Car/folio thread

How x's does my port have to go to be able to afford a Jaguar F type sport? What % of your net worth should be spent on a vehicle anyways? Also a folio/car you want to buy thread

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You need to have at least 1 million dollars before even thinking about spending that kind of money on a depreciating asset. Your best bet is get one a few years old or just get a Honda for now. Don't spend more than 5% of your net worth on a car man. Just don't.

The expensive car meme is a joke if you anything over 5% of your networth on a car you’re a retard

Iv got 500k and wouldn’t even think about owning that (even though I would love to). The thing is to pull it off you have to have the house/apartment to go with it IMO. I’d consider it if I reached 2M in fiat/assets plus another 1M in crypto

What are the %%% that are best to follow for expenses like cars etc? Did someone do the math on this, are there any statistics?

5% is a little low
if my net worth is $100k i feel ok having a $12k car

you could always lease it tho, no?

This guy does a good analysis on the car thing. Not sure about the rest.
Literally the most expensive way to own a car other than straight up renting.

I thought you should always pay cash for a car. Unless they're offering some bullshit 0% interest and then you just pay it all off at once
Solid advice. I need to begin acquiring quality assets first.

this. also no one is going to respect a greasy NEET in a sports car anyways

just get a camry

Part 1

So I need 2MM. Damn


> smart car

Wow really

Part 2

My income doesn't solely come from crypto, in fact it's a VERY small part that I'm only using for university.

Also to all of the faggots screaming about cars being a bad investment: you're absolutely right, they are.
Cars are entirely for fun, unless you're a dealer you're not going to make any money. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and cars are really only something to enjoy, not use as an investment.

I just love cars. They're my passion and my business has offered me the ability to drive a fun car.

It’s not a financially smart thing to do unless you absolutely have to have a new car every couple of years....
Also I’d never buy new, nearly new with around 1000 miles will save you so much money

Hey, if it makes you happy then more power to you. I like cars too but I'm still gonna wait until I've really made it. If I dropped 50k on your pic related, I'd just beat myself up over the potential gains lost. In the meantime, I'll keep driving my 10 year old Cobalt even though I have a
>mid 6 figure crypto portfolio

You should be leasing your car and writing it off on your taxes as it is for company use. If you don't have a business then get off of Veeky Forums and start one.

Anyone else think a Porsche looks like a woman's car?

>50k on your pic related
good god no, I'm still in uni. I closed that car for $22k, and got the payment down to $150 a month with a warranty because I do social media management and redid the website for the dealership.

kek fags earning in crypto just to afford some car

only the cayenne. I think the smug looking "smile" that the front end makes the car look all the more cocky and sure of itself, if that makes any sense whatsoever.

It's like the car KNOWS it's faster than the tryhard car next to it with the faux-menacing styling, and doesnt have to try that hard for people to buy it

Yeah, that's right. I remember you from a thread a while back posting about your car and being in school and getting a lot of pussy with it. Good job, user.

i am going to stay away from these threads. I post it too much

Also for any enterprising people like me out there, used car lots are prime targets. Owners have a lot of cash and are always looking for ways to expand business. Tweet for them , and they'll lower your monthly payment if you have/want to finance