Best buy right now


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is this another fidget spinner coin?

You don't want to miss this one.

Tell us why. Shill your shitcoin to us dont be lazy

Dyor you faggot.. There has been tons of posts about hpb lately

Not buying = being a hardcore faggot

I'm already doing you a service by telling you to buy it. The least you can do is dyor

They released the HPB token only to fund their hardware production. Literal shitcoin.

One of the most undervalued coins. Buy now, thank me later.

Because they have the biggest partnership in crypto.

"After listening to the design concept of HPB, China's largest financial data company
UnionPay has joined as a partner with HPB, with the common goal of technological
practice and exploration of financial big data and high-performance blockchain platform.
UnionPay Wisdom currently handles 80% of China's banking transaction data, with an
annual turnover of 80 trillion yuan. HPB will join hands with China UnionPay to serve all
industry partners, including large banks, insurance, retail enterprises, fintech companies and so on."

Page 23 of the white paper -

China Union Pay is 4X bigger than Visa. This coin will be worth $100 soon.


This scares me. Hopefully their hardware will be purchasable exclusively in the token.

So partnership is nothing more than exchanging information. Lol.

False, 3 different people on the team are former higher ups at Union Pay, and Long Kai is listed as an adviser.

literal pajeet tier white paper english. where is sauce for upay? also when is mainnet?

Additionally, NEO is an angel investor:

worst white paper i have seen in crypto world. no details, english is literal 2rd grader wrote it. fuck off chinke scammers

Are you fucking stupid? NEO CEO actually talks about these guys a lot at conferences, I just saw a picture the other day of him with HPB in his powerpoint. HPB lists NEO as an investor and LONG KAI Ceo of Union Pay as an adviser...Do you think they are lying?

CEO of Union Pay Smart * Which is the data branch of Union Pay.

Worst brainlet FUD attempt.
Long Kai AKA Kevin Long:

advisor doesn't mean shit you inbred twat, you're not selling the product, just hype, which got it to it's current mcap, whats next? Why will the price move up from here? Where's the fucking product?

Product is literally the third pic and architecture is described in the whitepaper.

You can literally say that about every crypto currency you idiot. Where we go from here is an official partnership with Union Pay, and then the motherfucking moon after the utilize HPB to be their tps accelerator. Do you know what Union Pay is? Ripple went to 30 billion Market cap because people heard they were running tests with Western Union.

sounds like a nice idea and the logo looks delicious but what do I actually get from owning some of these?

An appreciating coin. This coin will be required by clients to use their service and blockchain. You buy this coin now, it goes up in price and then you sell it to Alibaba who uses to to purchase HPB's service. This is an explain like I am 4 example.

just bought 100k

You will make it.


Lambo plate: HPB-2508

There will be a new website soon. Exposure to roundeyes will grow.

Bought 100k, when mooning?

this is a pump and dump shill thread

Are you fucking too stupid to go check the white paper yourself? Should I just not tell people that there is a coin that claims they are partnered with China Union Pay? GTFO

>big volume pump in the last 24 hours
>literally who coin
>whitepaper in a nutshel: the coin is fast please buy it
nice shitcoin
good luck with your pnd, hope you don't get fucked by the gubmint

> PnD
> Coin price is not moving

Shill analysis:

HPB, future of crypto, will put 50% of this month's salary into this shit.

This is going to $200-300 ea by AOY, and it only has a max total supply of 100m (same as ETH and NEO) and there will be a major release next month.

>they're using TCP/UDP Offload engines in an FPGA
Shit. This might be real.

Any proof of their FPGA implementations?
WaltonChain has shown their RFID chips for instance.

I've been shilling this weeks ago with no effects. don't worry they will fomo anyway

t. Chainlink holder.

we buying cupcakes now?

Mainnet launch: Q2 2018

Their english is shit because they are chinks (it will get better as HPB gains in popularity), and as we know chinks = good tech

A little too technical for me, but there is a photo at the top of a smart China man holding up their prototype.

> Brainlets think it's a pajeet PnD shill
> Will buy in after 20x anyway
"Do you want fries with that?"

those look delicious

Checked. I love language barriers. They allow anyone with the least bit of investigative skills to get ahead of the pack. I can't wait to see biz hop on board when we are trading at $25.

I hope that there aren't any moon missions planned in the next 10 days, I need to fucking accumulate.

So this is an ERC20 token I can send to my Ethereum wallet, right?

Are you willing to risk it? :)

stores fine in MEW

MEW works great.

Ok, stop trolling now guys, the guy might actually send his HPB to his MEW wallet.

When mainnet?

my grandma used to give me candies in those shape and color oh man i miss her

The people shilling this shitcoin are literal chinese SCUM. they seriously need to piss off of this board.

How much do you own?

Fuck off, this is the only coin out of dozens that has ever made me lose money.

this coin was textbook buy high sell low for me, ive lost faith already

Exactly. I looked into this project last month but can't see a legitimate reason for the token to exist. For that reason, I'm out. I'm sure it pump before too long and make some money....but It's still a lame investment.

Q2 2018, already posted the link in this thread.

But it IS ERC20. Plebs, do your f'ing research. We're on something and FUDders fuck around here.

That is where I store my is an ERC 20

Thanks, accumulating for a masternode now.

Ok boyyos, I was just trying to make the kid paranoid, jeez.

Agree. This and MAN will be the biggest gainers this month

This month meaning feb or march?

IMO February is when it starts and March is when it gets crazy.

partnership with BTO too
already have some HPB, not sure to put more money in HPB or BTO