This token has no room for growth. People that are saying 1,000$ eoy are delusional...

This token has no room for growth. People that are saying 1,000$ eoy are delusional. It would take a miracle for it to see 30$ in two years.
I suggest you take a long, hard look at the project . It's quite easy to see that this token is unnecessary and uneeded. ETH will use the plasma network and the dividends you get from staking OMG are pitiful.

Other urls found in this thread:\

About time an user with some sense. I mean if you invested 1000$ into this meme coin 1 Quarter ago you'd just about be broken even right now. While every other coin did a x3 minimum

This coin is NOGO

>he has to bump his thread after only one reply
guess the fud campaign isn't going so well

>Fud campaign
Enjoy your bags, there is no reasoning with you.

Consider using Stake United for staking, masternodes, etc. - stakes for you.

Read this

and the followup

>the dividends you get from staking OMG are pitiful.
[citation needed]

2 dollars per year per token.

>I searched for people on the internet and couldn't find anything so they must not be real!

[citation needed]

>implyung that is at all bad

successful people have results on the internet

good fud just bought 100k

nobody cares, stop posting your shitty articles. literally nobody cares

op is the same guy been expose for FUD guys is ferocious and post on many site

Sanjeev Kumar called him out

I've read that Plasma won't be ready in few years, so they will use Tendermint protocol at the start. I mean, lol?

>People that are saying 1,000$ eoy are delusional.

>It would take a miracle for it to see 30$ in two years.

I made over 60% in a week?

>I've read that Plasma won't be ready in few years
[citation needed]

>responding to a delusional migger

Shit token, it is dumping into the ground and was losing against btc even when btc got pumped. Price is also totally not being manipulated. Depth chart most legit ever.

fuck off niglet

It's kind of pointless unless you own thousands

holy shit dude just move on with your life. your FUD article didn't work, nobody is selling. We're up 35% in the last 7 days. you're irrelevant, go buy more twitter followers and taller shoes.

>this grandpa aged hindi speaking pajeet doesn't have a lot of english info about him!

sold these bags at a loss back in January and it felt great

Returned to normal after the crash

Sell sell sell before it dumps anymore

>Token has no more room for growth
>Just like your growth plates when you were 14 years old

If I make it big, Ill throw some ETH your way for your leg lengthening procedure since Im a nice guy.

Look it up, it's common knowledge.

>It would take a miracle for it to see 30$ in two years.

Another contrarian market indicator that Omisego is going to pump.

Keep it up Veeky Forums reddit is watching.

>Look it up, it's common knowledge.
[citation needed]


A fat lying nigger lul, seriously what's with niggers always doing stupid shit.

wat does this mean? once the wall is cracked the price will plummet like a rock?

>ITT: "6-7" faggots making the same jokes about a manlet nigger supposedly using VPNs
projection, thy name is omisegoys

>I've read that Plasma won't be ready in few years,
[Citation needed]

>it's common knowledge.
[Citation needed]

i just don't understand how everything there is to know about omg isn't already priced in, after all, it has been dicking around for ages in crypto terms tbqh

This is a coordinated attack just like we say on PFR last week. OMG is arguably the most manipulated coin in the market. It also has the most potential of any erc-20 token.




manlet nigger is a sad nigger because he as at a genetic disadvantage and he has height envy of Jun from OmiseGo because Jun is also short but he is average height by Thailand standards.

Meanwhile, manlet nigger is in the USA and he got bullied all of his life by his average height nigger bretheren. Whenever he went out to bars with his friends girls laughed at him. Now he is on a personal mission to attack an ex executive pajeet, because he attributes his manlet nigger genetics to be unfair, while Jun from Omisego slams pussy for being average height in Thailand.

just sold my OMG for XRB, thx user

>muh plasma
> muh 1 million txns


>no working product
> omg literally an ERC-20 shitcoin that will be used as intermediary for transactions on plasma

The ONLY reason for this is that Vitalik thanks Jun for his donation to his foundation. It's just an experiment. LOL @ thinking this will truly change the world.

Ethereum is just an experiment. It hasn't done anything of value in the real world yet.

shoo shoo nigger. Your VPNs and empirical data can't cover up for the fact that you are a little nigger

No one is using a VPN man. This is getting sad.

And if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. Dude, we get it, you are mad because you have no prospects at a romantic life being a nigger and being 5'1. no amount of game theory can ever help you and Omisego FUD campaign is just a bandaid for the underlying fact that you are a shit stain to the human gene pool.

>And if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle
You sir are steely eyed man of vision. Top Kek

I'm not even black, you deluded idiot.