Holy shit LINK + Tesla partnership confirmed


found pic related in the code above, holy fucking shit we are all going to make it

Other urls found in this thread:


Normies will love it, we just need to expose them to that

Explain.. i see telsa writing in the code but.... relevance?

Holy fuck
Please link which page this is from so we can confirm this isn't just a photoshop

colossal if in veritas

I only see Uber

Which fucking file

>EngineData starts the job and collects data from tesla engine
>In case of engine failure data about tesla gets reported to the JSON database

hollllllyyyy shiiittt we're all gonna make it

it doesn't exist lol, that's why he linked the directory instead of the file you're looking for.

stinky linkers btfo


It doesn't mean shit. "Tesla" is a variable name often used in programming and it has nothing to do with the cars. Programmers often name things "tesla" when it's related to the change in a property over time. For example the velocity of an entity is often stored as "positionTesla" in code. In this context the "engine" is whatever drives that change. All this code says is that something is changing and if whatever is causing that change has failed it stores data about the failure in JSON, which LINK will then parse.


>Me making it

Confirmed desu

>Uber's open source software for Go development
ChainLink and Uber???

Fake news.

>ID: LunhkUL0
Is this the Drumph of Linkies?

This guy had me going for a sec

OMG, github partnered with LINK?

>We couldn’t find any code matching 'EngineData' in smartcontractkit/chainlink

I actually got excited there...good troll op
