
Post them.

26k link


100% link

2 ETH 14000 POE

Portfolio's what?

Portfolio IS.

Portfolio TO.

Not worth scrolling down into my ultra meme coins

OP i nearly did the same thing, i nearly got 2k nuls for client node, but i bought omg instead. we have yet to find out the staking for OMG, but Vitalik was on the team, so i decided to go ahead even though i don't like Poon. Personally not a fan of fun or ven, Best of luck though


ive got two seperate portfolios



I'll see where Nuls ends up, best case scenario it will pull a NEO.

Poorfag here any advice?

Your portfolio is irrelevant if you can't use proper punctuation user

Should I sell this XLM for more REQ or ENG?




Posted a few days old one, heres the current