Is there a reason i keep buying high and selling low?
Is there a reason i keep buying high and selling low?
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fomo turns to fola
yeah actually there is
you refuse to average out your buys and sells
You think you can time both the top and the bottom, and you miss miserably each time
When it goes up you think its going up forever
When it goes down you think its going to zero
basically you're fucking retarded
Learn to read bb lines never buy above middle
Now if btc go and do his shit there its nothing to do just lose litle and sell qith litle loss
it's the brain damage, the same one that compels you to post frogs
You don’t fucking sell in a crash, brainlet. That’s when you’re supposed to buy more.
You're a retarded weakhand faggot
But why do i always do the opposite?
>buy chain link
>hodl until 200$
>congrats you made it
is this that hard?
double 7 dubs confirm
because you're fucking retarded and think you can time the market.
Repeat after me:
>I cannot time the market, timing the market is a trillion dollar question that I cannot answer, I am in no way smart enough to solve it. I will instead average out my buying point over a period of time, buying more during larger dips and selling some for fiat during the next ATH or peak.
This is the Veeky Forumsway user
In my head what youre saying makes complete sense but for some reason i cant apply it when trading
whoah nice rare apu thnx op
i am suffering from this same mental illness user, i keep making this same mistake
thanks, I'm actually screencapping this
It's because you are a certified Veeky Forumslet.
your other option:
unironically HODL with good coins, change positions to more promising projects if any come out every 4 months or so
Considering even tethering up costs a transaction fee, trading and averaging out is pretty fucking stupid unless you're playing with 5+ figures
Hodl is a dumb fucking meme but its not a bad strategy. Maybe tether your initial or like 50% of your portfolio if you see a new ATH. Buy back in if we go 50% below that.
Because you're a dum-dum. Tip: whenever you get those urges/instincts that tell you to buy or sell, do the exact opposite. Guaranteed profit. This is what separates the winners from the pink wojaks on this board
Normies, when they talk about buying/selling, say things to the effect of
"I buy when it starts going up and looks like it'll keep going"
"I sell if it looks like it's going to drop hard"
It would be a perfectly reasonable winning strategy: the big problem (the one the normie mind can't seem to process) is there's no characteristic "look" for an upswing or downswing. So you're basically just guessing wildly and it's going to make you buy high and sell low
>Hodl is a dumb fucking meme but its not a bad strategy.
This. it's not just cryptos either
(((Elite))) active trading professionals got raped over a decade by amateurs who simply hodl.
>Invested million dollars
Of course it is better to hodl whene you have million dolllars, but when you start with 2k, it is dumb to hodl unless you don't plan on earning 5k in a year. Which you can earn begging on the street
Yeah putting in 2k worth of dollars a year ago when Eth was 10 bucks and holding would have been fucking retarded, amirite?
daytrading with a small amount is a good way to lose it all to transaction and trade fees even if you break even, that way you can make pink wojack threads like everyone else here!
>hurr but im da smartust i will time da mar cat!
Yes, untrained neets full of hubris are great at trading kek
This user is right. Basically when in a downtrend, stock up on fiat and buy in increments. Say if you have 100k then buy in 10k increments. If you think it's gonna rise, buy your first 10k if you think this is the first sign of a reversal. If it goes down the next day, wait again and resist the urge to sell. If you think a reversal is now about to happen then buy another 10k. If it goes up the next then buy 10k, then another, then another until you exhaust the 100k. Congrats, you just averaged out. Now all you do is either ride the market and hold or set a timetable when you want to cash out gains.
condition yourself that price drop does not equal sell all.
You sell only a percentage, then buy back on the drop with the percentage you sold at the top.
Otherwise you're gambling.
>He didn't even read the article
Forgot how anti-knowledge Veeky Forumstards are
It was amateur s&p500 hodlers vs "professional" traders
>In 2007, Warren Buffett entered a million-dollar bet with the fund manager Protégé Partners that the S&P 500 would beat a basket of hedge funds over the next decade.
>His S&P 500 index fund compounded a 7.1% annual gain over 10 years, beating an average increase of 2.2% by the basket of funds selected by Protégé Partners.
>Buffett has taken issue with hedge funds' high fees and their promise of outperforming the market.