What's what all the cucks from /pol/ flooding Veeky Forums today?
Did they come here to crash laugh and get disappointed there wasn't any pink?
Are they just lonely because safe spots weren't that fun after all?
Are they still no-coin poor fags?
Suddenly /pol/ cucks?
Other urls found in this thread:
They found out they got got by a russian psyop and cant deal with it
they're here to tell you why bcash is the real bitcoin.
Veeky Forums is /pol/. All of Veeky Forums is /pol/.
Now that's an ascended roastie if I've ever seen one, holy shit op.
they are here to buy our bags
Veeky Forums was created because too many crypto threads were shitting up /pol/ and /g/
the community was sourced from said boards
you are the newfag
though obvious faggotry and unrelated BS like hitler threads and stormfront tier random racism is similarly because of newfags, whether they are actually /pol/ or just the spammers that usually shit it up is to be seen
Threads like these should be deleted, it is a "crypto" /pol/ thread, and we will eventually end up having discussing migration and biological basis for the difference in achievement between different racial groups.
There is a board for these types of discussions.
I would be more concerned about why a board on fucking Veeky Forums is so concerned about political correctness all of a sudden. Is it because Veeky Forums draws niggers that want to get rich quick and jews that mass coordonate shill operations here on a daily basis? I've seen you faggots in the past months trying to turn this already shit board into fucking reddit. The problem is you are many and I don't know where the fuck did you come from, cause sure as shit you're not from around here.
Now fuck off!
Because we think you all are annoying edge lords and don’t give a fuck about your stupid shit.
you're both cancer fyi
>Veeky Forums was created because too many crypto threads were shitting up /pol/ and /g/
just /g/, never /pol/. and we've never had a problem with autistic /pol/ posters since the bullrun started in 2017
stop trying to revision history fucking electiontrash
what the fuck are you talking about nigger
sounds more like you're projecting your butthurt at a problem that is practically non-existent here
no, faggot. it was all over /pol/ for years and anyone that says otherwise is a revisionist faggot with obvious ideological bias. You're a faggot.
>safe spot
You're retarded. That place is full of ironic and unironic leftard trolls.
It's one of the few political forums left pn the internet where you don't get banned for your political leaning.
>all over a pol for years
a couple threads that get filled with replies like "enjoy your kike new world order currency" is not all over /pol/
that board as a whole has shown little support for crypto and the hivemind is heavily aganist it
Mmmmmm yeah. I'd eat another man's just out of her snatch just to suck her feet
>you are the newfag
>doesn't know Veeky Forums was originally libtard.
Whats the matter /pol/ cuck, you triggered that someone stepped on your safe spot?
No who cares about race when you can earn money? I'll take money from everyone
Its hard to say no to free money forever, user.
faggot I had a lot of arguments against "buttcoin" spammers, read a lot, and while there was spam, thats true of every thread of Veeky Forums
you're just personally invested in maintaining that its impossible for anything that rejects leftism to have been ahead of the curve, before you and your friends
>that board as a whole has shown little support for crypto and the hivemind is heavily aganist it
oh nice, is that a command?
nice story faggot, there was enough support for it to sustain threads that pulled enough lurkers and posters away from shill and slide threads to the point that Veeky Forums was created, cry more
And yet, here you are.
>Go. Back.
Only people who hold imaginary monopoly money on the internet deserve the title of "poorfag". If you really did have money, instead of hoping for a get-rich-quick-scheme you would actually be investing and using that money.
/pol/ cucks are as bad as the fucking lefties.
>muh ideology
>muh morality
>reeee do as i say.
Busy body mother fuckers need to go back to their (((real))) board
not really!
>You can only care about one thing
Fuck yeah radical centrism dude
I was a "poltard" (I am rightist) before /pol/ was even created, even before I discovered Veeky Forums in 2008.
But the thing is that poltards on Veeky Forums or in general are absolutely cancerous. I don't know, they don't realize that they have an attitude of losers, they are cringy as hell.
This guy is on the right path.
No, he isn't. u r dumb...
No, decade ago Veeky Forums was more apolitical and if it discussed politics it was about how they need to stop trampling on important freedoms like freedom to troll Bill O'Reilly.
4Chin is a contrarian anime image board in order to keep the normans out
he actually thinks he's on reddit
Ease off the soy plebbitor.
For anyone to think anything else is brand New.
I reverse image searched this image. Thanks for the interesting photo.
Turn off safe search and do an image search on Taharrush and South African farm murders. That's what you people want to bring into the West and you find it annoying that there's push back. How unfortunate for you that you get annoyed while chipping away at civilization. If you actually got your way you'd have vastly worse problems than annoying internet trolls.
I don't mind racist /pol/ because they can focus on trying to make money most of the time, MAGA /pol/ mostly brought noise and has little more to offer than faith.
Lucky fucking mudslims
>Group rape 14 year old girl
>All niggers pretty much freed
Theyre lucky for being not white and christian
The last time I went to pol a few weeks ago there was a thread discussing biz & crypto & most of the fags there had to have it explained to the how to buy bitcoin. That makes pol newfags worse than Reddit fags
You have to go back
>uses rebbit spacing to tell someone to go back to rebbit
what did he mean by this
Found the nigger.
This is the way, my brothers.