Daily blockfolio thread under 50k club

Any chance of making it bros?

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Probably not.

Why do you poorfags not understand you need promising lowcap coins if you want your fucking x100...

>promising lowcap coins

Drop LTC for PRL. Thank me after april.

LINK is the king of lowcap.

Civic? Are you kidding me?

Sell that shit for more LINK

Probably will if it goes near 1 dollar. Dont want to sell at loss. Its just 70e so it doesnt matter that much. Could change that to 150 Link though, so it would be 150k dollars soon right?

>king of lowcap
>Shilled to the point of being annoying.

Tf are u smoking?

I'm gonna be labelled as a shill no matter what I say so go find recently released supply chain tokens, AI coins (china) and "blockchains for business."

Figure it out. You'll see where the smart money is going if you DYOR. Good luck.

>no jnt
not gonna make it breh

Why arn't you fags using Delta instead?

We'll see what I buy next friday when I get my paycheck. Unless JNT moons due to announcement, I'll buy more JNT. If not JNT, I'll buy AMB (unless they also moon due to releasing new info about partnerships). If none of the above, I guess I'll just buy more Coinmetro during the ICO.

how the fuck do you take screenshot when the list of coins is bigger than your screen?

This fucktard app can't be this lame.

I sure hope sow

UFR. Wait for market to stablize, new exchanges coming and alpha in March. Don't say I didn't warn you

Doesn't your phone let you capture a long screen shot?

Get some NANO.

19k link

> 5616 MAN
> 599 NAS
> 63435 ZIL
> 4 ETH in Nucleus Vision
> 1.4 ETH in Insights Network
> 15 ETH in Seele
> 5 in Consensus
(whale friends that allow me to join their pools)
all this for some roastie endgoal.

I don't know, I screen-shotted only what was on the screen. Xiaomi Mi A1.

Honestly need advice on what to do

You will make it for sure

Help what to do

Buy riqqle

Look into INT, it has huge potential and is only at 0.4 something right now. Mainet is in q1 or q2 cant remember

wtf is ETP... and dude, seriously TRX?
VEN is good. It's a leap of faith and many brainlets invested in it but it's one of the most promising coins right now. LINK is a meme but not a bad investment, though also a leap of faith.

Why are you asking for advice on Veeky Forums though.. DYOR and trust in your investments. That's the only way you're gonna make it, not by depending on the opinions of others.

Trade in your Chain Link for HPB

You're definitely gonna make it

Get into REQ you moron.

>what to do

>Shilled to the point of being annoying.
shilled to the point where i think 'FUCK maybe i should sell'

Sell your LINK. It's a shitcoin vaporware. How will you be able to look at yourself in the mirror once it goes back to ICO price? Don't fall for the well-known Veeky Forums trap.


You need a wildcard bro..

How am I looking bros

No. You need some sub-200M marketcaps

The FUD is so strong on ripple.
The fact that everytime it goes up 10% the whales block it is all I need to know.


That AMB looks fucking juicy.

We're all gonna make it


>thinking the jew coin will go to 100usd

Dude I made a lot of money on XRP and thanks to XRP I have a pretty good chance of making it. But stop dreaming of $100, it won't happen. $10 is the best you can hope for, and I doubt it will be achieved.

how close are you to selling some more of your ETH for more link? im seriously considering it holding 7 eth and 27k link

People that don't have ZIL and AION in their portfolio, are you even trying?
The big gains are made on big, industry-changing ideas, not shitty dApps.


You realise this is what they said about every cryptocurrency ever?
Bitcoin being the most obvious one, I'm not even that guy you're replying too, but never say never in this game.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure that requires XRP to be a multi trillion dollar coin

>With 65% locked into the founders hands

Which app this is?

the difference is that XRP is barely a crypto currency. 1 big regulation or industry scandal with Ripple and the coin is over. economically, it's more comparable to Paypal or Amazon credits than BTC.

do you really think ZIL is so promising as to put 60% of your portfolio in it ? i've seen you post that portfolio a couple times so i believe you're not larping, but I'm still wondering apart from the tech, what makes ZIL special ? seems to me the tech isn't that important in this market, better bank on hype.

> 0 ETH or BTC, 100% altcoins
read up on Shannon's demon, if you're actively managing your portfolio you need assets that are decorelated.

How much more link do I need?

Not just the tech, their team is the most legit I've seen in a while. I don't care about current hype, big money is made by being AHEAD of hype, not following it. Studying the tech and buying based on that on that may not be the most exciting strategy, but it's worked for me.

$100 would put it at a 10 trillion marketcap, you realize that? $10 is already a one trillion marketcap, that would make XRP more valuable than Apple. It may not be impossible, but I just don't believe it will happen, for me there are better bets out there.

>that would make XRP more valuable than Apple
that's entirely possible

Did you actually read my two posts or do you just want to jerk yourself off?

Are you niggers?

I want you to jerk myself off.

Its literally the most shilled coin right now
Which is a reason why im not buying it.
Its always good to have a low to low-medium sized shilling

Stay poor my friend

I'm not selling Eth. Don't know why...
Will put $10k in Link and Omg monday.

Early retirement portfolio

Marketcap is a meme

have another 600$ in JNT. when lamboland?