Chainlink’s target price is set by Sergey


Sergey is also down with the bacon McDouble

malay drawfag get out

Fuck off back to Kampong Celaka

Dato's be cumulatin' here

What's the origin of the Sergey-McDonald link.

9 bucks though? Is that really how much this garbage costs nowadays, haven't been in a McDonalds in 6 years.

9RM whatever that stands for

malaysian ringgit, 9 of those malaybucks is like 2.30USD

Well that's kind of hurtful. He's not that fat.

2.30 wtf I love mickey D's now


Sergey has said that chainlink price being above the price of a big mac defeats the purpose of the token

He never said that. Where did you read that?

he said it in private in a meeting between Jason Parser, AssBlaster, and himself

He doesn't even know these people.

>being THIS out of the loop
you'll never make it

With the amount of price hikes mcdonald's has been doing I'll expect LINK to hit $100 by next year then.

>LINK has gone from a top 20 token to now ranked 91 shitcoin




I know how disgusting these things are. But fuck i want one

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For 9 bucks I can get a plate of sushi and spring rolls

Make your own, mcdonalds even did a tutorial

Yes he does