
I’m kinda concerned on how we treat each other on this board. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone one of you neets to band together and help each other out? This technology is world changing and if adopted will make early investors a lot of money.Knowing that having more money will make anyone substantially happier doesn’t make you empathetic to a fellow stranger that browses the same board who probably has a similar story and goals as yours? Rather than spreading FUD on shit you did/didn’t research,wouldn’t it be nice to have a constructive conversation once in a while?
I’m not saying to spoon feed the newbies with your knowledge but be more understanding ,they want the same things you want.
We can all make it biz bros

Shut up pajeet

die of AIDS, faggot

>This technology is world changing
Exactly how fucking delusional are you soyboys?






There are Reddit fags here

downvoted for being a faggot

You can earn money in crypto only by taking it from more naive people than you are.

>doesn't understand male bonding involves banter and insults

Things I really hate
-Are the guys hating on Link. While they could easily filter LINK out on 4chin.
-Guy with some arguments against OMG who get shit about his looks and not about his arguments
-Pyramid shit
-r9k shit ; how much for a gf like this

Your basically constant reading shit, looking for that shiny pearl.

>[newbies] want the same things you want
I want to take their money

More Israel propaganda

Jews are the scum of the earth


I sometimes come on here to ask questions and gather opinions because im curious about what others think.

Im always surprised how abusive people are if my question suggests that they have made a bad decision or triggers their insecurities.

I bet they wouldnt act that way if we were all having a beer at a pub.

I still love all of you guys

i think its great, the newfags come along buy a meme coin, that they did no research on. lose or maybe not. it takes a while to hone your senses. the ppl that don't know what they are doing have weak hands, sell when to JP Morgan at the bottom of the dip....they need to fuck off and die anyways, you can't hand hold, need to learn form mistakes. to many don't understand how rigged this world is to begin with, to many think we are anti Semitic... they have done no research. but think their option is important.

This pussy mentality is cancerous for people who have been on biz for a while.
Oldfags are the biggest advantage this board has, they occasionally drip wisdom bombs. Pay attention.
Man the fuck up and learn how to take a joke. This is not reddit.


I'm still nice to anons.

you're invited to my group user

Fuck off nigger no one cares about being nice we're out for blood

trx bagholder detected

I admit I did at one point but sold at .25 cents

>band together
sure, if you get rid of all the pajeets and third worlders, and everyone with a net worth below some moderately high value.

>they want the same things you want

i bet u sodl at 6k XD

Rich work together to stay rich, poor fight amongst themselves for scraps

The charm of Veeky Forums is that we throw shit at each other no matter what. I love it. Go back if you can't handle the bantz


I bought in at less than $800. Oldfag reporting in.

/reddit/ spacing

WOW, last btc i purchased was £256, does that fuck matter, ((((((((((((((NO))))))))))))))) like your option is more valuable cause you paid less or found out earlier. go back to /reddit/

No. I was replying to the user who said i sold at 6k. Much like your comment, his was just pointless.

In your rely you linked a rely to yourself.
nice one dumbass, what am i a mind reader?

Yep, simple mistake. Much like your spelling mistakes and assumptions.

Its so coincidental that in a thread about triggered people that youre so triggered at my comments which had nothing to do with you lol

i just thought your comments where dumb
>Im always surprised how abusive people are
wft this is Veeky Forums
>I bought in at less than $800
wtf, his point is still valid about the poor fighting. are we rich?

You do realise this is all shit and giggles?
Its a vent for all the other com lines that are so overflowing with libtards.
Bizfags love one another.

This is a learning opportunity and a chance to develop a thicker skin for the real real world, snowflake.

Yeah thats right. I am surprised how triggered people get even when they are being asked for an opinion. Take you for example, you're on the attack about something that had and has nothing to do with you. It says a lot about how unstable you are.

And as ive already explained, I only mentioned that I bought in at less than $800 as someone implied I was salty because I sold at 6k. Theres no other meaning behind it.

I hope you can calm down now, no need to find offence in things which were never directed towards you.

tbuy more link faggot

>who probably has a similar story and goals as yours?
I dont relate to the masses of soyboys, queers and feminist types that are now abundant here, sorry OP. Im generally not too much of an asshole unless I feel someone is being manipulative though, there's a lot of rationality here.


pajeets take shit and not give anything in return. disinfo is needed to weed the parasitic brainlets out

you still missed the point!
you missed out on his point on the 6k comment! the poor fight for the scraps, we are poor!
you are justifying yourself with i bought @ 800....
complaining about abuse is just going to attract it
you take this board way to serious.
FYI, not triggered smiling and laughing about how you don't get it.
2xfyi you still don't

Fucking street shitter.


I think the problem is, and I've engaged in this behavior too, is that most people don't take the time for DYOR, so we end up with a lot of hot air fudding and shilling. We come here in part to be meme'd into certain coins. It depends on the user's capacity for research and focus to take a tip about a shitcoin from Veeky Forums and turn it into a positive or negative opinion grounded in research. We come to Veeky Forums to search for coins, and it's a kind of shortcut against doing actual research, which is needed for substantive discussion. Most anons just aren't up to the task. It took me awhile to stop spending so much time just refreshing Veeky Forums because I needed some sort of Internet ADHD fix, and start DYOR-ing on coins that get shilled here.

This place is full of shit talk anyway.



That's how this website works though. I've been here since 2006/7 and Veeky Forums in general can be very helpful and inclusive as long as you have a good bullshit detector, and spend the appropriate amount of time lurking.

You can have your constructive conversation if you're smart enough to avoid responding to bait, and at least did an inkling of your own research. If you don't have anything to contribute, why should anyone else make your life easier?

Wasted get bruv

Checked, but didn't kek.

Dirty jew

>We can all make it biz bros

fucking gay commie


Fuck off back to plebbit

op is fucking right

imagine the sheer shill power thecollective of this board would have if you worked together
literally pick 5 coins, do whatever you have to do to get everyone to FOMO in hard, shill them everywhere else, write steem post after medium article, whatever.
youd fucking be rich

instead you throw UFR Shit at eachother like fucking monkeys trying to get eachother to cover the loss you all fomoed in on DBC chain and got fucking rekt

the absolute state of biz

Pic related understands.

Lol seemed a reasonable post until you mentioned that OMG fudder manlet, kek are you a manlet too? Is that why you're so triggered by this one instance? Lmao.

:) Sharing is caring. Lets digitally hold hands. And share helpful info to each other.

I always knew Sunny was shady but posing as a high school student is a new low.


Want to really help me out? Send me some eth

im helpin op, but im noob

>im helping

someone out there needs help too sir :D

obvious bait how are you all so stupid

>bonding with user
>literally anonymous

Yeah, let's ban anyone that disagrees with the majority. That;'s sure to allow for diverse discussion and different perspectives.

Veeky Forums, & biz especially, are one of the few true free speech boards. Yeah, civility gets thrown out the window due to the anonymous nature & desu the general culture here.

Sure look at the bcash vs bcore arguments that were rife a few months ago. Everyone was allowed their say, and that allowed people the oppurtunity to do their own research and make their own decision.

Pop onto any subreddit and see what happens if you aggresively attack the fundamentals - downvotes. No counter, just "let's put this away in a box and continue to circlejerk".

Also people on this board tend to be either ambitious, greedy or both. YOu're not gonna give out help unless there's an incentive, whether its your coin you bought early or what.

Just look at LINK. The only good FUD comes from the big stack holders who know the WP inside out. I've seen Colonel damu post some damnning fud towards LINK.

You want an easy go stack to not look at for a year go hold some ETH, BTC, XMR, LINK. Or just fuck off and dyor