The EthPyramid grows

Arabic translation of EthPyramid is now live. Hindi due for release tonight.

We're also working on a way of unshackling users from having to use MetaMask, which should hopefully bring down the last 'high-level' barrier to adoption.

Just a PSA. No shilling here.

Also, due to the Semitic nature of the Arabic language, it'd be helpful if someone here who's fluent could give it a quick pass.

Have a good one, everyone.

Other urls found in this thread:

is this a cult

Impressive how fast this project is moving forward.

Regarding buying without metamask how are u planning to do that? It sounds like pretty big news, making it easier for people to purchase is the key here and visibility.

Well I for one definitely worship the dividends snek. All hail

Is it though? Dividends are already falling off, from 1% to 0.1%.


No they just have to make it look like it's not stagnant so new idiots buy in but the hype is pretty much nonexistant. There's no demand for a hindi or arabic translation lmao. All this time being wasted would be better served creating a new "game"

Of sorts. Feedback so far has been a pretty addictive hook once you're in.

Can't speak for that myself!

In terms of no MetaMask, we're working on implementing our own variant of a web-wallet with client side wallet generation and key storage, similar to how MyEtherWallet works.

Obviously this isn't something we intend to release until we've written a *very detailed* rider pointing out the safety of using the tool on the page. Picture related, but obviously don't send any Ether there unless you want to give it to tocsick.

Been a bit of a slow day, aye!

Our global analytics data indicates otherwise. You're free to interact with the project or not as you choose: the devs are doing this for our own gratification, not yours.

Show global analytics, I struggle to believe there are many arabs or indians buying into this (any who do already speak english)

Norse fire you fucking cunt you.

We have country visitor data, bounce rates and the usual bundle of other data points that you can retrieve from GTM.

No, we're not showing them to all and sundry on Veeky Forums. Sorry.

Suffice it to say that the devs have noticed enough volume to pay for translations out of our own pocket without relying on the marketing wallet. Make of that what you wish. The two thousand dollar hole in my pocket doesn't actually care what you think, especially since I've already announced I'll be giving any of my own profit to charity.

I'll be disengaging from the thread now, as I've made my announcement.

Take care, everyone!


get in fags its still cheap


fuck you, on discord youre a piece of garbage frie OWN3d ?!?!?!

Volume yesterday/today proves this ponzi is dieing...

everyone will move onto next ether game / next generation of pyramids by end of feb, promise.

don't lose your eth Veeky Forums avoid this scam, why is it only people who have put their ETH in that recommend you do too? :thinking:

Low volume day though - check out the day before.

Because if someone was to recommend it, why wouldn't they be in it?

I recommend NULS as a long-term hold. As such, I hold it too. Why is that an issue?

make graph of # of transactions on your contract


Speak English brainlet.

The uptrend have been pretty straight up lately.

Kinda want it to spike down since you get more dividends % when there is fewer holders. Best dividends is surely made when it gets very volatile, need some weak hands!!

Hail snek!

Not so hard to get your hands on

showing analytics wouldn't hurt you in any way unless they're feeble stats which is what I suspect.

nigger they're all low volume days.

This 100% wait for the next fotm

I call bullshit this is a real # of TX per day

Yeah - need to get some redditors in there. Some nice weak hands there.

Can't believe I'm getting baited back into a response but: we'll be publishing the container soon enough. You can wait a few days/weeks. We've got less than seven days data on a project that's just over two weeks old. Like I said: we don't need the stats to convince *you*, but they convinced *us*.

Go nuts, my man.

Anyway, my Xbox calls to me.

It's on etherscan - go take a look. Link is on the website.

It's total tv's since start.

Compare it to contract:

7803 txns

Norsefire you fucking niggerdick, what country are you from?

fuck are you all retarded? Not the total of transactions.

I want to fucking see amount of TX per day graph.

You better have a look at, fucking new generation of pyramid still in ICO!

This was 24 hours ago, go ahead. Try to tell me this is dead

>low volume

Look faggot - this isn't intended as a quick P&D. It's a long term hold. I know you ADHD brainlets can only buy into jpg ponzis like Eth countries and similar exit scamming bullshit though since you like being poor.

God you're a fucking fag

wheres the volume retard

Thanks for playing!

Are YOU retarded? You've been given it. You can look on etherscan to see the TX per day. Go. Look.

Lazy cunt.

Literally on the site.

The fucking state.

See this:

why are people asking so many questions if they’re not interested? The fuck?

Nobody wants your exitscam.

Look faggot, this thing is shitty as a long term hold the dividends are a joke at this point. I know you retards don't understand how a scam works but this will lose what little steam it has next week and be doomed to obscurity. Or rather even more obscurity. I've got plenty of money without buying into this idiotic scam. and it was meant as a quick PnD scam that's why most of the original buyers have fucked off leaving the idealistic chumps behind.

>hurr you're an idiot for not buying into my pyramid scheme.

Maybe fudders. Want to start shaking weaker hands out already.

I've lost 0.2 ETH on kikes like you, If you refund it I'll put it in ETHPyramid.

>divs are a joke at this point?
Could you explain that? Because if I bought in the beginning with ten coins, and I bought in yesterday with 10 coins, the divs would be the same....all ethpy coins are created equal..
Yes, the first ones where cheaper, but that has nothing to do with how divs are distributed.

It must physically hurt to be this retarded.


Pretty sure Norse and tocsick are Irish and Australian lol

> kikes tho

no, hes a kekistani

>Give money sir, please sir

if this is true then why are people complaining so much lmao

and potentially more ETH I'm not risking anything again

kikes, greasers, pajeets, slovistans who cares it's all the same

probably not that many buy ins. there is a low volume on it today

Thanks bro. I've included a trend line so that people can more easily see the subtle drop

He's from Antarctica. Caught an iceberg to New Caledonia, where he lives to this day in his volcano lair.

I'm no beggar but if they want me on the ETH Pyramid I want to see first my lost 0.2 ETH.

next to tear jerker.

>give me eth
>i'm no beggar

muh cognitive dissonance day - it spikes and then has a single flat day. How long is your attention span exactly?

It must physically hurt to be too retarded to understand that the more coins in existence the more of a joke your diidends become.

Seriously do they pay you people to be retarded shills? I refuse to believe you do it for free.


2 days with tiny volume...

this thing is so dead by next week..

if you haven't sold your EPY by tomorrow you're gonna lose ur ETH, it aint recovering after crash into other ether games

fug off shilling your scam somewhere else

So you think these devs took your Eth? How did they take it?

??? not shilling just don't like beggars

LOL yeah go all in, pyramid schemes are always reliable long-term holds. I'm sure it'll recover. You're the smart early money and definitely not a bag holder.

Who's complaining nigger, I'm trying to convert you to the true Veeky Forums home brew coin

Great argument, very convincing. The fact you haven't been able to even comment on how this works makes me think you really don't even understand how this works to begin with. So your worthless, baseless opinion is just that.

Do you not understand this?

More people get in, tokens go up, offsetting divs getting diluted. You can then sell at a profit if you choose.

Fucking dense.

I don't give a shit who, the devs were responsible.

except the volume's week as fuck you'd be better off investing shitcoins if that's what you're waiting for.

Any lurkers reading this just use your head and don't go in on this "project"

seems like people hate this alot and think its a scam though

no shit when ~800 ETH was stolen from OG POWH.

>more people go in
Volume is tanking

idk looks like its mostly going up to me, are u ok

>mostly going up

today is dropped faster than an exit scam.

i bet tomorrow is the same

Yes brainlet. A week is a long term hold with a contract that'll run forever.....sure thing. Again with the short attention span. There us no "bottom" or "top" - there's no bags to hold.

And yeah, given that plebbitors, youtubers and twitter following Bitconnect lovers aren't in yet, I'd say it's early days.

>Down 90% in 2 days
>Going up

dunno, there's a lot of time left in the day

like saying bitcoin is crashing if it's gone down 1% on 300 volume at 3am on a sunday

What devs are you talking about? The PoWH devs? This is a different scheme.

Guys, I have an alienware, can you help me rebuild it?

No it's like saying bitcoin is crashing if it drops 90% in 2 days

but if this goes down in price doesn't that mean that other people can get in cheaper? so this is a good thing for new people?

Volume. It's down in volume, not price.

>due to the Semitic nature
yeah, no thanks

not if it takes all of the hype and steam with it.

you people are morons. I've probably made more in the past week of erc20 shitcoins that you have off this scam

who expects to pay into a pyramid scheme, and then get more money? Is /biz even that stupid.

> Thinks the price and volume are interchangeable measures.

If people find it boring - they're welcome to cash out.

Hi retard, thank you for spending your allocated computer time with us. Please see this graph of the volume dropping 90% in 2 days.

>Apparently a drop back to normal volume after a spike is a huge problem.

I'd close the thread if I was you lol

because everyone who hasn't put ETH in is a retard and you shouldn't listen to them.

Is that true? Or, is that just what you want people to think? I'm spreading the good news, one should think for themselves if this is a good idea or not. Kys.

Go scam people elsewhere basement need. Coordinated campaign of a discord group trying to make a quick buck at your expense. Might as well burn it in the fireplace.

Not even my thread dumbass

Are you still going to spew this shit after it X5's next week?

Came to late to drop your bags on hopeful 4channers? Of course you need this SCHEME to continue. You're not kidding anyone mate. No matter how many Google translations they invent to create the idea of massive buy ins. Exit scam nothing more.

Hey, i'm green on this shit

Is an exit scam even possible tho? Can’t you just read the contract to see if there’s one in there?

yes. every "flaw" any doubter is pointing out has a simple answer. If you hold, you win. it's that simple. worst case scenario in this is that nobody at all wants to buy or sell and the contract stagnates for a long time.. but people will sell eventually, just don't let it be you.


if EPY drops to 0 ETH you lose ur money.

(unless you're first lot in aka devs who got 90% of dividends) :thinking:

I just read the code and there’s a 0.5 eth reserve looks like, but wouldn’t that mean the tokens would be super cheap for people to pump it again?

sir, you would earn dividends on every sell from now until 0, every sell also would increase your total % share in the pyramid meaning you earn more and more dividends as the price drops. You will make your money back very easily if the price goes to " 0 " which i really can't even go to 0 unless every person sells.