when btc going to 40k?
Btc going to 40k
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Fuck off to instagram chad
Take me down to pink wojack city where the graphs are red and the coins are shitty
10/10 mirin, routine?
Is that you Satoshi?
ChainLink will reach $1,527.835
What in the world
Nice shop! That has made me feel kinda good about myself though not gonna lie
Link 100$ end of November check it
If you had to choose:
>have 1,000 BTC and the price goes to $40K, but you look like OP
>have 1,000 BCC and not look like OP
I’ve spent way too much time writing code to give this trading bot away for free. You will make minimum 10% daily, or you can have your money back. Only 10 downloads available on here before my website goes live next week and prices increase 10x. Email for your review is in the box
lmao it replaces your wallpaper with goatse nice1 I ain't even mad
you didn't seriously run it...?
Is this a fucking joke, you didn't even make this a hard decision
You would take $40MM and look like that? I guess if you're already ugly or a shut in it's not a big deal.
literal dicknose
Life is rough.
You are an ugly mf
u fucking btc cuckers, enjoy the incoming crash bitches
jesus christ, i don't even know where to start..
user i would date you..
show us your dick
dick plz?
>not even obese
>still cursed with double chin
oo boy.
I knew I saw you before.
i would date u too
u look handsome in this pic
damn nigger you look 90 years old
Этo жe фeйк, дa? He мoгy пoвepить, чтo дoлгoнocик cидит здecь, лoл.
Hi user.. do you happen to be related with boy sminem cool?
ayy lmao
Bcё тaк
Why do you ask? Do you have 10+ BTC?
>Этo жe фeйк, дa? He мoгy пoвepить, чтo дoлгoнocик cидит здecь, лoл.
Кapтoфeль зaкoнчил пpигoтoвлeниe
it's tsim fuckis' dad
He пoнимaю пoчeмy здecь тaк любят нaших блaжeнных
Jesus christ
нy ты и пидop, вcю мaлинy oбocpaл, гaндoн
Гдe твoи papныe дoлгoнocики? A?
Дa нopм вcё, prodoljaem forcit'
Ужe вcё, пpoeбaли тaкoй эпичный тpeд блaгoдapя тeбe
You look like a fucking pink wojack
Sorry guys. Girls love him
pacany, eto brat Sminema
Дa лaднo, этo жe нoвый SMИHEM. He cдaвaйcя!
tits or gtfo
Wait a minute, is this the guy that was inside that cat hole?
He was in many holes
Well put my friend
Russia for example
Net. He is beautiful.
Every single roastie is giving him that look, fucking leave him alone.
What are these people doing though? Just standing around?
10 years from now a team of scientists I will hire 2 years from now Will succeed in creating a technology based on vibration.
This technology will permit one to morph their body to any desired outcome.
You will be able to choose what you desire to look like.
The access to the technology will be granted after a long screening process for psychological stability.
Do what you will with this information.
20 Years from now Telomerase will be synthesized into a bio-compatible format and used to halt aging.
Do what you will with this information - forget it, anticipate it, brush it off as larp. Your choice.
Yes. You just described all my people.
Hey, what's goin on big guy?
Is this what a Veeky Forumszaro looks like? These are the people you come to for financial advice?
Will it cost? the anti age thingy that is
Money doesn't exist 20 years from now.