Link programmers

For people who went trough the link code base. What are your thoughts. Please no unnecessary fud of shilling. Let's keep it serious.

Other urls found in this thread:

you cant have a good discussion on an user image board. To much noise

You can at least until the tards come an shit the thread. Did you go trough their github repo ?What do you think ?

Wonder about this too. So far people have been negative about the code quality.

I'm impressed, couple of things so far:

The way you use Chainlink in Ethereum is simple and nicely implemented, you form a request with a few lines of solidity and send it to a contract which then is picked up by the node. Example here.
The way core adaptors are implemented is very modular. This means it'll be very easily for developers to contribute to the repo with ones they create. Allowing it to natively support other chains like Neo, XLM etc easily.
The network isn't currently implemented in this version. It's just for local development at the minute, so all data requests go to the node you have running.
The node talks to Geth (ETH) over Websockets which is good, as that'll speed up things compared to using RPC for example.
EDIT: The CLI utility is nice, here's a successful run of a job getting data.

I'm just writing my own contracts at the minute which uses the Chainlink nodes. I'll think of some ideas which I can create and probably write some content up on Medium.

nice copy pasta from reddit

is he correct?

It's not the quality , but there is no code relating to the chainlink network(and how it will work) only the json adapter logic.

i don't know man i'm not a programmer but probably

No there is no chain link network only the adapters.

Disclaimer i sold my link. So you know my position.

its not copypasted

Yes it is i saw it in the main thread that found the repo.

yes it's a comment from linkpool dev

What you didnt know is that Sergey indeed isnt getting the ballroom.. he is getting the cheteau. A grand palace with a throne room to match his rotund figure, there will be thousands upon thousands of chairs for an audience hungry to hear master Sergeys words. Rory will swoop in while the roaring crowds chant for their king to appear, leaving big macs on the throne to tempt sergey into a faster response. Shortly after, loud and thunderous footsteps like tjose of a gods begin to draw closer as one radiantly cosmic end of sergeys gut breaches the room. Slowly but surely sergeys form begins to take shape, like the titanic crossing the atlantic. Sergey will spot the big mac, and promptly sit on it, absorbing it with his hyperevolved skin that allows direct big mac absorbance to the digestive system. Sergey looks up, sweat dripping from his face after the long and dangerous trek from the makeup room to the throne room. He utters but a single word, "smart contracts". The entire room faints as their souls are torn from their bodies in a glorious light. Sergey transcends mortality and his gargantuan soul leaves for his big cube in the sky.

Yes it is

I hate brainlets.

You have homicidal/suicidal tendencies.

Yeah oke it is a copypasta

Did any of you actually go trough the code ?

If I may believe Reddit, which I won't. The code is alright, apart from it needing to be ridden of bugs.

What is alright ? can you go more in detail ?

Alright means that it isn't bad and not amazing, it serves it purpose. Idk go read the fucking thread.