Be 5ft 9, white, Veeky Forums, decent job, decent savings and investments

>be 5ft 9, white, Veeky Forums, decent job, decent savings and investments
>still can't get a gf

>be smelly pajeet
>have an arranged marriage


Seriously though, what the fuck happened? Why is it nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf / wife in the west?

How many girls have you asked out in the past year?

I'm on literally every dating site imaginable but never get any replies back and get ghosted often

this. my hobby is girls and i spend all of my free time in public chatting up every girl thats a 6+/10 that i see. i get usually 50-100 numbers a week cause i dont have a real job and this is all i do. ive also managed to have sex with like 30 girls so far this year including a couple threesomes.

You act as if 5'9 is okay

>Why is it nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf / wife in the west
Your problem is you're not ordinary. You're an autist on Veeky Forums


well im 5'6 and i do fine

this nigga is literally on fucking dating sites lmao

>Why is it nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf / wife in the west?


are you looksmatching?

if you're average looking you have little to no chance to getting a girl hotter than you


im 5'3 and i have had 3 girlfriends, its something

>be 5ft 9, white, Veeky Forums, decent job, decent savings and investments
Women don't want any of that idiot. If you aren't black poor and stupid then just give up.

lol same

>my hobby is girls and i spend all of my free time in public chatting up every girl thats a 6+/10 that i see

you sound like an enormous loser

> Why is it nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf / wife in the west?

A wife is one thing, but if you can’t get a gf then you’re most certainly not an ordinary guy.

Don't be mean to him he's at least trying.

You are probably a creep and girls can detect that kind of shit

>Why is it nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf / wife in the west?
it's not


I don't know anons. It kind of is...I made a fake tinder with shit quality pics of an average looking black guy and got 5-10 matches a day with cute white girls. Meanwhile I have FOUR matches (all fat) being white with professional (I actually paid the highest rated photographer in my area to take pics for tinder) pictures.

So yes, it is nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf in the US.

>you're not a chad
>you're probably a creep / loser
>just need confidence bro

Fuck off Veeky Forums. These are not arguments. These are extreme examples. OUTLIERS.

This does not explain how ugly guys (who are in the majority) are able to get gfs and married.

I'm actually helping him because if he tells people shit like that in real life they probably think he's a huge fag but aren't confrontational enough to say anything.

I married a russian, I'm white, good looking and wealthy. I also have social skills. I married a non-American because for the most part American girls are ruined. Games, Ego, bullshit, drug problems, pregnancies, poor motivation, not to mention pretty much guaranteed to be a landwhale at some point. I forget the statistic but a large number of C.E.O.'s marry Asians or something like that.

no, no... i thought BLACKED was just a meme... NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING NOOO

Right this is true too, to some extent American women stopped looking for the best candidate to raise a family with and started looking for "muh dick". Its fucking gross.

why are you here?

pajeets literally cant get a gf without arranged marrige, they are ugly as sin and creepy

Ill caution you of this. Women pick up on the mindset of a man that has been denied and denied very easily. Subtle resentments, firm scheduling and accountability. This shit scares them off. In general the concept is the more you treat them like shit the more they are interested, just as well though, they know when a guy is only treating them like shit because he has figured that out.

lol you are delusional and don't want to hear the true, you are either a creep, autist or really really really fucking ugly

i like making money. if im not here im out talking to women

This. Better get rich and aim low

post a pic of yourself. are you ugly and/or autistic? if so that explains it

Because white people have no culture and are easily subverted, your culture is that of degeneracy; everything has a throwaway value.

The other day i was watching a talkshow program where there was all white women who had became pregnant and didnt know who the father was. Most of them were talking about whether it was thier ex or tinder date 1 or 2, this is why you cannot get married or have a gf to must give yourself into the degeneracy and become a hollow husk only sated by physical needs.

this. it's just tough love. i dont mind people pointing out my faggotry here or other Veeky Forums boards

>>be 5ft 9

Paid for photo
They want to see you have non autistic friends. If you can't get that be doing something cool (sports, outdoors) if you can't do that, get a dog. If you can't do that, work on the above.

Mr poo your gf

Poo in it.

let Veeky Forums rate/critique your tinder pic

I think there are dating websites for the malformed and circus freaks.

>paid attractive extras to pretend to be my friend for photo at a bar
>borrowed cousin's dog for puppy pic
user I already have that. The only reason I paid for the pics was because I read that high quality pictures increase your matches. I followed literally every piece of conventional tinder advice that is out there and I get worse results than a fake profile with a bunch of selfies of an average looking black guy.

Think about dating outside your race.
My family is white but my older bro married a Nigerian-American woman. She's Christian, intelligent, makes great money (pharmacist), and respects traditional family roles.
I wish I could get with one of her cousins or friends. But I'm too much of NEET weirdo ;(

Go bounce on your boys dick faggot.

because of female hypergamy, they're all waiting to take their turn with chad. they'll wait as long as it takes. you're not chad so you can just fucking die for all they care

dude, even the ugly girls get a turn on chad when he's drunk. why would a 5/10 female settle for a 5/10 male when she can get an 8/10 or even 9/10 chad once a month at least if she hangs out at the right clubs

lol, that's right i forgot. a woman will also judge you based on how cool your friends and family are.

it's almost like women don't care who you are, but rather what you can do for her. and only until she can find someone to trade up to, with no innate concept of loyalty

yeah but his kids are going to end up in jail unless he takes them to see black panther and raises him with firm wakandan values

kek nice, your just like me

Una creatura

The chad-gene truly is eternal across races


Because you're ordinary.

>t. 5'3" supreme emperor of manlets that has only ever gone 2 weeks w/o a gf or girl to fuck

It's a certain kind of subtle treating them like shit.

Basically you can only go as far as you can reasonably rationalize that you're not intentionally treating them like shit. If you get called out on treating them like shit intentionally, you have to be able to play it off like treating them like shit wasn't your intention at all.

If YOU can rationalize it to yourself, they can rationalize it for you. Women are pansies and they love giving bad people the benefit of the doubt, while scrutinizing good people looking for bad intentions so as not to get taken advantage of. This mentality is exploitable if you know what you're doing.

>5ft 9
Manlets, when will they ever learn?

>Veeky Forums
why is every Veeky Forumsizen a faggy beta manlet desu?

>Seriously though, what the fuck happened? Why is it nearly impossible for an ordinary white guy to get a gf / wife in the west?

You already know the answer. White girls are regarded by all other races of men as earth's whores now. If a white woman goes to a conservative non western country, especially India or an Islamic country, she will be swarmed by men who try to fuck her like a cheap whore.

It truly does suck being a white guy these days, we've fallen victim to our own success. I sometimes wish I was an asian dude living in an asian country where I could marry an uncorrupted asian woman, because if I date an asian girl as a white guy it becomes LE WMAF MEME. I just wanna date an asian girl without being seen as a weirdo, fuck.

>be 5ft 9
That's part of the problem.

>caring about what other people think
You'll never make it

Can't help it bro. I'm a nerdy white software engineer, I'd be a walking meme if I got an asian gf. My family has even predicted I would get an asian gf even though I'm not a weeb and haven't said anything suggesting I like asian girls.

>makes fake tinder profile as a black guy
>pays for tinder pics for the real one
You sound autistic son, you're not average guy, you're a creep.

no he's just an intelligent and high analytical person

it's because unlike white people pajeets don't get divorced at the drop of a hat