What should a beginner with $300 invest in?

I'm 17 and want to begin investing, I'm interested in blue-chip stocks regarding dividends, but would also like some short-term money for school etc. What's the best cheap stocks?

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wtf are stocks? Is that some kind of new crypto?

knowledge and applying knowledge

>the master has failed more times than the student has tried

Invest in your education

all in link.

stocks? never heard of it is it something new?

get more capital before you start investing

Is it not even worth it to only invest $300? I'd heard people suggest to wait too, but I figured there were good beginner stocks.

>born post-2000
>old enough to form coherent sentences
I can't wrap my head around this.

Stock picking is for complete chumps.

If you want to make crazy gains, go into crypto.

If you want to be an actual investor, buy index funds.

If you have a lot of money buy bonds.

If you have a lot of money and a lot of time on your hands, buy real estate.


I've been trying to understand cryptos but I'm still completely illiterate in them, could you explain the basics of it?


If you for whatever reason refuse to go into crypto go into an ETF and try to set it up so you deposit $50 a paycheck.

If you don't make regular paychecks get a fucking job or don't even bother

Start here:

The ETH White Paper also covers the important points of BTC as well. It is essential reading for anyone looking to get into crypto.

start with a few thousand not hundreds
get a job and make some money

Right on, thanks man.

That was the plan originally, but I live in a tiny town with no jobs, so I had started a clothing line selling streetwear to degenerate hypebeasts but that tanked & I blew my profits. So now I'm trying to get multiple sources of income, I had heard that beginners should start with a few hundred to get a concept of how it operates, but I wasn't sure.

$300? Try penny stocks. They are not for chumps if you know what you are doing,

Any specific ones? I'm really only familiar with them because of Wolf of Wall Street haha.

We're the new silent gen

> cheap stocks
Bro, at least watch a YouTube vid on investing.
In seriousness, read a lot, throw a small amount of money in the market. You’ll win and lose. You’ll realize why you lost and won. You’ll remember things you read and it’ll make some sense. Put up money that won’t ruin you if it vanishes. Play a big move here and there if your balls can take it. Play big with profits, not investments if you feel you must go big.

This is a long game dude.

Head over to bixmex, you can 100x your money.

You are not “drawn to the sensible choice” or you’d stop being so lazy and get a fucking job

Haha, trying! I live in a rural area, I'm hopefully going to a community college in Austin and I have an internship lined up there.

A condom, your too stupid to risk spreading

You could buy $300 worth of BTC or ETH and trade it for some newer tokens that are cheap/have potential. I would advise LINK, but do your own research and find something you have confidence will be worth a lot more in a year or sooner.

Underage and b& rrported

>I'm 17
>on Veeky Forums
so long pal