Which would you rather hold?
Which would you rather hold?
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NEO is a pretty comfy hodl desu
Probably JNT but I'll wait until next week to decide but until then LTC for litepay.
In that order. All of em are legit holds desu.
>how to identify a slide thread
>it doesn't mention LINK
JNT for the gainz potential
I’m holding omg and ltc
whats the point of LTC again, it's only slightly faster than BTC seems like there will be many coins coming that will destroy it.
JNT has the most gains potential by far but is the riskiest by far
It's the riskiest by several magnitudes in addition to not really being relevant until Q3.
Torn between LTC and NEO
which hopefully gives me enough time to accumulate 100K
only coins i'm holding in 2018 unless something mindblowing comes along
Big amount? NEO
Medium amount? LTC/OMG
What's so risky about it desu? The Maktoum partnership alone pretty much guarantees you will turn a profit (at worst) if you bought recently (or in the near future). Worst come worst is that it doesn't really catch on among other big capital players and it doesn't become a moon mission. But it's virtually impossible to be holding bags of this in the future assuming you don't do something retarded like pass on it now but FOMO in later.
Anyone that has done proper research knows that it's OMG.
NEO is more hype than anything. I can see growth potential for it, but not a long term hold.
> this subtle JNT shill thread
why not, what's the actual fud on NEO?
What's wrong with NEO?
Neo and LTC are the safest mid-long holds right now.
OMG probably has more risk and reward.
Out of all them? Probably LTC.
no contest
Of those? Neo and it's even close.
Neo cuz GAS and LTC doesnt do dapps
its the BTC tech proving-ground.. I think they had and sidechains long long before BTC ever did
lightning network and sidechains*
LSK. None comes even close
Omg > neo > LTC > SHT > JNT
1. Neo
2. OMG
3. LTC
4. JNT
Neo and omg in that order. Since we're talking long term, ltc has no purpose anymore and will fade into oblivion. Jnt is a pajeet coin and doesn't belong in that list at all
an hour of legitimate research and you'd buy JNT
all in JNT.
Already done my research. The team is sketchy and its not the sort of thing i invest in. I invest in infrastructure projects like neo, eos, eth etc. That all these projects will be running on.
What are your guys thoughts on Strat? $9 seems pretty low for it
Neo with wanchain moonshot
thoughts on NULS?
NEO. It's now established that major NEO projects can air drop to NEO holders. GAS will eventually be accepted in ICOs and it'll start a feedback loop that will make the coin go full retard. Beyond that, most of the fundamentals are blue chip.
It's fine. They're the WordPress bottom feeder solution once China starts moving on blockchain. They'll do quantity over quality and fill a niche.
Never heard of it but it sounds interesting at first glance
35% neo 15% jnt 20% OMG 20% ltc
put more into jnt if you're looking for retire tier gains
Another day, another JNT thread
Omisuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! KAMI samaaaaaaaa
NEO and OMG.
JNT will make moves, planning on cashing out around 4x current marketcap.
> this subtle JNT shill thread
I'm only holding it because I bought in to the facking fomo, and I know i'll regret selling it til the maktoum interview is released. Tokenising everything is retarded though.
Cashing out at x4 the current mcap, but
>Tokenising everything is retarded though.
So the whole project is retarded and will still go x4? Sounds great.
NEO of course
The chaddest of coins. People still haven't realized how insane it is the fact that it cannot be divided.
oh so you wanna buy 10 bucks of OMG. be my guest
oh so you want to buy 10 bucks of NEO> BTFO pleb
gtfo with that big J jabroni faggotry, its going nowhere, that piece of turd is just immense larp of biz
pretty much, VEN exploded based on partnerships and NOTHING else. JNT is in the same boat. Once that partnership is officially released it'll stagnate.
Unironically neo
OMG, OMG, OMG in no particular order
>JNT for a month
>wait for Arabfags to pump the shit out of it once the Sheikh goes public
>buy twice as much OMG and NEO as I otherwise could have
That's what I'm doing.
I just read a bit about OMG, and it doesn't make any sense to me
Lots of promises, but I have no idea how they are going to achieve all that
Somehow I doubt that you faggots are all PhDs who can understand the white papers, but you're still betting your money on it
Wtf should I even go by when making these investment decisions? Is it all just fugazi woozi wazi / fairy dust that's never landed, and I'm just supposed to pump money into things that kinda seem promising?
pump and dump scheme by founder c. lee.
fuck outta here
OMG, ENG, LINK and XLM in that order
what about WAN
>buy my bag sirs please sirs I am at severe loss
Can someone link the roadmap of JNT? I think they are ahead of their milestone "exit scam".
jibrel.network is their website. They will publish an updated roadmap next week or early March iirc.
Ethereum Classic.
Look at it's price. It is a great store and will definitely rise in price.
JNT, not even a question
But it keeps dropping even though btc goes up now. We are not only losing satoshi value like every day, even USD value compared to other shitcoins.
Soon it's time to realize profit.
it fluctuates between .55 and .60, even during the crash it didnt drop below that
Can you tell me the competitive advantage of NEO over ETH?
Why would you keep measuring in Fiat?
>BTC goes up, shitcoin aka JNT doesn't follow and loses satoshi value
>BTC goes down, shitcoin aka JNT follows and loses fiat value
Calling this stable?
if it gets below .50 sell and don't look back
this coin is going nowhere
Nice fud faggot
You can look it up yourself. Check the fucking orange line at cmc.
Calling this stable...stop coping
I think you severely underestimate how many chinks there are on this planet
lmao you seriously think ltc is a better hold then neo?
its only a matter of time before litecoin will serve no actuall real life purpose and will be just another shitcoin on the list
Exactly. They don't understand they're losing money from opportunity cost when btc rises more than shitcoin.
They're gonna feel even owrse when this shit drops to .10 when it hits kucoin
I'd sell and buy back if I knew it would have lost so many sats this weekend but it's too late now, I'm not going to risk it. I'm just going to hold btc and fiat and see what happens and leave my current stack alone
I haven’t bought yet . Still waiting to see what happens when it hits KuCoin . Remember that this will be listed on Binance without a doubt . In my estimation JNT is the best /safest bet sub 300 M market cap and also lowest risk outside the big boys .
If proper research and considerations are made no other conclusion can be taken .
In that order. LTC much further down. Its a shitcoin.
ltc is the internet explorer of crypto. you just use it to download other coins
If you're saying it's because of China, VEN already has NEO beat due to its massively superior enterprise support
Your thoughts on:
XMR - no, no institutional money will touch it, remain stable but no gains
ICX - Yes, this will grow well
VEN - no idea, might end up a shitcoin, not functional on a public blockchain yet.