We gonna make it Biz Bros
>What is the brightest thing we can pose in front of?
whos the soyboy and the boomer
Who are this?
is he fatter?
Of course hes out getting food
Sources say whatever that is wasnt lit until Serg himself stood infront of it
post more pics of qt asian grill
Sergey is unironically /one_of_us/
Notice how his mass is hidden behind the two other men
notice how they are in the food court
If you're the poltard on the left, please tell us everything about your Japanese idol panty collection.
did you get anything out of him? SWIFT? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Sergey doesn't do hover hands. Alpha as fuck brah
Lord Sergey is getting so dominantly huge his shirt buttons are about to rip off
>all this soyboy, autist, and boomer clothing mixed into one photo
just but 100k because of this but get these boys to Veeky Forums desu
I've never thought about killing anyone seriously, but I'd love to wrap my hands around her and strangle her until she stopped breathing and I don't know why.
Are you okay? I would at least expect you to rape her corpse after, but killing for killing, without a reason? come on...
sergey hasn't even bought a bigger shirt
its the same one his worn for years. this is the sort of autism im happy to be invested in
>you will never choke her to death with your benis
why even live
can confirm
Who is that nigger on the left standing against wall?
Guy on our left is Jason Parsons, guy on right is Rory who is unable to do as much work on the project as he'd like due to obligations of raising his wife's daughter.
sergey's butler
Who is she, I'm legit unfamiliar
He's the tech lead. You got a problem with that whiteboi?
Odell Beckham Junior, NFL player who invested 1 million into LINK.
His full name is Jasonius Tyquon Parser.
I just want to know whos this fedora wearing fuck in the center of the screen
I feel like Sergey is too wholesome for Veeky Forums I’m almost 99% sure that he’s visited here in the past couple of months. Who knows, maybe lowkey he’s a shitlord.
take a guess
Sergey must know about us, he HAS to.
Also with the proliferation of Custom LINK cubes the whole world will know
who is the guy on the left
Sergey was actually shilling ChainLink for once
user, that's not a fedora...
I have the same feeling, I wouldn't worry about it too much user.
That fella is a member of the holy tribe.
Getting his dick wet tonight
dude with the brown hair and navy blue shirt sitting at the very front to the right of sergey is the Veeky Forumsraeli who livestreamed it on twitter
That’s a 3rd gen holocaust survivor who settled in Orange County NY
don’t speak that way about Rory she is a respectable woman.
He's got cool shoes, they look new. Who else would just like to hang out with Sergei and be his friend? He seems like a nice guy.
think ass blaster is there?
Absolutely. I'd love to have some good talks with him and good food.
Apple partnership???
What the actual fuck is going on
Kek walks among us today. He too is a LinkMarine
Praise Kek
Maybe not yet a god, but definitely more than just a human
Looks like a jew.
A jew interested in LINK, is this good or bad?
Pendleton Woolen Mills (that's a tag about wash instructions)
Nobody has realized that guy on left is Rory?
I see 5 women here. Who can say they aren't represented in crypto?
I was the twitter streamer and hes unrecognizable from his telegram profile picture.
that's Rory and the guy on the left is Thomas Hodges one of the new developers / technical community manager
but ye he seem like a guy who'd enjoy feasting on wings and beer together with and be semi degenerate with while having intellectual conversations, 9/10, would befriend.
thomas looks autistic as fuck, just bought 10k more. LINK will be a top 5 crypto
nothin personnel goy
Autism sneaks, based on this I would rate chainlink a solid buy.
is this the shirt?
ok so Sergey and I wear the same brand soooooooo
jesus christ user, obviously not the same shirt
The day the singularity hits I'm going to start exclusively wearing plaid shirts as a nod to my fellow stinkies without broadcasting that I'm a millionaire to tyrone. Anybody have similar plans?
no but someone needs to find it. PLEASE!!!!!
We could all use the same plaid shirt.
Every time you see someone in the streets with it you would know it's a chainlink millionaire. Only us would know.
People in the back don't even know how close they were to greatness. Sad.
we need to get on the tartan registry if that's possible, or choose an existing one
absolutely. i bet he even comes here every now and then just for the memes.
Someone shop this so there is flannel coming out from behind the other two
every kid will be wearing that shirt in the future just like our generations used to wear Ronaldo's (the real one) t-shirts
Gotta love that stone-cold Ryan Gosling glare between the two soygrins.
Yeah no shit, he's probably smart and waiting for us to completely hop off chainlink so when it explodes we're not associated with his product in any way
this. i want to buy 100k
you kidding. The best marketing is to become a meme.
>tfw Veeky Forums incarnates the newly hired marketing director
a bunch of anons generating ads, all for free.
>tfw once SXSW occurs and sergey announces marketing, and normies start to learn about LINK, all the memes will leak and make sense
singularity then
With the autism sneaks too
Who’s that cute little bear he has his left arm around?
The female presence in that room is pretty disgusting
sneakers for maximum standing efficiency
sergey is a big guy
Cool thread
Well played
lol that pic got me
>that pic
Link 1 Trillion EOY