use your crypto to buy stuff.

You do realize that the black market is a tiny part of the economy right?
Stop pushing the goal post, crypto is not the money of the future.

Crypto fail because it was created under blatant ignorance of the anthropological origin of money and the real nature of money and the origin of precious metal as store of value AND the relation between financial and political power in history.
Small Hint: barter economy never existed.

Nerds don't learn history, and those who don't learn history are doomed the repeat it.

Anyways, sleepy now. gonna reply tomorrow if this is still up.

Yes, bitcoin is in a bubble. No, bitcoin doesn't represent all of crypto. No, people won't forget about blockchain technology because of grandpa coin shitting the bed.

I can't believe people on here are so fucking retarded that they can't see the bigger picture.

Chartalism is a lie, barter economy did indeed exist, and has existed far beyond the advent of widespread political authority, see silent trade for obvious example.

The simple truth is that violence can only back a currency so long as there are no competitors to that currency immune to violence. And that's what cryptocurrency is, there's no agency to shut down, no necks to put boots on, and so all one must do to escape from parasitism of political authority and central banks is to adopt cryptocurrency and maintain operational security enabled by the innovation.

Any way I can I profit of this shit coin for shit countries ?

Also, want to specifically address the pretentious part about "you sad nerds don't learn history".
Motherfucker, for thousands of years of human civilisation, the primary monetary media has been a manipulation resistant hard currency, every time banks have ever managed to hold sway, either by design or subterfuge, they eventually manage to leverage their position to create new money, and it always ends the same fucking way, catastrophically, and with a reversion to the thousand year mean of hard currency or get the fuck out.
We've been in a fully fiat system completely divorced from any kind of underlying hard currency since 1971 now, we're well overdue for the reversion to the thousand year mean, and hard supply controlled decentralised cryptocurrencies are an even harder currency than gold.
It is *you* who does not understand history, and your delusion is a side effect of your education, which is itself an indoctrination into accepting the natural and immovable dominance of the current power structures, whilst actually they are artificial and extremely fragile, and this is going to kill them. Your options are to profit by it, or become the cattle that anyone clinging to the old order will necessarily become.

Who old are you?
Whats your profession?

by buying some you fucking baboon