> Billions
> Wolf of Wall Street
Movie/Serie/Doc recommendation with /biz topics
bobby fucking axelrod
is billions actually good my mom watches it but shes a normie so i never gave it a shot
i like this one
It's good
you must watch, it's Veeky Forums mindset: the series
unironically kill yourself if you didn't understand this before watching this video. American educaton at its finest, dumbass
isn't this the show where someone shits on his chest in the first episode
American psycho
Office space
>Office space
This if you want to see some real wageslave situations.
Margin call
Also limitless (the film) was made by the director of billions. It's kind of cringey but it's nice escapism t b h.
>asking for jewish propaganda
fuck off back to plebbit your picture shows are only for slimy little scenesters and kikes
the big short
Unironically this.
One of my all-time favorite movies. Christian Bale is absolutely sublime.
Wall Street
Too big to fail
Enron: The smartest guys in the room
Bernie Madoff youtube.com
The Jinx is sort of nice, shows you the power of money and a subtle insight into an underlying mentality associated with wealth.
the bitcoin documentary on Netflix, forgot the name.
Nathan for you, is also really good.
margin call & the big short are my two favourite finance movies
anyone buying altcoins should be required to watch boiler room first.
>wolf on wall street
the first 30 minutes of the movie was Veeky Forums tier, the rest was complete trash just to accommodate to the good fellas fags of the scorsese fanbase. Martin had so much time and resorces to create something great with that story and just fucked it all up and put like 20 sex scenes and 10 drug scenes out of lazyness.
Banking on bitcoin
Apart from the comedy aspect, then some of his ideas seems sound.
Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o
Wall street 1 and 2
Boiler room
Margin call
Wolf of ws
Big short
Noice, ty
>user educates himself
>"k-kill yourself REEEEEE"
YOU should kys.
I thought it was just sitting not shitting but yeah
In real life, that Jew Belfort just ran a PnD scam out of a shitty office space in Long Island. Should really make you think.
I loved every minute of that movie.
its piss
Probably the most relatable film ever made.
>American educaton
Every fucking time. Kys dumbass.
i like pic related. also the first wall street movie with young charlie sheen