OmiseGO is the most exciting prospect of 2018. With this slight dip you need to consider either increasing your position or getting in while you can.
This is reminiscent of ETH in 2016. You all mean a lot to me so PLEASE consider OMG.
OmiseGO is the most exciting prospect of 2018. With this slight dip you need to consider either increasing your position or getting in while you can.
This is reminiscent of ETH in 2016. You all mean a lot to me so PLEASE consider OMG.
Other urls found in this thread:
Just unironically went all in on OMG.. before seeing your post... Mainnet round the corner..
Nobody seems to be impressed because the pricr just went down.
i can't imagine people taking a coin called OMG seriously
*skips eth*
Ethereum needs OMG, not the other way around.
It's already gone up 500x since the ICO. It would have to go to $30,000 to match it's past performace. IT's stupid to put money in now.
no ethereum needs plasma.
and omg needs plasma.
HPB will also do it. And they will do it better and be able to be the scaling for every chain. But keep buying omisego lol.
Everything kinda dipped a ton this morning. Everything was on sale some like xvg still is
nah, plasma is being developed by one of the same developers for lightning on bitcoin. plasma is incredibly useful just like lightning is, by itself.
but its omg that desperately needs a second layer network to be useful.
This is retarded OP. OMG is a ETH token, and the first to implement plasma, that eventually will be used by every ETH token.
OMG is a shitcoin pure and simple ,
i cant believe half of biz fell for this non working vaporware.
Rajeet Kumar sends his greetings.
Paid FUD Rat just woke up
Just bought 1ETH worth by accident.
Guess i'm in this too now.
wtf would you need that many transactions for? Jesus people just seem to like things when they look good instead of if they are good
They were exposed as a hoax.
Omise is an empty shell, with no actual proven Fintech business revenue or activity. Do they have a single, real world customer?
Worse yet, their fucking token which at the moment does nothing, is has a market cap of 1.5 billion dollars.
This is starting to look like one of the biggest implosions of 2018, once the idiotic "investors" begin to realize that there is no development.
I'm all in. Let the fudsters fud, they will be sad next month.
Jesus. Has anyone done ANY analysis on this? The fucking White paper is an incoherent mess.
white paper is a joke, omise didn't even exist as a company until 2017 after the crypto boom. looks to me like the company formed in order to capitalize on the crypto boom with a scam.
Lol fudding OMG won't make you any less of a migger man, just accept that you were dealt a shit hand at life
>all in
Prove it.
just bought 4k
we're all gonna do a gofundme and get you some elevator shoes
Biz doesn’t deserve OMG
kek I tried to tell the bagholders
>Veeky Forums doesn't deserve a project with no technical talent, no business fundamentals, no path to revenue, flawed concept (decentralized hubs)
Lel, Veeky Forums absolutely deserves OMG. They were made for each other.
Their reddit sub is a hopeless den of cultist group-think and wishful thinking. I posed a simple question last evening and got like 20 responses in by inbox this morning, NOT ONE was able to actually address my concerned about the team or any of the technical challenges in the project.
After this "performance" I'm not going to be sorry for them. Let them fucking burn like the Bitconnect losers.
Lol its so clear that all of these fud IDs are Migger (Manlet Nigger) cross-shit posting. He's furious that he got caught back to his social media when he wrote that medium article.
Now everyone knows the little chimpanzee behind all the coordinated FUD. he literally looks like a nigger oompa loompa. its so funny this manlet spends all day fudding omg. thanks for letting us laugh at you migglet
Can you confirm that Vitalik actually invented Ethereum? I love how you imagine an impossible standard of proof and claim the project is a fraud when no one meets it. LinkedIn profiles aren't enough, web sites aren't enough. You act like you're a fucking HR department and have some right to private records.
Nobody gives a fuck if your nigger brain is unsatisfied with the proof OMG has offered, which goes several times beyond any other crypto project.
You COULD actually give them your address so they can fucking serve your nigger asshole with a cease and desist order and slander charges.
But even a midget 65 IQ nigger like you is too smart to fall for that.
I just appreciate the FUD. Seriously. It means OMG is expanding.
Best buy right now.
I'm sorry..fucking WHO?
But muh Vitalik stickers
Get in now or regret it forever. Market is about to go bullish again, chinese coins will flourish. DYOR on HPB and I'd be surprised if you didn't throw a few hundred bucks at it when you're done.
Quick rundown pls before i go deep
>person who authored whitepaper is a Blockstream developer which is controlled by the DCG with board members from JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, Mastercard, and Bilderberg Group
How do these fuckers have their filthy hands in ruining everything?
this is trading sideways until mainnet and plasma. If you're a day trading and like flipping coins quickly, it won't be for you, likely won't pump til March. If you're about long-term holds, don't obsess over your portfolio and can wait, this is a good option.
OmiseGo - 1Million TX after Plasma.
Bitcoin - unlimited TX after LN
mimimi - promises all over again
so whats the fuckin point if ETH also get plasma, why the hell i should use OMG then if ETh also can do what I need
Lmao at anyone who thinks some lines of code are going to suddenly be worth tens of billions of dollars. The best this can do is grow slowly if it starts being used which won't happen because the team is a bunch of autistic academics who can't shill and can't find partners. In 10 years people will remember the latest burger on McDonalds Thailand more than this shitcoin.
OMG is a complete ERC-20 shitcoin that is pretty much reliant on the muh Plasma blockchain for its value.
Speculators, aka deluded omisegoys, are buying stacks of this in the hopes that one day, 1-2 years from now, a bunch of “experts” are going to release this new epic blockchain they’re calling Plasma, to be the end all of blockchains.
Somewhere along the way, it became shilled that OMG will be the token used as the intermediary between any fiat to token conversions or any token to token conversions.
FYI, this is what almost ALL tokens are ultimately trying to achieve.
Eventually, other shitcoins will utilize the Plasma network, thus rendering OMG to be another ladyboi shitcoin
In b4 omisegoys
The FUD in these threads is so uninspired. I don't care if fudders hate it or just want to buy cheaper, at least put a little more effort into it to actually fool people.
Is this going to be 5 or 6 figures at the end of the year?
>wahhh read my retarded article i keep posting everywhere
samefagging with 400 id's again miglet?
you are gonna get burned.
Thanks for your concern miglet, but what I can't figure out is why you care so much that you wrote a 600,000 word article and are spending days on 4chin and wherever else to promote it.
I'm sure its just out of the goodness of your heart, right miglet?
>Can you confirm that Vitalik actually invented Ethereum?
Nice deflection. If I were arguing about ETH, I could probably prove that he and individuals around him did in fact.
>Nobody gives a fuck if your nigger brain is unsatisfied with the proof OMG has offered
There simply is no proof. I challenge you to find me one financial statement or reporting document that shows it has ANY customers or revenue.
>Autistic screeching
I'm not going to respond to that crap.
Gosh, you'd expect a company which embezzled 1.5 BILLION dollars from the public to be able to mount a credible defense..
lol, actually they do, about 100 million usd daily volume at Omise
Omisegocash is the real omisego
So you're saying they scammed Vitalik?
Or do you mean that Vitalik himself is a scammer? Choose one, because he works with them.
DESU I'm not concerned -> I don't give a flying fuck about you and your shitty life. Do whatever the fuck you want.
It's funny cause OMG is literally taking steps to shut that guy down (not my article). A legit coin wouldn't give a fuck someone fudding on Medium.
When will Jun land a kickflip? I've been waiting for months.
Because this will be implemented on a global scale.
>they think alts (eth aside) will be relevant after btc adopts lightning
>he thinks bitcoin still has a chance of being adopted by businesses
>some shitcoin totally have a higher chance
(after plasma)
Holy shit, they've actually got fictional Pajeet accounts threatening that author.
This keeps getting BETTER.
Implosion when?
Why would people wan't to use some shitcoin when there is fiat available?
>team is a bunch of autistic academics who can't shill and can't find partners
They actually don't have any proven academic credentials...
This is looking pretty bad. How did this thing do a 500x since ICO? Has ANYONE looked into the team with any scrutiny?
do you enjoy having conversations with yourself and bumping your own threads with VPNs?
Fucking niggerbrain is too tiny to realize that we are all laughing at you. I'll hire you for my midget tossing party when I am celebreating with my fellow OmiseBros come May 2018
That gif reminds me of XRB.
>So you're saying they scammed Vitalik?
Most likely mis-represented his involvement (which they are notorious for - like the Google lobby hoax). Vitalik has taken several swipes against OMG specifically, in public.
before or after they got exit scammed?
Can you be onto something user?
>reddit spacing
>typical paid shill talk
What does it say about a 1.5 billion dollar alleged project where it's moon kiddy investors like you don't even know the basic facts to present at least a tenable defense of the project?
Do you even know anything about this shitcoin?
So what do you think of the street shitters that OMG relies on for marketing?
Pic related.
Can you prove that you're not a street shitter troll receiving an allowance in feces-coated rupees?
I've been in it since the ICO actually and I've followed the project on a daily basis.
Your fud is weak Niggerbrain. Your medium article didn't even mention plasma or the blockchain incubation Jun/Vitalik were involved in since 2015 prior to launching Omisego.
Christ, its like you spent 4 days writing a steaming pile of dog shit but only a niggerbrain like you can see it as having any value because you just read about Omisego last week
are you retarded
did you reply to the wrong post
Vitalik has distanced himself from this project on several occasions realizing that the marketers were using his name in vain.
>Muh plasma
Isn't a tenable defense of anything, because the team has no proven industry credentials in developing any complex fintech solutions, or having any existence prior to 2017. That's just a sad deflection.
Not being able to argue in favour of your flawed investment really speaks volumes.
>Vitalik has distanced himself from this project on several occasions
You gave away your strawman innards with this one.
so you only buy a coin if it has the potential to 500x lol. goodluck with that.
Really niggerbrain? Because less than 2 months ago he publicly commended OMG as being his favorite token model. Not to mention this was his most liked tweet ever.
Shut your niggebrain mouth now. You are too fucking stupid to have a conversation with
Just in case there are lurkers who are actually falling for the strawman fud, I'd advise you watch some of the recent plasma implenters videos.
That's what I thought nigger. You have nothing else to say because you didn't do proper research. I'll still let you be a prop in my midget tossing competition when OMG moons, but I will only pay you 50% now for getting on my nerves.
Also, for a project with a main-net allegedly going live in Q1 2018 after being delayed and delayed since last year, there sure doesn't appear to be a lot of activity on their github..
Do they have ANY programmers involved?
IDK what is going on. Fud seems hard. Also seems legit. I read the article. But regardless seemed bullish to me. Idc who Sanjeev is why should I give a fuck if the dude likes privacy
holy crap lol. This nigger just keeps getting dumber. Have you ever worked on the engineering/development side of tech? Githubs are published on an ad hoc basis and made public after finalizing developments. Look at other projects like Chainlink which also have an "empty github".
I'm done. I can't help but laugh at how retarded you are at this point.
None of the institutions or schools he lists have any mention of him.
So it would be pretty concerning to find out a corporate executive on your team is operating on fake credentials, no?
Taking into account OMG "AFTER PLASMA" but not comparing it to BTC "AFTER LIGHTENING NETWORK" (which will come out much sooner) is plain stupid.
I am not even talking about the fact to link transaction speed to token value.
You actually deserve to lose your money.
wow all this FUD is about one pajeet, all he does is marketing.
Only problem is, the OMG scammers have not published a SINGLE line of code since mid-2017. This thing is literal vapor-ware.
LINK is a religion more than an actual project, so that's a bad example to bring in your defense.
Ok niggerbrain. Stay poor, I see you are shilling litecoin cash, a known scam on your twitter too. You really are deficient in brain cells.
Because OmiseGo will be backed by fiat silos?
why the fuck do I need if I have XRB?
where are my XRB bros at
Yeah it looks really bad. Makes me want to sell but my other holding are fucking juggernaut beasts absolutely tanks in the industry so I dont give a fuck about Sanjeev and we will see what happens.
because the future is being able to transact any currency, not one shitcoin to another.
Litecoin is literal garbage that I bought and sold in 2014, and never looked back. But your little LARP is cute.
Everyone will get EXACTLY what they deserve in the end. Only time will tell. I warned the Bitconnect cultists about the same red flags, and was called the same things.
Let's hope for your sake that I'm wrong.
I hope Omise records all of your posts so they have more proof to sue you with
You are wrong and you don't need to pretend you are looking out for everyones best interest. Bitconnect was completely different in the sense that it promised a fixed % compound return with referrals. Any idiot could tell that it was a scam and we didn't need your niggermouth to say so. The only people that were not saying it was a scam were the top referall people.
Next time do better research before making yourself look like a complete incompetent idiot. Kek, on second thought, thanks for letting us all find your twitter and reddit to see that you are in fact a bitter nigger manlet who used to post on about how he was getting blown off by women for being a midget. I guess you derive your sense of self importance these days by doing private investigations on coins to delude away from the fact that you are a nigger manlet in the real world
>the future is being able to transact any currency,
it's a good thing that future includes Stellar imirite?
Holy fuck kek
OMG coin very bad durrr dey dont even hav real customers herrrrr look at article durrrr
Bottom light is buy OMG if you can afford it you fucking street shitters