Come the fuck on mods!

Come the fuck on mods!
Veeky Forums has progressively been getting worse with each passing month thanks to these street shitting scammers.


damn righ! give us fucking flags please. even only flag for pa fucking jeets is good enough!

go eat a burger white devil

go shit in your moms laundry pajeet

Stereotyping much? I bet half your "pajeets" are from the states

at least i have a mother to shit on your is dead rotten from meth trailer trash scum

Don't kid yourself. This board is at least 70% Pajeet

Serious question, WHY will they not give us flags? Can we bribe them?



I got a better proposal, only put flags on PAJEETS

this is a good idea

Never going to happen since mods are pajeets

what do you guys r8 my pajeet impersonation btw?
i give it a solid 8/poo

Your shitty NSFW flag and the countless influx of naked woman are what is shittying up this board.

Inb4 not a pajeet

but most US and GB posters are pajeets too

meh, boards been cleaned up. A lot better. I dont see those annoying bazinga threads / PnD threads / fake trading bot threads .

this is sheer projection, my mother is in fact meth smoking trailer trash scum but yeah we need flags or 5 more mods on call


lmao how new are you?

my fav

These flags will work as a DNA algoritm so it will show a pajeet flag to all pajeets no matter in which country they are posting from

Board is quite clean compared to month ago. I'm quite okay with current state of it and you can also make additional money to report pajeet pnd discords to gov and say thanks and get 100k.

Why does every other retard on here think 99% of Veeky Forums is roaming with pajeets? Check /int/ or /pol/ and you'll see the majority of posters on this site are in fact Americans.