>no coiner
No coiner
Reminder: Don't put all of your life savings in crypto.
That's all he had to say, by now his retarded statement is ammo for boomers.
Eh hes what close to 24 now? In 30 years all the boomers will be dead and VB will be one of, if not the richest person in the world.
He can wait. I can wait. Boomers do not have the option to wait.
So fuck em
he's really not wrong
only retards will disagree
He knows xtrabytes will bring eth value to near zero
He isn't wrong you know.
>don't put all your assets in crypto
>has 700 million in crypto
scumbag vitalick.jpeg
Crypto put its assets in him
He said "don't put in more money than you afford to lose". He can definitely lose all those millions, he surely has some safer investment like stocks or real state.
His tweet is absolutely spot on to be honest.
How does it feel to be retarded?
>known communist pedo vitalik and beta chink scammer charlie feel guilty about people losing money so they fud and state the obvious
can someone just kill these fuckers? or fork their coins and make them irrelevant
He's right
This is the truth.
He all ready famous, "government" can take his
coin easy, what the point, might as well buy normal stock for him.
have fun with you .00000045% interest in a savings account grandpa
yeah sure kid he can afford to lose 1 billion dollars so he keeps it in wallets that are publicly visible instead of a bank.
I guarantee you 99.9% of his net worth is in crypto.
why do people think vitalik is a communist
vitalik got paid by polish government to fud crypto
Roger Charlie and VB are the public figures of crypto.
Is it any wonder boomers and all that sweet retirement money are concerned about investing?
We despertly need an Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, etc to come along and shill crypto properly. Public relations are a disaster now but hopefuly in the next few years things will improve.
>public figures of crypto
does nobody see why this is a problem? what happened to decentralization
>I guarantee you 99.9% of his net worth is in crypto.
So? He will still survive if he loses all his crypto, unlike normie retards taking out loans to buy XRP.
if 99.9% of his assets are in crypto, then that would mean that he has $70k in traditional assets, far more than most people his age you complete fucking moron. All crypto could go to $0 and he'd be sitting pretty. So yes, he can afford to lose everything he has invested in crypto, even if you're right.
In reality, he probably has millions in traditional investments.
Well Charlie did dump his bags.
I think lots of people see it as a problem.
Thats why BTC is king and will be for the forseable future.
>immutable ledger isn't actually immutable
>rolls back chain whenever his premine tokens are at risk
>doesn't scale
can someone please tell me why this shitcoin isn't zero?
In reality he could easily find a good job or start a new project.
Satoshi Play to change the world, shit head like charlie just wanted to get rich fast
Exactly. With $70k on the side, plus the fame and skills he has, he wont ever be hurting for money. And that's if he has LITERALLY 99.9% of his assets in crypto. If he has 95% of his assets in crypto then he never has to worry about working again, regardless of how well crypto does.
You are missing the fact that any decentralized blockchain can fork any arbitrary reason, including returning lost funds. It's up to the community to decide whether or not to support the new fork. Clearly a majority of the market supported the fork by choosing it over ETC. That's how consensus is supposed to work. And no major blockchain projects have been proven to scale yet, although sharding in its current state can already support thousands of tx/s which is quite decent.
Just because it can fork doesn't mean it should, everyone who had funds in DAO deserved what they got. I'm skeptical as to whether the fork would have occurred had vitalik not been heavily invested. Nobody, especially the creator, should have that much power