Holy shit just stumbled upon this guy on twitter and his calls are pretty fucking accurate, you faggots need to learn from normies
Holy shit just stumbled upon this guy on twitter and his calls are pretty fucking accurate...
>this guy says the price of my coin will go up so I like him please nobody say anything that goes against my delusions
>more to come soon
can't wait
elliotwaves are dumb.
they can't even agree on where to start counting wave 1 literally brainlets
We knew something you don't Veeky Forums
why extended fifth wave?
He says it goes to 7600$ retarded faggot
im not going to listen to someone called "marius" desu
Assuming we start going back up now then that's pretty accurate (so far) for a Feb 2nd prediction.
There's also this guy
He's a bit faggy and eccentric, but he's FUCKING good at what he does
Where did you get the first chart from, op?
I think the dude's name is Marius Pudzianowski, just google him
The guy did predict bcash peak value at $2700 rather perfectly.
Elliott waves say BTC will be about 40-60k end of year, just keep that in your memory. Somehow people will still be surprised.
except right now he keeps saying that BTC is going to crash to $7630
he's made 4 tweets saying this in the past 24 hours, even pinned one
impossible to predict something perfectly, he's just reducing the low.
So why up and not down? What does Elliot wave theory say about that. Or does it claim everything just goes up 100% of the time.
this is just a eoy target, right now it should drop to about 9,5k
you can read the theory yourself
on smaller time scales e.w. still apply, pic related
if you're able to count the waves you set targets using fibonacci
if you can't count the waves your fibonacci targets will be wrong
that's why during this correction I mostly wasn't trading,
I didn't want to get bull / bear trapped because of wrong wave count
btw target from the parabolic trend is also about 40-60k
>Predicting short term market values
Can you prove statistically that elliot wave counting works for crypto's, and from that calculate probabilities of sequence of events?
>calculate probabilities of sequence of events
probably yes,
for example in crypto 3rd waves most of the time extend to 1.62,
if wave 2 retraces to 0.382 wave 4 will retrace to 0.5 or more,
there was some book with probabilities but it was from the stock market
just google "backtesting elliot waves"
> probably yes
you didn't research what you are using at all.